The ripples of light - River, water and time, photosensitive painting
60cm x 60cm x 10cm x 3, 2022
In the River, water and time, Shen Linghao continues his creative vein of light, photography and field, and reappears the texture of the river and the ripples and traces of the water on the exhibition site through the photographic practice of special photosensitive materials.
Wave, space specific installations, 2021
Dream Sentence, site specific art, size variable, 2020
艺术家试图将转瞬即逝的“留光现象”作为一种趋于恒常与变化之间的视觉表征, 就像人们对于梦境的记忆,琐碎又充满细节,介于真实与虚幻之间,并随着清醒而被人们遗忘......沈凌昊认为每一场梦境对于他而言,就如同一次全新的生命,而记录梦境则是抵抗遗忘与恒常的一种方式,他试图通过这件作品让观众感受到时间与生命之间的联系,特别是在许多生命因为疫情而逝去的时期。
In the Dream Sentence, Shen Linghao extracts note from his dream diary at different time, randomly edits the people, things and circumstance occurred in dreams, and forms a long sentence of unclear meaning with dreamy vibe. The text is transferred onto exhibition walls through light sensitive materials. The UV light on the circular track moves at constant speed following the words. Under the UV light, the light sensitive texts emit a faint fluorescence and fades away, repeatedly. Shen Linghao tries to visually symbolize the remnant light phenomenon for immutability and change. Alike memory of dreams which are fragment but detailed, it sits between reality and fiction and is gradually forgotten as people awake. Shen Linghao believes that each dream is like a new life for him, and recording dreams is a way to resist forgetting and constancy. He tries to make the audience feel the connection between time and life through this work, especially in the period when many lives have died due to the epidemic.
《“岛屿”系列 - 向橘红色的天空叫喊》,场域特定装置
Island SeriesShouting to the Orange Sky, site-specific installation, 2020
On the Beach at Night Alone, composite media installation, size variable, 2018
Online Platform
腾讯会议 ID:526 305 351
Shen Linghao(b. 1988, Shanghai) graduated from the oil painting department of Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts with BFA and the studio art department of the San Francisco Art Institute with MFA. Through his practice, he examines the relationship between time, memory, and individual experience, working in media including photography, video, installation, text, and more. Shen is adept at using photosensitive materials and their unique qualities to reconstruct the relationship between time and memory, creating his own philosophically charged artistic language. His site-specific installation explores the possibility and perceptual extension of science and technology in art through the application of new materials and technologies. Shen Linghao currently lives and works in Shanghai.
Zhao Erdong(b. 1989, Hefei, Anhui) graduated from the Lacquer Art Department of China Academy of Art with a B.A. and M.A. He has been teaching at the Lacquer Art Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts since 2015 and now lives in Guangzhou, where he is engaged in the creation and teaching of contemporary art. His many years of experience in abstract painting intertwined with his proficiency in traditional Chinese lacquer art has led him to create things with a transcendental intuitive experience as the fulcrum. He uses the practice of Buddhism and yoga as the cornerstone of his auto-ethnographic research, thereby approaching and trying to reach the core of Eastern mysticism, and searching for the possibility to connect the experience and knowledge of ancient and modern culture, society and religion in his creation.
IFP Institute for Provocation (IFP) is an independent art organization founded in 2010. Combining the study of theory and artistic practice, IFP aims to combine cross-disciplinary knowledge and stimulate cultural exchange and production in a collective approach. IFP organizes and advocates various kinds of activities, including artist residency, research project, discussion, exhibition making, workshop, publication, etc. on the basis of considering the dynamics of the relationship of independent art space with the society.
FUMAC LAB 驸马老师于1999年创立“FUMAC LAB”,并成功研发国内第一套UHF多频道无线麦克风,继而开发出国内第一套大功率数字功放MHzpower和超低失真超大功率功放集成电路GIAI。FumacLAB实验室一直以“极限设计”为最终目的研发前沿音频技术和声学技术为方向。为用户提供集电学声学电声学的研发设计推广等综合服务。
FUMAC LAB Mr. FuMa founded "FUMAC LAB" in 1999, and successfully developed the first set of UHF multi-channel wireless microphone in China, and then developed the first set of high-power digital power amplifier MHzpower and ultra-low distortion ultra-power amplifier integrated circuit GIAI.
FumacLAB laboratory has been developing cutting-edge audio technology and acoustic technology with the ultimate goal of "extreme design". Provide users with comprehensive services such as R&D, design and promotion of electro-acoustics and electro-acoustics.
Pro Helvetia Shanghai is founded in 2010 and represents the Swiss Arts Council in China, Hong Kong and Macau. Its aim is to encourage dialogue between Swiss and Chinese cultural practitioners and institutions by supporting projects that enhance the exchange of knowledge and experience in the cultural field.
The Public Roof supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council