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Cognizing DMU and Learning DMU History - The "First Lesson" Series Activities of the International Students’ Education Center Continue



The spring breeze turns the Xinghai lake full of vigor and DMU study journey begins to set sail. At the beginning of the new semester, more than 20 international students from more than 10 countries returned to the campus of the University for the first time. The warm campus of DMU was both familiar and fresh to them. In order to help students integrate into their study and life in the school as soon as possible, the International Students’ Education Center (ISEC) organized new returned students to carry out a campus visit and a visit to the school history museum on the afternoon of March 8.


The sun was shining and the weather was warm. International students started the exploration trip with enthusiasm and curiosity. Walking around Xinhai Lake, lakeside bookstore, Dongshan stadium, swimming pool, gymnasium, Dongshan basketball court, and meeting navigation major students undertaking military training, the students were constantly touched by the beauty and vividness of DMU and attracted by the positive atmosphere of DMU.


After entering the school history museum, under the introduction of the English interpreter, the international students learned about the school's founding process and vicissitudes in detail. One picture after another, and one model after another, let the students praise the school's hard work, as well as its outstanding contributions to the development of shipping industry in China, even in the world, and feel proud to be a member of DMU. The students took out their mobile phones to take photos, willing to print every exhibit and every corner in their hearts.


The activity further opened the door for international students to deeply understand and integrate into the University, enhanced the students' feelings of knowing and loving the University, and also encouraged them to cherish the precious time of studying at DMU, learn knowledge and inherit culture with DMUers’ spirit of being broad-minded and forging ahead, be a friendly envoy of cultural exchanges, and be a mainstay of the development of world transportation.


微信号 : DMU-ISEC



转发 |转发收藏!政府工作报告双语热词来了

节气 |愿所有美好随春天醒来——今日惊蛰

通知 |新学期、向未来——留学生教育中心举办 “开学第一课”系列活动

通知 |2023WTC世界交通运输大会国际学生征稿通知

关注 |新学期即将开始,请做好启航准备

节气 |向春入二月,花色影重重 ——今日雨水

祝福 |祝您春节快乐,兔年大吉!


