
My Dalian Maritime University Experience——From a PhD Graduate

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2nd Prize of Me and “Study in DMU” theme

A Remarkable Journey: My Dalian Maritime University Experience


from Tanzania, PhD student majoring in Computer Application Technology

Abstract: Dalian Maritime University (DMU) has a long history dating back to 1909, and it is well-known for its excellent maritime education. I began my academic journey at DMU in September 2019, pursuing a PhD in Computer Application and Technology. Little did I know that this journey would be filled with extraordinary experiences, especially due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In this story, I want to take you through the challenges and successes I've had, from my return to DMU in May 2023 to my upcoming graduation in July 2024. My hope is to inspire fellow students who have faced similar obstacles and show them that opportunities are always within reach.

Keywords: Unity; Academic Journey; Hope, Dreams, Academic challenges.

Dalian Maritime University, A Legacy of Excellence: 

A Tradition of Distinction: Dalian Maritime University (DMU) has a rich history that stands as a testament to its unwavering commitment to maritime education. For more than a century, DMU has consistently held a position of leadership in the fields of marine sciences, engineering, and international shipping, earning acclaim and recognition on a global scale.

Throughout its long and storied existence, DMU has been a beacon of excellence, consistently setting the standard for maritime education. The university's enduring legacy is a reflection of its dedication to producing highly skilled professionals and experts in the maritime industry. It has played a pivotal role in shaping the future of marine sciences and engineering, and its contributions to international shipping have not gone unnoticed.

DMU's reputation as a preeminent institution in these fields is a source of pride, and its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence continues to drive its mission. As we look to the future, we can be assured that DMU's legacy of excellence will persist, providing students with exceptional opportunities in the realm of maritime education.

Starting My Academic Journey: 

Registering at DMU in China marked a significant turning point in my life, signifying the commencement of a remarkable academic expedition. My academic journey began in September 12, 2019, as I embarked on a lengthy journey from my homeland, Tanzania, to the vibrant city of Dalian. I had the privilege of enrolling at Dalian Maritime University through Chinese Scholarship Council to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. This demanding course was projected to span four to five years, offering a profound exploration of computer application and technology.

The choice to embark on this academic journey was deeply rooted in my unwavering enthusiasm for technology. I was determined to merge this fervor with the exceptional academic resources and opportunities available at DMU. Right from the beginning, I was profoundly impressed by the university's unwavering commitment to providing top-notch education and its School of Information Science and Technology, which represented a symbol of academic excellence.

The journey from my native land to Dalian was characterized not only by geographical separation but also by the profound cultural disparities I encountered. Adapting to a new way of life, language, and customs presented challenges, but they were embraced with open arms. The rich tapestry of experiences, both academic and personal, that I have woven since my arrival at DMU has made me a more resilient and globally conscious individual.

Residing in the Dalian Maritime University dormitory, Yihua Apartment 1 became my second home, affording me the opportunity to interact with fellow students from diverse backgrounds. These interactions were invaluable as they broadened my horizons, allowing me to appreciate various perspectives and worldviews. The friendships I made in the dormitory played a pivotal role in facilitating my transition into this new phase of my life.

Over the years, my academic journey has been characterized by a series of milestones, each contributing to my development as a researcher and scholar. I delved deeply into the realm of computer application and technology, exploring its intricacies and subtleties. The guidance and mentorship of my professors (Professor Fu Xianping and the late Professor Xingyuang Wang) played a crucial role in shaping my research and directing me toward a successful PhD journey.

One of the high points of my academic tenure at DMU has been my ability to publish scientific papers in reputable and preprint journals. This accomplishment was a testament not only to my hard work and dedication but also to the support and resources made available at DMU through ISEC. The university's dedication to research excellence and access to state-of-the-art facilities played a significant role in facilitating my academic accomplishments.

At present, as I stand on the verge of fulfilling the requirements for my PhD graduation, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and eager anticipation. The goal I set for myself when I initially enrolled at DMU is well within reach, and I am determined to cross the finish line with the same enthusiasm and determination that characterized my journey's beginning.

