
天问 | 线上会议参与方式及论坛创作者团队介绍

天问项目组 天问IWV 2020-10-20


 Inter-World-View 2020 




科学 · 学问
Science · Knowledge 
10月15日 18:30-21:30

网络研讨会ID:922 0109 3956

物理 · 思辨
Physics · Meta-physics
10月16日 18:30-21:30

网络研讨会ID:934 8930 1942

量子 · 生命
Quantum · Anima

10月17日 18:30-21:30
网络研讨会ID:982 2509 9097

天文 · 人文
Universe · Civilization

10月18日 18:30-21:30
网络研讨会ID:931 5462 1738

智能 · 艺术
Intelligence · Art

10月19日 18:30-21:30
网络研讨会ID:949 6909 0253

危机 · 转机
Crisis · Change

10月20日 18:30-21:30

网络研讨会ID:978 9139 7421

预测 · 想象
Anticipation · Imagination

10月21日 18:30-21:30
网络研讨会ID:921 3636 1122






*姓名处需填写真实姓名!!!否则将无法进入会议室 ⚠️





 Inter-World-View 2020 


创 作 者 团 队 介 绍

The Introduction of
Creative Collective

姜 珺 



研究型建筑师、独立策展人,文献编辑和撰稿人,长期以各种方式从事城乡空间与知识结构研究以及实验创作,考察社会动态对设计现象的驱动关系,潜在秩序的显见结构以及自动生成的设计机制,行程覆盖60多个国家。曾任《城市中国》杂志创刊主编(2005-2010),“街道是我们……大家的!”国际巡展中国区总策展人(2008),纽约-洛杉矶-芝加哥“自发中国”巡展策展人(2009-2010),莫斯科Strelka建筑设计与媒体学院课题导师(2010-2011),牛津大学ESRC中心访问学者(2011-2012),威尼斯国际建筑双年展中国馆总策展人(2014),“蛇口议事:2025”策展人(2015),“原乡:乌镇国际建筑论坛”(2018)总策划等。出版书籍包括《城市中国进行时》(2009,Timezone 8),《特区一村》(2010,文汇)等。现任中国美术学院教授。

JIANG Jun is a research-based architect, freelance curator, archive editor and critic. He has been working on urban-rural research and multi-disciplinary experiments, exploring the interrelationships between design philosophy and social dynamics with field trips covering over 60 countries. He is the founding editor-in-chief of Urban China Magazine (2005-2010), project instructor at Strelka School of Architecture, Design and Media in Moscow (2010-2011), visiting fellow at the ESRC Centre on Migration Policy and Society of Oxford University (2011-2012), etc. He is the curator of a series of influential events such as Street Belongs to … All of Us!(Shanghai-Beijing, 2008), Informal China (New York - LA - Chicago, 2009-2010), Mountains beyond Mountains (Chinese Pavilion of the 14th Venice Biennale of Architecture, 2014), Shekou Roundtable: 2025 (Shenzhen, 2015), On Home (Wuzhen International Forum of Architecture, 2017), etc.. He is also the chief-editor for the books such as Urban China: Work in Progress (co-edited with Brendan McGetrick, 2009) and A Village by the SEZ (2010 for Shenzhen Pavilion in Shanghai EXPO, 2010), etc.. He is now working in the China Academy of Art (CAA) as a professor.


刘 益 红 

LIU Yihong



Doctor of Contemporary Art and Social Thought (ICAST) from China Aacademy of Art and Master of Industrial Design from National Institute of France (ENSCI, Les Ateliers) . Her research areas include contemporary art curatorial research, network society research and visual culture research. Her thesis “Modernity in “Killing Matt”—— the Social Exhibition of Urban-Rural Space Production” was published at the World Congress of Art History. Since 2013, she has been involved in the planning of the Asian Sports Image Database “Till We Have Faces” , and has been selected as PSA Emerging Curators Project with her work “Articualtors Summit”. She currently teaches at the Institute for Social and Strategy at the China Academy of Art.








Tan Bin,Teacher / Artist, living and working in Hangzhou. Graduated from Total Art Studio, School of Intermedia Art, China Academy of Art。He currently teaches at the Institute for Social and Strategy at the China Academy of Art. As an artist, his art practice involves installation, photography, painting, live art, event,text and other media fields, and he focuses on the public and private fields which is based on "balcony" and the performative included in Chinese landscape structure. His works exhibited in The 12th  National Art Exhibition·The Section of Experimental(Art  Today Art Museum, Beijing,2014)、Memorandum for Gaia(Power Station of Art, Shanghai,2014)、Pursuing Dream-Shanghai Sculpture Exhibiton(Shanghai Sculpture Space, Shanghai,2014)、Wuu Speech-Artists Living in Shanghai(China Art Palace, Shanghai,2016)、Weaving & We:2016 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art(Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou,2016)、Chinese Myth of Creation: Internet Art Exhibition(Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai,2017).He also participated in organization and planningOne Man’s Silk Road——Deke Er’s Visual Ducumenta(China Art Palace, Shanghai,2014)、Zhongshan Park Project, Special Project of the 9th Shanghai Biennal(Shanghai, South of Fujian, Taiwan,2012)

