

6分钟英语 2022-06-09


Unit  5

Words in Action1

 ▆ Working withWords and Expressions

1.   Listed in the boxes below are some of thewords you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with thewords given. Change the form where necessary.


1) furnish   

2) resolve   

3) maintaining   

4) discarded   

5) sanction   

6) raise

7) strip   

8) bare     

9) bargain  

10) simplified 

11) trade 

12) downsize  

13) numerous 

14) fraction 

15) plain 

16) tackle 

17) rolling

2.     Listed in the boxes below are some expressions that you have learned inthis unit. Complete the sentences with each of them.Change the form where necessary.

▆ Answers: 

1) keeps track of  

2) It turned out that  

3) strip down to 

4) take an interest in 

5) in return

6) is all of a piece 

7) write out   

8) eat out         

9) look back     

10) cut out

Increasing YourWord Power


1.       You will read four groups of wordsand phrases which are similar in meaning. Reflect on the differences in usagebetween the words and phrases in each group and fill in each blank with aproper one. Change the form if necessary.


1) take part in


3)joined in    

4)consist of   

5) iscomposed of  

6) ismade up of

7)live off      

8)live on

9)live by


11)take place



2.      Study the following usefulprefixes and then write out the words in the left column of the following tableaccording to the hints given in the right. The initial letter of the targetword is given.


auto- =of or by oneself           con-/ com- =with, together

counter-= the opposite of        inter- = between,among

ex-/ e- =out of, from              extra- =outside, beyond

re- =again, back                     trans- =across









 7) interrelate 

 8) recycle       



1.       Both acronyms (首字母缩拼词) and initialisms (首字母缩略词) are formed from the firstletters of a series of words to represent names of organizations or are used asscientific terminologies (术语). An acronymis different from an initialism in that the former is pronounced as one wordwhile the latter is pronounced letter by letter. For example, UNESCO is anacronym for “United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization” (联合国教育、科学及文化组织); NPC is an initialism for the National People’sCongress.

Now work in pairs and turn the following acronyms and initialismsinto their original forms and give the Chinese translations.Consult a dictionary if necessary.

▆ Answers:


Original Words


North Atlantic Treaty Organization  北大西洋公约组织


Beginner’s All-purpose  Symbolic Instruction Code 初学者通用符号指令码


Organization of  Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织、欧佩克


Radio Detecting and  Ranging 雷达


Test of English as a Foreign  Language 托福 (英语考试)


International English  Language Test System 雅思英语考试


Public English Test  System  全国公共英语等级考试


International Monetary  Fund 国际货币基金组织


World Health  Organization  世界卫生组织


Asia-Pacific Economic  Cooperation  亚洲太平洋经济合作组织


Grammar in Context2

1. Write hypotheticalsentences based on the given facts.


1) If they hadn’t broken away from the out-of-date regulation, theywouldn’t have made great advances in their work.

2) If they hadn’t taken proper care of her, she wouldn’t haverecovered so rapidly.

3) The conference wouldn’t have been so successful if we hadn’t madeadequate preparations.

4) We would have had a hard time if we hadn’t followed the rightinstructions.

5) The flood would have caused great damage to our property if wehadn’t built so many reservoirs.

6) They would have succeeded in the experiment if they had followedthe right procedure.

2. Change the followingnon-hypothetical statements to hypothetical conditionals.


1) If English hadn’t become a language of international businessafter World War II, most developing countries wouldn’t have required studentsto study it at school.

2) If William hadn’t invadedEnglandin 1066, the Englishlanguage wouldn’t have had many words of French origin.

3) If modern English hadn’t developed from several differentlanguages, the grammar and spelling rules wouldn’t have been so irregular.

4) IfEnglandhadn’t been conquered by the Normansin 1066, French wouldn’t have become the main language of the ruling class atthat time.



Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. Theinitial letter of each of the words to be filled in is given.


1) luxuries 

2) frugal 

3) trading 

4) curtail 

5) splendid 

6) hobbies

7) impulse

8) bare

9) wasteful 

10) deny 

11) deprivation 

12) maintain 

13) resolve   

14) consumption



Translate thefollowing sentences into English.

Answers for Reference:

1)She is a very capable housewife but she likes to purchase things on impulse.Her kitchen cabinets are always full of clutter that will eventually bediscarded.

2)University students should have the resolve to live a frugal lifestyle andshould not try to keep up with the Joneses or follow trends and fads. Theyshould know that only when you mind the pennies will the dollars take care ofthemselves.

3)The couple are high-ranking executives of big companies. They eat out at least fivedays a week due to the lack of time for home cooking.

4)The two signatures appear all of a piece. Even experiencedexperts may find it difficult to identify any difference between them.

5)The editor of the journal cut out all the pictures attached to the articlebecause the length of the article was restricted to only two pages.

6)As a member of the standing committee, he has been tackling unemployment andtraffic problems during the past three years.

7)The old man made a will before his death, giving away all his savings to ourschool as scholarships, a decision sanctioned by his children.

8)The doctor assured his patient that if he took the medicine three times a dayfor three months without interruption, he would recover from the illness forgood.

9)Only when I looked back on my past experiences did I realize that my four-year periodat university was the most care-free time in my life.

10)If we want to excel others in technological innovation, we must keep track ofall the new ideas and developments in the field of science and technology.


Theme-Related Writing5


Write acomposition of no less than 150 words on the topic “Healthy Lifestyles”. Your writingshould cover the following points:

1) your understanding of a healthylifestyle

2) the advantages of living a healthylifestyle

3) ways to develop a healthy lifestyle


Sample Essay:


Healthy Lifestyles

Different people have different interpretations of a healthylifestyle. To me, a healthy lifestyle means living in a way that helps us to bephysically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

We can benefit a lot from living a healthy lifestyle. On the onehand, a healthy lifestyle can give us a strong body, increase our lifeexpectancy, and help us form good living habits. On the other hand, a healthylifestyle enhances self-esteem and confidence, reduces stress and pressure, andenables us to develop a positive outlook and live in harmony with each other. Inshort, a healthy lifestyle improves our overall sense of well-being andhappiness.

There are many ways to develop a healthy lifestyle. We need toexercise regularly, keep a balanced diet, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Itwould also help if we could balance our time for work and play, and find waysto release stress and pressure. With such efforts, we will be able to live in away that contributes to our physical, mental, and emotional health.


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