Unit 1
▆ Working withWords and Expressions
1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit.Complete the following sentences with the words given.Change the form where necessary.
▆ Answers:
1) spark
2) compelled
3) bare
4) scrape
5) destruction
6) output
7) retreat
8) tipped
9) miracle
10) eternal
11) pile
12) transfer
13) mass
14) thereby
15) have emerged
16) trigger
17) threaten
18) consumed
19) hollow2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit.Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.
▆ Answers:
1) show signs of
2) cope with
3) lives in fear of
4) tough it out
5) cut down
6) from head to foot
7) searched out
8) nothing short of
9) As yet
10) settle in
11) take heart
▆Increasing YourWord Power
1. You will read six pairs of wordswhich are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on thedifferences in usage between the words in each group and fill in each blankwith a proper one. Change the form if necessary.
▆ Answers:
8)threatened / threatens
2. A blend is a wordproduced by combining parts of other words, such as “comsat” from “communications”and “satellite”. Try to find out what words the following blends are formedfrom. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.
Blend | Formation | Meaning |
smog | smoke + fog | 烟雾 |
blog | web + log | 博客 |
brunch | breakfast + lunch | 早午餐 (早餐和午餐合为一餐) |
autocide | automobile + suicide | 撞车自杀 |
chunnel | channel + tunnel | 海峡隧道 |
motel | motor + hotel | 汽车旅馆 |
netizen | net + citizen | 网民 |
sci-fi | science + fiction | 科幻小说 |
workaholic | work + alcoholic | 工作狂 |
wi-fi | wireless + fidelity | 无线网络 |
3. Fill in the blanks inColumn B with an adjective in Text A. The target adjective must be opposite inmeaning to the one in Column A and must form a correct collocation with the nounin Column C.
▆ Answers:
9) irreplaceable
1. present participles used as an adverbial.
▆ Answers:
1) an adverbial of accompanying circumstances
2) an adverbial of accompanying circumstances
3) an adverbial of result
4) an adverbial of result
5) an adverbial of manner; accompanyingcircumstances
6) an adverbial of result
7) an adverbial of time
2. Complete the following sentences bytranslating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using a present participle as an adverbial.
▆ Answers:
1) killing thousands uponthousands of people
2) raising the averageyield by 15 percent
3) trying to deduce itsoperating principle
4) Seeing that everyone wasbending over his / her book
5) Not having heard fromhis parents for a long time
6) leaving the projectunfinished
7) Turning to the right
8) Not wanting to make thepatient nervous
▆ Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. Theinitial letter of each is given.
▆ Answers:
(1) realm
(2) elemental
(3) obtain
(4) stubbornly
(5) transferred
(6) transformed
(7) subdued
(8) expansion
(9) irreplaceable
(10) extinct
(11) dynamic
(12) verge
(13) moderate
(14) ecological
(15) rational
1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.
▆ Answers for Reference:
1) The village is soclose to the border that the villagers lived in constant fear of attacks fromthe enemy.
2) In only twentyyears the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.
3) Seeing theproject successfully completed, those who had invested so much time and energyin it felt very proud.
4) Given the currentfinancial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be furtherdevalued.
5) There are so manyvehicles nowadays that the roads in this area are barely adequate to cope withthe present traffic.
6) The weathershowed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get preparedfor floods.
7) Alice had beenconfined to bed for over 10 years after the traffic accident, and so her recoveryseemed nothing short of a miracle.
8) The students wereall very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours everyday watching the live matches on TV.
9) Thomas said thathis family had settled in Florida more than half a century ago.
10) Ask for help.Don’t tough it out yourself. I learned this lesson early in my life.
2. Translate thefollowing passage into English.
▆ Answers for reference:
Humanbeings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers in nature, butalso transformers of it. With the development of society and its economy,people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but indirectly theirdependence grows.
Humanbeings are connected with nature by “blood” ties. No one can live outsidenature. However, the previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shownsigns of breaking down. Problems such as the population explosion, ecological imbalanceand the shortage of natural resources have become major factors keeping humansociety from being further developed.
ProfessorSpirkin holds that the only choice for human beings is the wise organization ofproduction and care for Mother Nature.
▆ Write anessay of no less than 150 words on the topic “My Understanding of Environmental Protection”. Your writing shouldcover the following points:
1) therelationship between man and the environment
2) theurgency of environmental protection
3) waysto protect the environment
▆ Sample essay
My Understanding of EnvironmentalProtection
Man andthe environment are closely related. Man relies on the environment for water, foodand shelter. A harmonious relationship between man and the environment isessential for human survival on the earth.
However,man and the environment have never been on such bad terms as they are now. Associety develops, man’s transformation of nature has severely polluted hisliving environment. Deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns,causing devastating floods, droughts and sandstorms. The discharge of chemicalpollutants endangers our health and the lives of other beings. And massproduction has resulted in the shortage of irreplaceable natural resources suchas coal and oil. If we take no immediate and effective steps to protect ourenvironment, human beings may be the next species to become extinct.
Weshould do our best to protect our environment by planting more trees, takingcare of wildlife, reducing industrial wastes, using renewable energy, andimposing heavy fines on environmentally-unfriendly activities, so as topreserve the environment for future generations.
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