张 斌 斌

ZHANG Binbin



曾就读于中国美术学院、德国汉堡美术学院。现从事创意策划和导演工作,曾参与多项城市宣传片和独立电影项目策划和执行,因获中国美术学院国际艺术学院联盟奖学金,赴德国学习。在德国的学习和工作中,她更多关注纪录影像和即兴电影的创作,多次参与了中德相关艺术项目,并在上海设计学院欧盟五国创意营担任助理工作。2017年参与中国美术学院“拓路踏歌行”主题毕业展影像部分策划和导演工作,2018年作品Na?在歌德学院法国马赛Videodrome2影像展展映,新电影项目《Beside the River》获汉堡电影促进协会资助正在制作中。现任教于中国美术学院创新设计学院社会与策略研究所。


studied at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou from 2007 to 2011 and finished  her MFA in 2016 at the School of Film and Animation in CAA.During the study She got the International Art Academy Alliance Scholarship and went to Germany for the exchange program.Her diary film ‘Days‘ was showed in the final exhibition and brought her master study in Germany.Since 2015 she studied in HFBK Hamburg and worked as a filmmaker with a focus on documentary and improvisation films. She has also been involved in various programs in China and Germany and worked as an assistant at Creative Camp in Shanghai institute of Design.In 2018 her work Na showed in Marseille by Goethe Institute.The film project Beside the River(WT) was founded by Filmförderung Hamburg and HFBK Hamburg.She currently teaches at the Institute for Social and Strategy at the China Academy of Art.


柳 盈 川

Liu Yingchuan





Yingchuan is an artist, designer, MA graduated from Royal College of Art mixed media textiles, currently teaching in China academy of art, School of design & innovation.Her art practice takes textiles as a starting point to explore the relationship between texts, tactile materials, motion, human gesture, and sensation, to invoke the nature of embodied knowledge acquired and practiced through the making process. To expand it further in a wider social context, her recent work focuses on participating in local communities and people with special needs to carry out collective creation.She currently teaches at the Institute for Social and Strategy at the China Academy of Art.


李 诗 琪

LI Shiqi





Architect. Shiqi graduated from China Academy of Art, the Department of architecture. After that she got her master degree from Politecnico Di Milano in Italy. From 2017 to 2018 She worked in Studio Link-Arc in NYC as the project leader. In 2019, Shiqi founded ALL studio in Hang Zhou City that start her exploration and practice in the field of architecture and space design. At the same time, she teaches in the Institute of society and strategy, School of innovative design, China Academy of Art.


亓 梦 婕

QI Mengjie



亓梦婕的创作聚焦在交互⾳乐和交互新媒体领域,探索多种媒体的融合,在舞台、空间、⽹络等平台实现⼈与科技的互动关系。她的作品在许多重要国际会议及⾳乐节上多次演出。她博⼠毕业于中央⾳乐学院电⼦⾳乐作曲专业,获国家留学基⾦委奖学⾦在纽约市⽴⼤学留学,现在是中央⾳乐学院⼈⼯智能⾳乐博⼠后研究员、中国乐派⾼精尖创新中⼼助理研究员。⽬前,她还担任美国学术⽹络期刊 Intelligent Arts 副编辑,北京国际电⼦⾳乐节国际统筹、北京现代⾳乐节项⽬执⾏,并担任教育部《实时⽹络⾳乐与多媒体表演》项⽬的负责⼈,参与的学术研究课题包括教育部⼈⽂社会科学重点研究基地重⼤项⽬《中国电⼦⾳乐特⾊研究》、科技部国家科技⽀撑计划《基于版权的数字内容服务平台及应⽤⽰范》、北京市教委《“交互式新媒体⾳乐技术的创新与应⽤研究”项⽬》等。她还担任新媒体音画钢琴剧场《跳舞的巴赫》音乐总监、作曲,新媒体钢琴剧场《你和贝多芬》创意及音乐总监。


QI Mengjie (Maggie) is a composer, sound artist and curator. Her music and installation works have been presented at many international festivals, including ICMC, Audio Arts Festival, WOCMAT in Taiwan, CIME General Assembly concerts, International Electronic Music Festival of New York, SEAMUS, ISCM, NYCEMF, SPLICE Festival, Cube Fest, SICPP, Beijing Modern Music Festival and MUSICACOUSTICA-Beijing. She was the musical director and composer of the Multimedia Piano Theater "The Dancing Bach" and the Multimedia Piano Theater "You and Beethoven". QI Mengjie received her master and doctoral degree in electronic music at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. She studied at the City University of New York for two years. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow on AI music and multimedia music performance at the Central Conservatory of Music. As a curator, Qi Mengjie is devoted to the promotion of the cultural and musical communication between China and the Western countries. She has served as International Coordinator for MUSICACOSTICA-Beijing since 2012. She was curator for a number of concerts. She was a member of a jury on ICMC and She is one of the associate editors of Intelligent Arts, an online academic platform based in New York.