Looking ahead, I am enthusiastic about the opportunities that lie ahead in the realms of academia and technology. The skills and knowledge I have gained at DMU have not only prepared me for a successful career but have also instilled in me a lifelong love for learning and exploration. I am confident that the foundation I have laid during my time at DMU will serve as a launching pad for my future research endeavors and contributions to the field of computer application and technology.

It's important to note that the world has witnessed substantial changes since I embarked on my academic journey in 2019. The global pandemic that emerged in 2020 disrupted the conventional norms of education and presented unforeseen challenges. Nevertheless, I take pride in the fact that DMU's resilience and commitment to academic excellence ensured that academic life both within and outside DMU adapted and persevered in a manner that maintains the high standards this institution is known for.

As I eagerly await my impending graduation in July 2024, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that DMU has afforded me. The journey that commenced with a flight from Tanzania has evolved into a transformative academic experience, one that I will carry with me as I transition into the next phase of my career and life. My enrollment at DMU marked a pivotal moment in my life and has paved the way for a promising future filled with research, innovation, and a lasting connection to this exceptional institution.

Adapting to Challenges During the Pandemic:  

In the year 2020, unexpected challenges emerged due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In January 2020, much like many other students, I returned to my home country, Tanzania, for the holidays, without realizing the looming global impact of the pandemic. As countries worldwide began closing their borders in response to the escalating crisis, the possibility of my return to Dalian Maritime University grew uncertain. This was especially unsettling because the school was scheduled to reopen in March 2020. Unfortunately, I, along with many other international students, was unable to travel back to China. Offline classes abruptly came to a halt, requiring a significant change in our academic pursuits. In collaboration with the International Students’ Education Center (ISEC), DMU made the critical decision to transition to online learning, marking a significant and unexpected change for the entire university community.

As news of this transition spread throughout the student body, we were met with a mix of uncertainty and hope. The university's administration, faculty, and students came together to navigate this uncharted territory where the classroom was no longer confined to a physical space but extended into the virtual realm. It was a considerable undertaking, but it underscored the adaptability and resilience of the DMU community.

The new batch of students who enrolled in 2020-2023 faced the unique challenge of commencing their academic journeys in a predominantly online environment. These students, brimming with enthusiasm as they joined DMU, had to swiftly adapt to this unexpected mode of learning. Although the circumstances were undeniably challenging, students both new and old, alongside our professors and teachers, rose to the occasion. They harnessed technology and innovative teaching methods to ensure that the quality of education remained uncompromised.

One noteworthy aspect of this period was the unity and solidarity among international students who found themselves thousands of miles away from their DMU surroundings. Despite the physical distance, I and other international students came together virtually to offer each other support, share experiences, and discuss strategies for successful online learning under the guidance of ISEC management.

The challenges brought about by the pandemic were undeniably tough, demanding flexibility and determination from everyone involved. However, it was during this time that the DMU community exhibited the true essence of resilience. Over time, students and faculty became increasingly proficient at online learning, and the global situation gradually improved.

While the pandemic disrupted life as we knew it, it also revealed the unwavering spirit of the DMU community under ISEC's guidance. It emphasized the significance of adaptability, unity, and the pursuit of knowledge in the face of adversity. The challenges we faced ultimately brought us closer together and made us stronger, providing valuable lessons and unforgettable experiences along the way.

The Strength of Adaptation: 

The pandemic has been a profound teacher, revealing the strength of adaptation and the importance of staying determined. Throughout the uncertainties, my commitment to academic goals persisted. DMU's faculty, ISEC management, and staff extended unwavering support to make the transition to online learning as smooth as possible. This experience has taught me not to fear change but to embrace it.

The pandemic also highlighted the power of unity among international students. We shared experiences, provided mutual support, and confronted the challenges posed by a world in crisis. Both DMU staff and international students discovered hope in our collective adaptability and determination.

Despite the uncertain path ahead, my dedication to academic goals remains unshaken. The lessons learned during this period of adjustment will undoubtedly prove valuable in the future, enabling me to confront challenges with unwavering resolve.

