
大学创新英语同步练习2答案及听力原文 | Unit 2

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Section A (5 points)

1. B                      2. A                      3. A                      4. C                      5. B   

6. A                      7. C                     8. B                      9. A                      10. B

Section B (5 points)

11. make it                    12. bumped into           13. take into account

14. knocked out                15. dwell on                 16. add up to  

17. stay on track               18. on average                 19. instead of

20. remind him of

Section C (5points)

21. C                    22. D                    23. D                    24. C                    25.A

26. D                    27. C                    28. B                    29. A                    30.B

Section D (5 points)

31.     He studied hard in the hope of being admitted to a prestigious university.

32.     I doubt whether he can stay on track in quitting smoking.

33.     There is no doubt that a proper amount of exercise contributes to health. On the flip side, excessive exercise is detrimental to health.

34.     Many seniors depend on their children to teach them how to use Wechat.

35.     Modern marriages are so fragile that more and more marriages end in divorce.


Part 2 Listening Comprehension (20 points)

Section A (8 points)

Conversation 1

36. A          37. A           38. B          39. C

Conversation 2

40. A           41. B          42. D          43. D

Section B (12 points)

Passage 1

44. essential          45. ensure                    46. capable of                      47. take exercise

Passage 2

48. A                           49. D                           50. D                           51. C

Passage 3

52.  make connections                      53.  Being a part of

54.  depth                                       55.  time management


Part 3 Reading Comprehension (30 points)

Section A (10 points)

56. O                    57.A                     58. B                    59. J              60. M

61. K                    62.L                     63.C                  64.N              65. G

Section B (10 points)

66. B                    67. F                     68. K                    69. E                     70. J

71. G                    72. C                    73. D                    74. L                     75. H

Section C (10 points)

Passage 1

76. D                    77. A                    78. D                    79. A                    80. B

Passage 2

81.C              82. D                    83. A                    84. D                    85. D


Part 4 Translation (10 points)


The marathon is a long-distance foot race which was one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896. It is usually run as a road race with an official distance of 42.195 kilometers. The name “marathon” comes from the legend of the Athenian soldier Pheidippides, who was sent from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persian army had been defeated in the Battle of Marathon.


Part 5 Writing (20 points)

Section A (10 points)


What Benefits Can Sports Bring Us?

Sports have been the most popular form of recreation since time immemorial. As college students, we are expected to engage in various sports activities because it is universally acknowledged that sports, as an excellent physical exercise, can benefits us in numerous aspects.

First of all, there is no doubt that proper sports activities contribute a lot to our physical fitness. We all know that sports often involve physical activities like running, jumping, stretching and moving. For instance, sports concerning jumping and stretching help increase our height, such as playing basketball. Thus, sports provide the body with complete exercise and strengthen our bones and muscles and tone our body. Second, playing sports is of great benefit for the development of social skills. Sports teach us how to interact with people, communicate with them and collaborate as a team. What’s more, winning a game in sports will offer us a sense of accomplishment, which boosts our confidence further. Besides, sports can bring us happiness since physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make us feel happier and more relaxed.

In a nutshell, playing sports can be conducive to both physical and mental health since it can help to keep us healthy and happy. So let’s get hooked on playing sports in our leisure time so as to get healthy and fun as well.


Section B (10 points)




Audio Scripts

Part 2 Listening Comprehension (20 points)

Section A (8 points)

Directions:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Conversation 1

Linda: Tom, may I come to your house so that we can study together?

Tom: I am sorry, Linda. I am now going to play Pingpong. I'll be back in an hour. Would you please come after an hour? 

Linda: It is very strange; the examination is falling in next month but instead of studying you are going to play Pingpong.

Tom: I have never missed playing Pingpong, even during the days of examination.

Linda: You mean study is not as important as sports?

Tom: It is only your misconception. I never thought that sports are more important than study.

Linda: I think sports are of no use in passing an examination.

Tom: No, my friend, you are wrong. Sports are just as useful as studies can be. One should not turn into a bookworm. 

Linda: I don’t think that studies make a person a bookworm.

Tom: Sports make our bodies strong and a famous proverb says that a strong body keeps a strong brain.

Linda: But Tom, after games we get tried and cannot pay attention to our studies.

Tom: It is wrong to say games produce fatigue. Games exercise our limbs and refresh us. We can study more vigorously if we play games.


Questions 36 to 39 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. 36.     What does the woman want to do?   

  2. 37.     When will the man stop playing Pingpong?

  3. 38.     What does the woman think of sports?