胡 晓 琛

HU Xiaochen



中国美术学院副教授,中国美术学院上海设计学院数字媒体系副主任,中国美术学院青年学者培养对象,专注于交互设计研究和数字媒体设计与教学。参与上海市⽂化创新示范项目,负责设计研发了《群仙祝寿图大型裸眼3D互动展示项⽬》;并主持了教育部⼈文社会科学课题《交互设计⽅法论》等多项课题,组织并策划了2018上海国际数字媒体艺术展(中国美术学院主办),探讨当代数字媒体艺术和数字观察方式的在场性问题。同时,完成了基于算法来呈现的⼤数据可视化艺术作品创作《⻝·色》和基于算法和文本的多媒体交互装置作品《美丽新世界》的作品的创作和展览。2018- 2019年,带领团队曾获上海市⽂广科技进步奖一等奖、⼆等奖。


Associate Professor of China Academy of Art, Deputy Director of Digital Media Department, Shanghai Institute of Design, China Academy of Art.  Supported from Young scholar developing program of China Academy of Art. Associate Professor Hu focus on researches of interactive design and digital media design and education.  Participated in the Shanghai Cultural Innovation Demonstration Project, responsible for the design and development of the “Immortals in Jubilee Large Scale 3D Interactive Display Project”; Hosted “Interactive Design Methodology” project and many other projects from Humanities and Social Sciences Program of the Ministry of Education. Also Associate Professor Hu hosted organization and curation of the 2018 Shanghai International Digital Media Art Exhibition (organized by the China Academy of Art) , aiming to discuss the presence of contemporary digital media art and digital observation methods.  Meanwhile, Associate Professor Hu has created and exhibited the big data visualizing artwork  “⻝·色” which apply algorithm as inspiration and methodology, also created and exhibited the multimedia interactive installation “the Beautiful New World” which is based on algorithm and text. 2018- 2019, the team won the first prize and second prize of the Shanghai Wenguang Science and Technology Progress Award.



CHEN Tianyi




Teacher of CAA. Researching in the application of computer software and hardware technology in art. And offering courses such as Processing Programming, Smart Hardware, and Artificial Intelligence to undergraduates and graduates.




GU Wenjia





Gu Wenjia,her research direction is digital media art design, film and television animation creation, foundation design education.Her works have participated in the FICTS Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs and won the Highest Honor Award. She won the Special Award of Animation Shortfilm in China by Asian Artiste Federation, First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Shanghai Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, the Gold and Silver Awards of Shanghai M50 Creative New Design Competition for two consecutive times.She currently teaches in the Institute of Social and Strategy, CAA.






张婷自2001年起至今任教于中国美术学院。上海美术学院博物馆学研究方向在读博士,独立策展人。曾策划或联合策划的展览有“赛博格考古实验室”(歌德开放空间”项目)、“中国直达--新世代青年影像艺术展”(奥克兰)、“材料的后果—中挪丹加陶瓷艺术展”(卑尔根Kunstgarajsen艺术馆)、“第四届美术文献展”(湖北美术馆)、“科隆青年艺术家双年展”(科隆)、“墙,不墙”(武汉合美术馆)、“艺术家不在场,艺术在现场”(吴作人国际美术基金会)、“20世纪60年代起的德国新表现主义艺术展”/“20世纪下半叶意大利表现性艺术展”/“厄瓜多尔绘画大师奥斯瓦尔多·瓜亚萨明画展”/ “来自世界的祝贺--国际美术珍品展”/“第三届上海国际版画展”(中华艺术宫)等。


Zhang Ting has been a lecturer teaching in the China Academy of Art since 2001. She is currently a PhD candidate in Museology of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, also an independent curator. Exhibitions curated and co-curated by Zhang have been national and international, such as Cyborg Archaeological Laboratory, Goethe Open Space; Emerging Video Artist of the Chinese New Generation, Auckland; Material Ceramic Art from China, Norway, Denmark and Canada, Kunstgarasjen-Bergen; 4th Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts, Hubei Museum of Art; new talents-biennale cologne in Cologne; Wall, No Walls, United Art Museum; The Artist is not Present, Art is Present, Wu Zuoren International Art Foundation; An Art Exhibition of German Neo-Expressionism since 1960s / Exhibition of Italian Expressive Arts in the Second Half of the 20thCentury / Paintings Exhibits of Ecuadorian Master Oswaldo Guayasamin / the 3rd Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition / Exhibition for the World Art Treasure, China Art Museum, Shanghai, etc.