A Message of Hope: 

My story carries a message of hope, one that I hope resonates with students who, much like me, have encountered unexpected setbacks along their academic journeys. I encourage you, my fellow students, to hold onto your dreams, as opportunities for graduation and further studies still await us. To all international students who find themselves studying from their homes or engaged in virtual learning at DMU, I offer my heartfelt encouragement to stay positive and nurture your hope. The COVID-19 pandemic may have cast a shadow over our lives, bringing unforeseen challenges, but it hasn't extinguished the flames of our dreams. Be assured that DMU remains steadfast in its commitment to support its students and offer paths to graduation and further academic achievements.

Our collective journey, though marked by significant challenges, serves as proof of our resilience and ability to adapt to adversity. It hasn't been a journey devoid of trials, but it demonstrates our unwavering determination to pursue our academic goals, regardless of the obstacles we face. This journey affirms that nothing, not even the most difficult circumstances, can deter us from our aspirations.

I encourage you to seize the moment, making the most of the opportunities available during your time at DMU, whether through virtual or in-person classes. Embrace the abundant resources and the steadfast support the university provides. Build meaningful connections with your professors, mentors, the dedicated staff at the International Students’ Education Center (ISEC), and your fellow students who share this journey with you. These connections, nurtured through our shared experiences, will be lasting bonds.

Remember, you are never alone on this journey. We, the students, the faculty, the staff, the entire DMU community, stand together in unity. Together, we will overcome the challenges that lie ahead, emerging from this experience with greater strength and resilience, ready to explore new opportunities.

Our collective journey not only demonstrates the enduring power of our dreams but also serves as a shining example of the unwavering support DMU offers its students. With our dreams as our guide and DMU as our anchor, we will succeed and continue our educational journey, undeterred by adversity.


"Studying at DMU, advancing for the Blue Dream”, means more to us than just words; it's a source of hope and belief. Just like how the sky turns a calm shade of light blue, signaling a brighter day, or the ocean shimmers in various hues of blue, DMU's Blue Dream inspires us, international students, to see a better future for our education. It signifies an unwavering faith that, even in tough times, there is a guiding light ahead, leading us toward our dreams and goals. Similar to the vast blue sky and the boundless ocean, DMU's Blue Dream encourages us, international students, to maintain a positive outlook, embracing our academic journey, always keeping our eyes on the horizon where our educational dreams await.

My journey at Dalian Maritime University stands as a testament to the institution's enduring spirit and resilience. While the pandemic introduced challenges, it also strengthened my determination. As I draw closer to graduation, I reflect on a path defined by personal growth and an unyielding thirst for knowledge. The Chinese song "阳光总在风雨后" (Yáng Guāng Zǒng Zài Fēng Yǔ Hòu)  has been a wellspring of inspiration for me. This song imparts the message that, after overcoming difficulties and adversities, brighter days await, providing motivation for students who pursue education despite hurdles. My hope is that my story can serve as a guiding light, inspiring fellow international students worldwide to persevere in their academic endeavors, undaunted by the challenges they may face.

As we sail through the sea of challenges, we honor the memory of those who, like the deep blue ocean, displayed strength, depth, and an unyielding spirit during difficult times at DMU

Thank you!


Dani Mfungo earned a B.S. in Computer Science-Software Engineering from RUCU in 2013 in Tanzania, followed by an M.S. in Computer Science from UDOM in 2017, also in Tanzania. Currently, he's pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Application and Technology at DMU in Dalian, China, guided by Professor Xianping Fu. Dani has published three scientific papers on digital image transfer in computer security. His research interests include Machine learning, Chaos theory, Fractals, Cryptography, Big data, and NoSQL databases. Dani Mfungo's accomplishments highlight his dedication to advancing computer science and its applications.







By the time this essay is publicized, the author has just successfully passed his dissertation oral defense and is going to receive PhD graduation and degree certificates. We congratulate him on his big progress on academic  work. We also express our most sincere gratitude to the author’s supervisor Prof. Fu Xianping, the late supervisor Prof. Wang Xingyuan, as well as all other dedicated faculty members and fellow classmates for their diligent hard work and devoted contribution because without joint efforts of all people, this can not be achieved. May all dedication being well  repaid.


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