
小数据 | 改善空气质量能保护新生儿健康吗?

CCAPP秘书处 清洁空气政策伙伴关系 2021-04-15














研究表明,孕期妇女暴露于大气颗粒污染物(PM2.5),有可能导致新生儿的出生缺陷。目前,国内外多个研究已证实了孕期PM2.5暴露与早产和低出生体重“定性的”因果联系,二者也将被纳入2019年全球疾病负担研究(Global Burden of Disease Study),但暴露响应关系存在人群差异性,仍需进一步研究,确定“定量的”因果关系。此外,前沿流行病学研究提出了孕期PM2.5暴露还可能与其他出生缺陷有关联,例如:先天性心脏病、妊娠终止、新生儿死亡。然而,由于相关的流行病学研究有限,且病理学机制研究不足,孕期PM2.5暴露与上述三种出生缺陷的关系,仍需进一步研究、证明。近年来,我国空气质量与健康的研究有了突飞猛进的发展,下图汇总了我国的部分研究及得到的暴露响应关系:

*暴露响应关系:每增加10μg/m³的全孕期 PM2.5暴露,可能额外导致的健康风险(中间值以及95%的置信区间)。




Guo, T., Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, Q., Shen, H., Wang, Y., Xie, X., Wang, L. and Xu, Z., 2018. The association between ambient PM2. 5 exposure and the risk of preterm birth in China: A retrospective cohort study. Science of The Total Environment, 633, pp.1453-1459.

Li, X., Huang, S., Jiao, A., Yang, X., Yun, J., Wang, Y., Xue, X., Chu, Y., Liu, F., Liu, Y. and Ren, M., 2017. Association between ambient fine particulate matter and preterm birth or term low birth weight: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 227, pp.596-605.

Guan, T., Xue, T., Gao, S., Hu, M., Liu, X., Qiu, X., Liu, X. and Zhu, T., 2019. Acute and chronic effects of ambient fine particulate matter on preterm births in Beijing, China: A time-series model. Science of The Total Environment, 650, pp.1671-1677.

Xiao, Q., Chen, H., Strickland, M.J., Kan, H., Chang, H.H., Klein, M., Yang, C., Meng, X. and Liu, Y., 2018. Associations between birth outcomes and maternal PM2. 5 exposure in Shanghai: A comparison of three exposure assessment approaches. Environment international, 117, pp.226-236.

Liang, Z., Yang, Y., Li, J., Zhu, X., Ruan, Z., Chen, S., Huang, G., Lin, H., Zhou, J.Y. and Zhao, Q., 2019. Migrant population is more vulnerable to the effect of air pollution on preterm birth: Results from a birth cohort study in seven Chinese cities. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 222(7), pp.1047-1053.

Wu, H., Jiang, B., Geng, X., Zhu, P., Liu, Z., Cui, L. and Yang, L., 2018. Exposure to fine particulate matter during pregnancy and risk of term low birth weight in Jinan, China, 2014–2016. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 221(2), pp.183-190.

Wang, Q., Benmarhnia, T., Li, C., Knibbs, L.D., Bao, J., Ren, M., Zhang, H., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Q. and Huang, C., 2019. Seasonal analyses of the association between prenatal ambient air pollution exposure and birth weight for gestational age in Guangzhou, China. Science of The Total Environment, 649, pp.526-534.

Zhang, L., Liu, W., Hou, K., Lin, J., Zhou, C., Tong, X., Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., Wang, Z. and Zheng, Y., 2019. Air pollution-induced missed abortion risk for pregnancies. Nature Sustainability, 2(11), pp.1011-1017.

Goyal, N., Karra, M. and Canning, D., 2019. Early-life exposure to ambient fine particulate air pollution and infant mortality: pooled evidence from 43 low-and middle-income countries. International journal of epidemiology.

Wang, J., Cao, H., Sun, D., Qi, Z., Guo, C., Peng, W., Sun, Y., Xie, Y., Liu, X., Li, B. and Luo, Y., 2019. Associations between ambient air pollution and mortality from all causes, pneumonia, and congenital heart diseases among children aged under 5 years in Beijing, China: A population-based time series study. Environmental research, p.108531.


专家观点 | 重磅齐聚,共商“以人为本,推动空气质量持续改善”

一图读懂 | 减排“潜力股” — 大气污染物排放现状及减排潜力

热点研究 | 佩戴口罩,能有效阻隔空气污染物吗?