FENG Yuchun





Committing to artistic work. She graduated from Birmingham City University with a Bachelor Degree of Fine Art, and later obtained a master's degree in the same major from the Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London. As a participating artist and organizer, she has conducted many art projects in Hangzhou and London. Her experimental works base on identity recognition and explore the authenticity of the ontology of Art in comparative context.




SU Yating


于2014年获得利物浦大学建筑学工学学士学位,2017年获得意大利米兰理工大学建筑学硕士学位。本科与研究生期间,其建筑设计作品曾两度参加威尼斯建筑双年展(2014年,“旧城区的复兴方法论的探讨”及2016年“弹性城市-Imperia沿海区域的再生”)。同时,也担任了2014年威尼斯建筑双年展英国馆的解说员。2018年,与合伙人共同创立工作室,相继主持设计了国方汽车电子有限公司产业园规划、上汽荣威汽车体验中心以及昆山乡村振兴规划展览馆等多个项目。同年,任苏州大学建筑学院客座导师,完成了建筑设计(一)、建筑设计(二)课程的独立授课及室内园林设计、设计色彩(二)等课程。曾发表《对沈阳方圆大楼的批判性思考》、《新德国商馆设计中先锋派理论的思考与探讨》等文章。2018年底,受邀参加苏州国际设计周,任“青年设计师在苏州”沙龙主讲人及“Reflecting Garden”联合策展人。2019年2月至今,在中国美术学院创新设计学院参与人文基础和造型基础的课程教学。


Yating Su, received her bachelor of engineering in architecture from the University of Liverpool in 2014 and her master of architecture from Politecnico di Milano in 2017. During her undergraduate and post-graduate studies, her architectural design works have twice participated in the Venice Biennale of Architecture ("Discussion on The Revitalization Methodology of The Old City",2014 and "Elastic City- Coastal Regeneration of Imperia ", 2016). She also served as the narrator of the British pavilion of the 2014 Venice Biennale of Architecture. In 2018, she co-founded her own Studio, and successively presided over some projects, including the Industrial Park for Guofang Automotive Electronics Co., LTD., Saic Roewe Automotive Experience Center,the Revitalization and Planning Exhibition Hall of Kunshan Village and so on. In the same year, she became a guest tutor in the School of Architecture of Soochow University, independently completing the teaching of architectural design (I) and architectural design (II) courses and the joint teaching of Interior Garden Design and Design of Colors (II). She has published some articles, like “The Critical Thinking of Shenyang Fangyuan Building” and “The Avant–garde ideas in the new Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Architectural Review”. At the end of 2018, she was invited to participate in Suzhou International Design Week as the speaker of "The Young Designers in Suzhou" salon and co-curator of "Reflecting Garden". Since 2019, she joined in the School of Innovation and Design of China Academy of Art, to teach Foundation of Ethnography and Common Foundation.










Institute of Society & Strategy (ISS) of SDI, CAA is the institute newly set up according to the essential principle "rebuild design humanities, integrate cross-border teaching. ISS aims to take advantages of "natural, economic, social, political, cultural" five dimensions of humanity knowledge and social strategy to achieve mastery through a comprehensive understanding on "images, text, object, space, video, sound, industry" these design disciplines. The institute will take humanity as theoretical background, social strategy as ground base, and design humanities as knowledge matrix.

The institute consists of three studios, Content Genealogy / CG, Social  Narratives / SN and Urban-Rural Strategy / URS. As the criss-crossing joint framework integrated by lateral knowledge of humanities and longitudinal knowledge of design, it covers the overall knowledge structure of "philosophy,  science, technology and art" required by innovative design education.


主办单位 | 中国科学技术协会 + 浙江省人民政府

承办单位 | 浙江省科学技术协会 + 温州市人民政府

时间 | 2020年10月18-19日

地点 | 中国温州


杭州分场 | 天问:世界观的对话

联合主办 | 中国美术学院+浙江省科学技术协会

时间 | 2020年10月15-21日

地点 | 中国杭州·中国美术学院

  World Young Scientists Summit 2020  

China Association for Science and Technology
The People's Government of Zhejiang Province
Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology
Wenzhou Municipal People's Government
18th – 19th October 2020
Wenzhou China

 Inter-World-View 2020 


Inter-World-View 2020


China Academy of Art

Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology


15th – 21st October 2020


China Academy of Art, Hangzhou China





天问:世界观的对话 🔗

天问 | 论坛主讲嘉宾及主持总介绍(附报名预约细节)🔗

天问 | 28个普遍性问题先进视觉创作🔗