  4. 39.     According to the man, what’s the major advantage of doing sports?


Conversation 2

David: Where are you going, Lily?

Lily: I am going to the stadium.

David: What do you do there?

Lily: I play tennis with my friend.

David: Do you play tennis every day?

Lily: Yes, it keeps my body and mind fit. Do you play any game, David?

David: Yes, I do.

Lily: Which game do you play?

David: I play football.

Lily: I think games are essential for good health.

David: You are right, Lily. Games are essential for everybody.

Lily: But some people do not play any game. They do not realize the importance of games.

David: And such people always suffer from one or the other ailment.

Lily: Absolutely, David.

David: I think games should be made compulsory for the students.

Lily: I agree. Games will keep the students healthy and teach them discipline.

David: Discipline is very essential for the progress of an individual as well as the nation as a whole.

Lily: I agree with you. Games also develop the quality of leadership among the students.

David: As the old saying goes, health is wealth. Therefore, we must take physical exercise.

Lily: Yes, you are right. But I am getting late for my tennis game, may I take leave right now?

David: With great pleasure. I don't want to detain you.

Lily: See you.

David: Bye.


Questions 40 to 43 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. 40.     How often does the woman play tennis?

  2. 41.     What game does the man play?

  3. 42.     Who will suffer from illness according to the conversation?

  4. 43.     What can we learn about the benefits of games from the conversation?


Section B (12points)

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages.

Passage 1

Directions:In this passage, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.

The chief object of sports is, of course, bodily exercise. “A sound mind in a sound body" is a well-known saying. The health of the body is 44. essential for success in life. An unhealthy man is always sad, gloomy and therefore loses confidence in him. To keep healthy, one must take an active interest in sports. Thus sports serve an important purpose in life because they 45. ensure good health and build a fine physique. If one is bodily fit, one feels 46. capable of hard endeavor and life without endeavor is useless. The great advantage of sports is that they combine exercise with drill, excitement and sensations. We should readily 47. take exercise, and practically all kinds of games devised by man possess a certain degree of interest.


Passage 2

Directions: In this passage, four questions will be asked about what was said. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B) C) and D).

A number of studies have shown that exercise may play an important role in addressing a number of psychological disorders. Studies also show that exercise has a positive influence on depression. Physical self-perception has been linked to improved self-esteem.

A number of factors influence the way in which sport and physical activity impacts on health in different populations. Sport and physical activity in itself may not directly lead to benefits but, in combination with other factors, can promote healthy lifestyles. There is evidence to suggest that changes in the environment can have a significant impact on opportunities for participation and in addition, the conditions under which the activity is taking place can heavily impact on health outcomes. Elements that may be determinants on health include nutrition, intensity and type of physical activity, appropriate footwear and clothing, climate, injury, stress levels and sleep patterns.

Sport and physical activity can make a substantial contribution to the well-being of people in developing countries. Exercise, physical activity and sport have long been used in the treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Physical activity for individuals is a strong means for the prevention of diseases and for nations is a cost-effective method to improve public health across populations.


Questions 48 to 51 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. 48.    What kind of psychological disease is positively affected by sports exercise?

  2. 49.    What can help promote healthy lifestyles according to the passage?

  3. 50.    Which factors can exert heavy influence on health outcomes?

  4. 51.    Why does physical activity benefit people’s well-being in developing countries?


Passage 3

Directions: In this passage, four questions will be asked about what was said. After you hear a question, complete the answer with no more than three words.

   If you step into any college athletic center, you are likely to encounter a great variety of sports activities. Those activities allow you to make connections with others. Team sports especially are a great way to meet new people — what a better way to make friends than by being part of a group working together toward a common goal? In particular, being a part of a team has a way of producing close camaraderie among teammates. Between spending so much time together, sharing a passion for the sport you play, and riding the emotional roller coaster that is wins and losses, you are likely to form deeper friendships with your teammates than with anyone else at college.

   Playing a sport is an easy cure for the workout blues. By focusing on the competition at hand, you are able to stay healthy and have fun doing it. The breadth of college sports allows you to find and develop new interests that you might not discover elsewhere. Meanwhile, the depth of the college sports encourages you to perfect the skills you already possess. Additionally, playing a sport not only helps reduce stress and but also teaches valuable time management skills that allow you to achieve academic success effectively.


Questions 52 to 55 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. 52.    What is the role of college sports in your relationship with others

  2. 53.    What is the way of producing close relationship among teammates?

  3. 54.    What can encourage you to perfect the skills you already possess?

  4. 55.    How does college sports promote your academic achievement?


