
After the Race by James Joyce

nazlusha waysofblackink
I hope everybody is reading and writing despite the classes being on a small break! Here are three writing prompts for you from James Joyce! Remember, the prompts are just the beginnings of stories, sketched, scenes. Pick the one that appeals you the most, and make some time for your writing. Even 5 minutes count, all practice is practice. Happy writing!‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Painting by Emily McCormack

Write a story about someone who is twenty-six years old. Begin your story with this sentence from “After the Race” by James Joyce: “Rapid motion through space elates one; so does notoriety; so does the possession of money."‍

Write a story that takes place at the dining table, where five men from five countries are present. Select as many and as unlikely conversation topics, and make one of your characters guide the rest, thinking of James Joyce’s sentence, “He admired the dexterity with which their host directed the conversation. The five young men had various tastes and their tongues had been loosened.”

Write a story in which you use this sentence from “After the Race” by James Joyce: “The journey laid a magical finger on the genuine pulse of life and gallantly the machinery of human nerves strove to answer the bounding courses of the swift blue animal.”

I'll be back in August! Check out the August-December Class Calendar!

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