
新视野大学英语 听说教程1

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

Listen to the world: Sharing  

P.21 Part1 How often do you go to the cinema?


F = Finn; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.

F:  I love films. I love going tothe cinema. I go at least once a week. How about you? How often do you go tothe cinema?

M1: Uh, on average, probably once a month.

W1: I like going to the cinema a lot, but probably only get there aboutonce a month.

M2: Not very often. But I do go occasionally.

M3: I go to the cinema, probably once or twice a month.

W2: I go to the cinema about once a week during the summertime, usuallywhen there are the best movies.

M4: We probably go together, maybe once a fortnight.

M5: I go, normally, probably once every month or two months, but itdepends on the film.

M6: I go to the cinema about once every fortnight. Often I’ll go on aWednesday because we get “buy one get one free” cinema tickets, so I can take afriend with me.


2. 1) once a month   2) Not very often   3) once or twice   4) once a week  5) once every month  6) everyfortnight

