
新视野大学英语视听说教程1Unit1_P3Part2.Do you go out a lot

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

P3Listen to the world_Sharing(Part2)

新视野大学英语 视听说教程1(第三版)P3Listen to the world_Sharing(Part2) 

Part 2

M1: I do go out quite a lot, yeah. I ... I like to goout to bars and I quite like going to friends’ houses and having dinner andthings like that.

W1: I like to go to the cinema and um, I think thelast movie I saw was The Hangover –it wasvery funny. And ... and I like to go to the theater also.

W2: No, we don’t go out a lot – um, possibly weekends.We go out for meals or something.

M2: Not too regularly. Weekends. I play golf … um,socialize afterwards.

W3: During the day we do. Er, in the evening, no, no.No, we don’t.

W4: My friends and I like to go out quite a lot. We goclubbing; we go to discos.

W5: Yes, I go out sometimes in the village. Er, welive in a small village, so a lot of our social life is in the village, so wego out to friends’ houses, go to parties, go to the pub.

W6: Um, not so much … but I like it a lot. I like togo to the theater, to the cinema, meet friends,eat out.

W7: Sometimes I go out for a ... for a couple ofdrinks with some good friends, but ... um, not veryoften. A couple of times amonth maybe.



