
11/25 周六|来世的旋律天才 - Final Request|中国双城巡演北京站 - Aurora BJ 二楼

Tianen AURORA BJ 2023-12-29

2023.11.25 | 周六 / Sat.

10:00 pm - Late

○  时间表 / Timetable

Wongoman  -  10:00 pm

Mickey Zhang  -  11:30 pm

 Final Request  -  1:00 am 

Mario Yu  -  3:00 am

○  活动地点 / Event Location

○  入场酒券 / Admission

 早鸟 / Early bird:¥ 99 ( 限量 30 ) 

 预售 / Presale:¥ 150 

现场 / At door:¥ 200

( 均含酒水一杯 / Includes a drink )

【 入场通道 / Admission channel 】

【 加入活动群组 / Join the group 】

Final Request

“ Final Request 是一场冒险,它将开启新的视野,带你远离现实,进入另一个维度。”

“ Final Request is an adventure that will open up new horizons, take you away from reality to another dimension. ”

Final Request 的声音令人着迷且多才多艺,由失谐的合成器声音、坚实的低音线和真实的鼓声混合而成。旋律和序列的共生,深沉的氛围和纯粹的情感,充满意想不到的音景和旋律口音。

The sound of Final Request is mesmerizing and versatile, consisting of a mixture of detuned synth sounds, solid basslines and real drums. A symbiosis of melodies and sequences, a deep atmosphere and pure emotions full of unexpected soundscapes and melodic accents.

2020 年 6 月,常驻上海的电子音乐制作人 Anton Kazakov 通过赢得 Afterlife 旗下艺人 - KAS:ST 的混音比赛开启了“Final Request”这个项目。首次成功发行后,Anton 开始与 Atlant、Oddity 等唱片公司签约,并在 Beatport 排行榜上名列前茅。

In June 2020 Shanghai-based electronic music producer Anton Kazakov started the project by winning the remix competition for KAS:ST. After the first successful release, Anton begins to sign his music to labels such as: Atlant, Oddity and reached the high positions in Beatport charts.

他的音乐在 Tomorrowland、Awakenings 等最大的音乐节上演奏,并得到了旋律科技音乐界最著名代表的支持,如 Solomun、Tale Of Us、Adriatique 等。

His music is played on the biggest festivals like Tomorrowland, Awakenings and supported by the most famous representatives of the melodic techno scene, such as Solomun, Tale Of Us, Adriatique to name a few.

Tale Of Us Playing Final Request Track

- 《Closed Door》on the Afterlife party

Tale Of Us Playing Final Request Track

- 《Injustice》at Printworks London

2022年9月,他在 Diynamic Music 厂牌上发行了 EP《Fallen Enemies》。主打歌成为今年夏天最受欢迎的 ID 之一。Pete Tong 在他的 BBC Radio 1 广播节目中将这首歌曲选为“Essential New Tune”。

In September 2022 he released the “ Fallen Enemies EP ” on Diynamic Music label. The title track became one of the most sought IDs of the summer. Pete Tong selected this track as “ Essential New Tune ” on his radio show on BBC Radio 1.

2023 年,Final Request 受邀在柏林传奇的 Watergate club 演出,并发行了他们厂牌的 EP。

In 2023 Final Request was invited to perform at the legendary Watergate club in Berlin and release an EP on their label.


The artist says that he’s not into dividing his creations into genres and prefers to make music with passion, without paying attention to tags and names. It’s just something that gives hope and spreads love. Music that goes beyond the boundaries of familiar genres. Time disappears, the boundaries of  consciousness expand, the feeling of eternal space without borders, up to the slightest vibration. Full presence.

 Support DJs

感谢 Trance Weekend 的支持

 地址 / Address


No.3 Workers Stadium West Road, 

Dongzhimen Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

 关于我们 / About Us

三年中 Aurora 起起落落,让大家等太久了。2023 年春季  Aurora Beijing 电子音乐舞池的重新启动,将为北京电子音乐场景增添一抹灵魂重彩!


就像每一颗种子扎根于地下,在经过了黑暗与严寒的考验中积蓄能量,当春天来了的时候,它破壳而出肆意生长发芽呼吸。Aurora Beijing 会继续把优质的电子音乐呈现给大家,将电子音乐从地下场景呈现于 “ 工体西 ”。


相信电音音乐研习社 / Trust Studio

- 助你成为电子音乐人!

○ 研习社的业务涉及DJ技术培训,电子舞曲制作和舞曲音乐后期缩混技术培训。

○ 我们会定期举办DJ直播(Turst Live)和电子音乐制作的知识分享(Knock Knock)等活动,让更多热爱电子音乐的朋友相聚在一起交流学习。


bilibili “ Trust相信电音 ” UP主




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更多活动资讯请关注 “ 相信电音 ” 微信公众号

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