
寒假预习|[课文]外研社版初中英语 八年级下册 Module 4课文,知识点总结及重点语法

教师云库 2021-10-27




 寒假预习| 外研社版初中英语七年级下册Module 1 课文听读,知识点总结及重点语法

寒假预习| 外研社版初中英语七年级下册 Module 2课文听读,知识点总结及重点语法

寒假预习| 外研社版初中英语七年级下册 Module 3课文听读,知识点总结及重点语法

寒假预习| 外研社版初中英语七年级下册Module 4 课文听读,知识点总结及重点语法

寒假预习| 外研社版初中英语七年级下册Module 5课文听读,知识点总结及重点语法

Module 4 Seeing the doctor.space to ?

01Moudle 4 单词


1. cough [kɒf]咳嗽(n.);咳嗽(v.)

2. fever  ['fi:və(r)]发烧;发热

3. headache [ˈhedeɪk]头痛

4. stomach ['stʌmək]腹部;肚子

5. ache [eɪk]痛;疼痛

6. stomach ache牙痛

7. ill [ɪl]不健康的;有病的

8. this [ðɪs]这,这个(刚提到的人或物)

9. since  [sɪns]自…以来;从…以来

10. cold  [kəʊld]感冒;伤风

11. catch a cold[kætʃ]感冒

12. take [teɪk](用机器)测定,量取;有规律的吃、喝

13. take sb. temperature[ˈtemprətʃə(r)]量某人的体温

14. fast food[fu:d]快餐食品

15. health [helθ]健康(状况)

16. well [wel]健康的

17. heart [hɑ:t]心脏

18. active [ˈæktɪv]积极的;活跃的

19. pet [pet]宠物;宠畜

20. member [ˈmembə(r)]成员;会员

21. take part in参加,参与(某事)

22. condition[kənˈdɪʃn]状况;身体状况

23. in excellent condition[ˈeksələnt]健康状况很好

24. sleepy['sli:pɪ]想睡的;困的

25. then [ðen]当时;那时

26. daily ['deɪlɪ]每天的;天天的

27. weak[wi:k]弱弱的;虚弱的

28. illness[ˈɪlnɪs]病;疾病

29. exercise ['eksəsaɪz]运动;锻炼

30. awful [ˈɔ:fl]极讨厌的;极坏的

31. feel awful感到不舒服

32. all over浑身;到处

33. perhaps [pəˈhæps]可能;也许

02Moudle 4课文动画

外研版八年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 课文动画



外研版八年级下册Module 4 Unit 2 课文动画


1 我感觉不是很舒服,因此医生检查了我的心脏并说我需要多锻炼。我从来都不很活跃,而且不喜欢运动。我一直想要一只宠物,所以我的父母给我一条狗作为生日礼物。现在我每天通过遛狗来锻炼身体。现在我拥有它已三个月了,我感觉真的很健康。——安娜



4 久病之后,我很虚弱。因此,我想多锻炼。于是一位朋友建议说:“我们为何不在上学前跑步呢?”所以我们一周前就开始跑步。但是我不喜欢跑步,而且到达学校时,我感到不舒服。我腿痛而且全身发热。也许我太虚弱了不能做任何运动。你认为呢?——理查德

03Moudle 4 知识梳理


1. catch a cold / have a cold 感冒

catch a cold 侧重患感冒的动作,属于短暂性动词短语

have a stomach ache胃痛 have a bad cold 重感冒

have a cough咳嗽 have a fever 发烧

have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache头痛

2. do much exercise 经常性的锻炼

do sports 做运动

3. be harmful to 对......有害

be helpful to 对….有好处

be good to 对…友好

be bad to 对…..不友好

be good for 对….有好处

be bad for 对…..有坏处

4. such as 例如

for example例如

5. three times a say 一天三次

6.spend in doing sth 花时间做某事

7. take one’s temperature 量体温

8. fast food 快餐

9. in front of 在......前面

10. look after 照顾,照料

11. take sb for a walk 带某人散步

12. feel bit/ health 感觉健康

13. by underground 乘地铁 on the underground

14. ride to work 骑车去上班

15. decide to do sth 决定做某事

16. take part in 参加

17. in the last few years 在过去的几年里

18. be too+形容词+to do sth 太......不能做......

19. from time to time 不时地

20. set up 建立

21. be ill 生病 feel ill 感觉生病了

22. go for a run 去散步

23. feel awful 感觉不舒服

24. all over 浑身; 遍及

25. rather than (与其...)倒不如;是...而不是

26. turn off 关掉

27. have a pain in... (某身体部位)疼痛


1. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day.


2. she also takes part in the same training with us.


3. He joined the Party last year. 他去年入党了。

I will join you later. 我以后会加入你们。

join 也表示“参加,加入”, 但join指加入某党派、团体、人群等并成为一个成员。相当于become a member of。常见的搭配有:

② join+党派、团体名词”表示加入某一党派或团体。

② “join in +某活动”表示参加某活动,这时相当于take part in。

③ “join sb”表示加入到某个行列中(一起做某事)

3. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise.


The car is too expensive for him to afford. 这辆车太贵了,他买不起。

The water is too hot for me to drink. 水太烫了,我喝不了。

5. How long have you had a cold? 你患感冒多久了?

6. I’ve been ill for 3 days. 我病了三天了。

7. Do you often do exercise? 你经常做运动吗?

1) since 作介词时,与完成时连用,意思是“自……以来;自从”。

例如:He has lived here since 1992. 他从1992年以来一直住在这里。

2) since作连词时,有以下用法。


I have written home but once since I came here.


(2)用于“It’s + 时间段+since+ 一般过去时态的句子”句型。例如:

How long is it since you were in London? 你在伦敦多久了?

