

2017-09-10 刘永鑫 植物微生物组



微生物组关联分析(Microbiome/Metagenome-wide association studies , MWAS)是指捕获多维尺度上的互作作用,从而提供捕获复杂作用关系的方法,该方法切实可行的预测微生物组和疾病状态的关系。就是不做任何假设的分析整个微生物组的结构变化,目的是鉴定与疾病、表型相关的微生物物种、基因或代谢物质等。全微生物组关联分析 (MWAS) 与全基因组关联分析 (GWAS) 有些类似,都是把某些复杂的特征(如物种、基因)与表型特征关联起来。

国内最早研究肠道菌群的学者赵立平教授于2013年首次在Nature Reviews Microbiology期刊上提出了微生物组关联分析 (Microbiome-wide association studies ,MWAS)的概念和研究策略。

微生物组关联分析的研究策略(Figure 1 of Zhao LP, 2013, Reviews Microbiology)

这篇文章发布的4年后,此类研究如雨后春笋班的发表在各大顶级期刊上,方法也有了很大改进。最新的综述是2016年末王俊的 Nature Reviews Microbiology 和 Jack Gilbert的Nature两篇重镑综述,系统的概述了近三年的研究成功,而且也对现有研究方法和末来趋势进行了总结与展望,开展此领域研究必读。


2017年9月5日,GIGA SCIENCE杂志在线发表了华大基因-青岛 金桃团队关于我国特色作物-小米微生物组关联分析的结果,中科院遗传发育所、佛罗里达大学、中科院南京土壤所等多家单位共同参与本研究。



小米(也称谷子、粟,英文Foxtail millet,拉丁名Setaria italica)由于具有耐旱和水分高效利用的特性,是干旱和半干旱地区重要的粮食作物。因此,理解小米遗传和环境因素对产量的影响非常重要。目前深圳华大国家基因库已经有2540份小米品种的表型和基因组数据。这些材料对于深入理解根系微生物如何影响小米的生长、发育和产量至关重要。







图1. 小米根和土壤细菌主要菌门。杨凌(YL)、张家口(ZJK)、非根际土(BS)、根际(RS)、根表(RP)

Fig.1 Dominant bacterial phyla detected in foxtail millet root compartments and bulk soils. YL: Yangling; ZJK: Zhangjiakou; BS: bulk soil; RS: rhizosphere; RP: rhizoplane.


图2. 采用主坐标轴分析小米根微生物组间Beta多样性。距离矩阵分别采用权重(a)和非权重Unifrac方法。结果表明微生境是组间最大差异;不同地理位置是第二大差异因素。

Fig.2 Principal coordinate analysis of foxtail millet root microbiota based on weighted (a) and unweighted (b) Unifrac matrices indicating that microhabitat is the largest separation factor (PCoA1) and geographic location is the second (PCoA2).YL: Yangling; ZJK: Zhangjiakou; BS: bulk soil; RS: rhizosphere; RP: rhizoplane.


图3. 根表核心微生物组的样式。(a) 韦恩图展示两地点根表共有和特有OTUs。(b) 共有和特有OTUs的目水平物种注释分类统计。

Fig.3 Characterization of the core rhizoplane microbiota. (a) Venn diagram depicting the number of shared and specific OTUs of the core rhizoplane OTUs from both fields.(b)Taxonomic distribution of the core rhizoplane OTUs at the order level. The shared core rhizoplane OTUs from YL and ZJK were colored with brown, the specific core OTUs from YL and ZJK were colored with red and blue, respectively. YL: Yangling; ZJK: Zhangjiakou; BS: bulk soil; RS: rhizosphere; RP: rhizoplane.


图4. 杨凌小米的微生物中存在与健康状况相关的标志(marker) OTUs 。
(a) 采用随机森林模型对根表OTUs与产量进行回归分析。预测得到75个标志OTUs与产量相关。(b) 热图结合层级聚类展示标志OTUs的平均丰度。

Fig.4 Bacterial marker OTUs correlated with foxtail millet general health in Yangling. (a) A random forest model was applied to regress the rhizoplane bacterial OTUs against grain weight. Five repeats of 10-fold cross-validation in the training set (n=709) resulted in 75 marker OTUs to predict grain weight of foxtail millet. (b) Heatmap and hierarchical clustering of the mean of marker OTUs. relative abundance against grain weight. The samples were grouped according to grain weight (range from 1-30g), such as grain weight per plant less than 2 gram was classified into the first group, less than 3 gram for the second group and so on. The left heat map was plotted with training set samples and the right from the test set samples. OTUs negatively and positively correlated to the yield were marked with different color. Negative: red; positive: green.


图5. 小米根表产量相关标志OTUs的共丰度网络。左侧为负相关,右侧为正相关。边的颜色表示不同的相关系数。点的文字为科注释,颜色 为门注释。

Fig.5 Co-occurrence network of marker OTUs in foxtail millet rhizoplane microbiota. The enrichment direction of marker OTUs were tested by Spearman‟s rank correlation test (adjusted P<0.05). Negative and positive correlations with yield were plotted. Edges between OTUs were colored according to the Spearman‟s correlation coefficients(cc), cc >0.8 (purple), between 0.6 and 0.8 (light to dark blue), or cc <-0.4(red). OTUs annotated to families are colored according to phylum.


图6. 根表或根际土中富集的KEEG通路。
(a) 根表和根际土相比,分别在张家口和杨淩地区富集的KEEG通路。红色为根表富集,蓝色为根际土富集,加号为富集程度较高。
(b) 根际、根表特异富集异生质生物降解途径。

Fig.6 KEGG pathways enriched in rhizoplane or rhizosphere soil samples. (a) The relative abundances of pathways were compared between rhizoplane to rhizosphere soil samples from Yangling and Zhangjiakou respectively. Pathways with a significant difference in reporter score (<-1.7, blue, enriched in rhizosphere soil; >1.7, red, enriched in rhizoplane) were retained. Reporter scores >2.3 or < -2.3 are shown in the map with +. (b) Compartment specific enrichment of Xenobiotics biodegradation pathways in rhizoplane and rhizosphere. The Reporter score of pathways more than 1.7 or less than -1.7 were plotted. YL: Yangling; ZJK: Zhangjiakou; BS: bulk soil; RS: rhizosphere; RP: rhizoplane.


  1. 原文 https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/gix089

  2. 疾病表型与微生物组关联分析——让你的研究瞬间高大上 http://genome.cn/News/Achievements/354.html

  3. Zhao L. The gut microbiota and obesity: from correlation tocausality[J]. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2013, 11(9): 639-647.

  4. Wang J, Jia H. Metagenome-wide association studies: fine-mining themicrobiome[J]. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2016, 14(8): 508-522.

  5. Gilbert J A, Quinn R A, Debelius J, et al. Microbiome-wide association studies link dynamic microbial consortia to disease[J]. Nature, 2016, 535(7610): 94-103.

  6. 你所要知道的宏基因组关联分析知识都在这里 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5OTcyNjU2OQ==&mid=2651428022&idx=1&sn=257f09eef8af085d710e379a661d81c6&scene=0#wechat_redirect

  7. 王俊新发Nature综述 http://www.sohu.com/a/105739425_152537


