地址 : 顶上空间(广州海珠区宝岗路郊坛顶17号之三)THEME : Cedar Zhou: Celebrating the creativity of Screen AgeTIME : 2022.12.25 (Sun.) 19:30
Guangzhou CenturyDream Advertising Ltd.,ADD : TOP Art Space(No.3, Building 17, Baogang Rd, Haizhu District, Guangzhou)
Takes the SCREENROOM as the art engine, community link and trading platform to share the participation and response to the Chinese digital community culture in the creation and operation of SCREENROOM. To discuss digital content will eventually become the development process of its own subject, away from the material, and the unique appearance of Chinese digital original art.一些作品
World: Embodiment,
exhibition site of "Minor Universes:
Technology-led Emotions"
photo by 9mouth
your warm, soft little screen#13, Li Weiyi
Project "how to plant trees on the screen", OoEli
Guangzhou Outdoor Arts Festival, 2019
exhibition site of "Facing the sea"
腾讯会议 ID:582 110 346
周姜杉,屏幕间 SCREENROOM 创办人,PPPP 新媒体艺术空间联合创办人。周姜杉的创作涉及网络社群、媒介环境和叙事,通过符号对特定场景的建构讨论媒介环境对人的感知、理解和感情的影响,以及知识生产的形成和演变。周姜杉 2022 联合发起奥地利中国数字加密艺术节,2018年担任NOVA交互新媒体艺术大奖复审评委;周姜杉的作品在国际范围展出,包括伦敦V&A、鹿特丹V2不稳定媒体、巴黎LE CUBE、香港艺术中心、北京CAFA美术馆。周姜杉拥有英国中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院及伦敦大学金匠学院的硕士学位。Cedar Zhou is an artist, founder of SCREENROOM, co-founder of PPPP new media art space. The work of Cedar discusses the relationship between individual and group in a real-time system, creating tools and participating environment for people to express their ideas toward particular topic under different sociological and psychological influences.
SCREENROOM founded in 2017. SCREENROOM is delicated to recreating the ecology of art system, and development digital engines for the production, dissemination and consumption for art in the age of screen.
顶上(顶上空间)成立于2016年7月,源于韩飞和李振华的一次谈话,关于“做什么”和“什么也不做”。后来还是归结为一句话:顶上是一座位于城中村建筑屋顶的精神之屋。顶上的实体空间包含了开放式的厨房、天台、阅览室、小型放映厅、会议室等不同基础设施,通过到访者的参与,以各自兴趣为出发点展开与顶上的连结。由此,顶上将作为一个动态的概念,在交往和对话中,被不断定义与激发。TOP (TOP Art Space) was established in July 2016. The opportunity for the establishment of space originated from a conversation between Han Fei and Li Zhenhua, about "what to do" and "nothing to do". They finally concluded that TOP is a house of the spirit loacted on the roof of urban village. The physical space of TOP includes open kitchen, rooftop, reading room, small projection hall, conference room and other infrastructure. Through the participation of visitors, we start from their own interests to connect with TOP. As a dynamic concept, TOP will be constantly defined and stimulated in communication and dialogue.广州市世纪理想广告有限公司是一间综合性的策划整合公司,组建于2000年。一直坚持“真诚 • 共同创造”的核心价值观 ,用真诚的态度和源源不断的创造力服务社会,为社会创造更大的价值。Guangzhou Century Dream Advertising Ltd. It is a comprehensive planning and integration company, founded in 2000. We have always adhered to the core values of sincere • co-creation, serving the society with a sincere attitude and continuous creativity to create greater value for the society.瑞士文化基金会上海办公室于2010年成立。它旨在支持中瑞两国艺术家与机构间的合作与交流,通过开展项目促进两国在文化领域内知识与经验的分享。目前,瑞士文化基金会上海办公室开展的项目主要集中在瑞士当代艺术,其中包括视觉艺术、设计、建筑、音乐与舞蹈等众多领域。Pro Helvetia Shanghai is founded in 2010 and represents the Swiss Arts Council in China, Hong Kong and Macau. Its aim is to encourage dialogue between Swiss and Chinese cultural practitioners and institutions by supporting projects that enhance the exchange of knowledge and experience in the cultural field.
The Public Roof supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council
由此进直入看见“Century Dream世纪理想”即到
A Spiritual House On The Roof of Urban Village