It is just at a week since we arrived here. 我们到达此地刚好一个星期。


Since we have no money, we can’t buy it. 因为我们没钱,我们买不起(它)。

Since you insist, I must go. 因为你坚持,我就必须去了。

8. Let me take your temperature. 让我来给你量下体温。

I took my temperature last night.我昨晚量了下我的体温。

9. Do you do any exercise? 你锻炼吗?

You should take more exercise(不可数).你应该多锻炼。

10. Take it three times a day. 一天吃三次。

I often forget to take my umbrella. 我常常忘记带雨伞。

Take it away.拿走!

11. Jane has kept the book for three days.简已经借这本书三天了。

The boy has had the bike since last Sunday.


12、I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer last year.


13、You spend too much time in front of the computer.


14、That’s why you’ve got a stomach ache. 那就是你为什么会胃痛的原因。

15、I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer last year.


16、I t can be very harmful to your health. 这对你的健康伤害很大。

Smoking is harmful to your health.吸烟有害健康

My grandparents are in good health. 我爷爷身体很好

We should do more exercise to keep healthy. 我们应该多做运动,保持健康。

17. We have played football for one year now and we all feel very fit.


18、 Is Tom an active boy? Tom活泼吗?

We can take an active part in lots of activities after school.


19、 He learns English well by listening to the radio every morning.


20、He decides to become a teacher in the future.他决定将来当老师。

21、Why don’t you go the park with your friend?为什么不跟你的朋友去公园?

Why don’t your ask your teacher for help?为什么不去问老师?

22、 Tom is ill in hospital. Tom 住院了

She works as a nurse in a hospital. 她在医院里当护士。

23、 China is a developing country. 中国是发展中国家。

America is developed country.美国是发达国家。

We must develop children’s reading habit as early as possible.


With the development of economy, our life will be better and better.


24、You must take care of yourself. 你要照顾好你自己。

Take care! It is dangerous here!小心,这里很危险!

25、She is in excellent condition too . 她的身体也很好。

The horse is still out of condition after a serious illness.



1.sick 可作表语,也可作定语,修饰名词. ill 只作表语

2.get a stomachache胃痛 toothache (牙疼) headache(头疼) 用get/have a

3 catch a cold感冒(终止性动词) have a cold 感冒(延续性动词)

4.take sb’s temperature量某人的体温 5.do exercise锻炼

6.be harmful to 对..有害 相当于do harm to 反义短语,be good for ,对…有好处

7.first …second …next ,,,,finally 首先,…其次…然后 ,,,最后.

8.take the medicine吃药

9.three times a day一天三次 ,一次,once ,两次twice

10. once a week: 一周一次 twice a year:一年两次 这些表示频率的,对其提问用how often.

11.by 使用某种方式,方法或交通工具,后接名词,代词,或动名词

With 使用某种工具或身体某个部位,后接名词或代词


12.take a walk散步, take a +名词=have a +名词 take/have a look看一看

take /have a swim游泳 take /have a rest 休息一下 take /have a cup of tea喝杯茶.

13. take part in 参加会议或群众性活动等, 可以与join in 互换


14.in the last few years 在过去的一段时间里, 相当于in the past +一段时间

15.go for +名词,去进行某项活动 go for a run去跑步 go for a picnic 去野餐

go for a ride 去骑马,去乘车 go for a trip去旅行.

16.表示建议的句型:1)Why don’t you=why not ? 2)What about ./how about ..怎么样?

3)Would you like …你想…吗? 4)Let’s …让我们…吧!

5)We’d better ….. 我们最好…….

17.in hospital 住院,强调事情,说明生病了

18.in /at the /a hospital在医院里,强调地点

19.take care of =look after 照顾,照看 . take care =look out =be careful小心.

20.go +doing 表示去做某事。go swimming 去游泳 go boating 去划船 go fishing 去钓鱼 go skating 去滑冰 go shopping 去购物

21.set up 创建;设立;开办

22.all over 浑身到处

23.feel awful感到不舒服

24. sleepy adj. 欲睡的、想睡的 I often feel sleepy in class.

asleep adj. 睡着的、睡熟的 fall asleep:入睡、睡着 I felt sleepy and fell asleep soon.

25.from time to time 偶尔,有时

26.on the way 在途中,在路上

27.all one’s life一辈子,

28.too…to... 太……而不能……


1. 现在完成时定义:也可以表示某一动作从过去一直延续到现在。

e.g. Jane has kept the book for three days. 简已经借这本书三天了。

The boy has had the bike since last Sunday. 自从上周五,这个男孩就买了这辆自行车。

2. 现在完成时的时间短语:


since 和for的用法, for 后跟一段时间, since 后跟过去的时刻或过去时的句子,

用since 和for 表示现在完成时,动词只能用延续性动词,不能用终止性动词.

Come-be there, arrive in(at)/reach/get to /come to –be in/be at , go out –be out ,

leave –be away(from) begin—be on stop –be over buy –have borrow—keep

open—be open close—be closed join---be a member of die---be dead

catch a cold –have a cold get to know –know become a tacher—be a teacher

fall asleep—be asleep , get married /marry –be married ,fall ill –be ill. go to bed –be in bed

return—be back receive—have go to sleep –sleep



假如你是Tom,你在美国的朋友Tony生病了,请你写一封电子邮件,并告诉他做如下事情:see a doctor; eat healthy food; have more fruit and vegetables; get enough sleep; stay happy.

Dear Tony,

I’m sorry to hear you are ill. You have a fever and had a headache. You should see a doctor first. Then you drink more water, eat healthy food, and have more fruit and vegetables. You should get enough sleep and stay happy. You shouldn’t study when you are too tired. It’s not good for your health. I hope you’ll be better soon.

Best wishes!



- END -

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