

BCS 维客笔记 2023-04-27








所展示的canvas使用案例均来自Ob discord网友的分享



  • @Adrius

I tried using Canvas for creating a milestone plan, and I am very happy with the result so far. The real gem is how I can open each of these notes to get more details and connected notes I don't want to display. Good bye, Excel milestone plans.


  • @Alisha

My first canvas. Visual literature notes, anybody? 😍


  • @Boninall

A canvas for translating obsidian roundup into Chinese, time flows.


  • @Cal

Ok cool will do Also playing around with a kanban style pipleine for literature reading


  • @Carboxyl

a little study guide i made for myself hehehe 知识总结,清晰明了

  • @ConcernedSquirrel

Love the new Canvas ❤️ It makes combining different points of a Topic so easy - I used it now the first time for all my Information of the Consulting-lectures I had the last weeks. Like that you can follow a path for different Informations so quick and easy. But as someone already mentioned yesterday (or 2 days ago cant remember) at some point it gets a bit laggy and you need to reopen the canvas - which also affected a newly opened file - after a restart it was fine again 🙂


  • @Damian Korcz

My WIP Theme Test canvas. A collection of all my usual test files and Canvas features (has all the colour variations for nodes, groups and arrows).


  • @Embrace Chaos

Mapped out my house with links to the notes on maintenance, repairs, upgrades, etc.


  • @erik.aybar

I've found a handful of different uses for Canvas by now but this year in review exercise was illuminating for me showing how flexible and useful it is. This canvas gives me a high level view across months and quarters divided up by "areas" and memories. This is just one area within the larger canvas. I've got plenty more to add in, but I'm impressed at how it holds up with many cards, overlapping groups, embedded notes and block references (even one embedded canvas), and URL embeds (all of the photos across the top). I love that you can just paste a URL and it automatically embeds ready to position and resize which made creating the memories section nice and quick! Excellent work on this Obsidian team! 👏❤️


  • @lunaris13

Omg, thank you thank you thank you developers! Now it's so much easier to see the different groups of animal classification with canvas grouping! It's so much clearer. I think you are saving my grade right about now 😂 Edit: this is a work in progress; already made many changes, but they are so easy to make, which is perfect!



Now it's finished. This was the class material for my first Computer Science class. It was heavily based on the textbook given, Starting Out With Python by Tony Gaddis. It's been fun learning how to code, finally. (I grew up in a house full of computers, with family members that always talked about computers, technology, or IT stuff. Now I seemed to have caught up. :D)

  • @Ian Hayes

Groups are so helpful! I'm collecting feedback on a short story from my critique group, and I've been able to group individual comments by theme and difficulty rating, each with their own block references back to the original text. I feel like this plugin gets better every day!


  • @jgoodman

Personal research project I'm working on, so nice to be able to throw everything down onto a workspace like this. My WIP "research" about How to find work we love is evolving and I'm loving canvas even more!! I used to not really find mind maps helpful, but to be able to have such easy access to my obsidian notes in here is next level. Not sure if I'd have this sort of clarity on the project without it. 继续用canvas做学术研究

  • @Jillard

I've been starting to think about Canvas as a way of geographically arranging my notes, by adding a map image file underneath the note/section pages.


  • @keara

outlining a research article 🙂 mapped out each section with relevant concepts and evidence. canvas is truly everything I've been needing for my work!


  • @Klaas

I was intrigued a long time by the question of how money comes into being. I could not believe that it was just a question of writing $ bills (or whatever currency), and that was it. So, I spent time reading up about it, making notes in Obsidian as I went along. Obviously, everything was explained in words, which did not make it any easier. Eventually I got to a point where I think I had the main points, and in order to give myself an overview I tried to incorporate those points in a table. Then, just as I had finished the table, Canvas came out. Wow, what a game changer!! I made my 1st canvas, which proved the old adage: “a picture is worth a 1000 words”. So, I thought I'd share my 1st canvas with you. It is based on the Federal Reserve System and commercial banks in the U.S., but it is probably applicable to most other countries too. For those who are interested in the actual content, do not hesitate to criticize, either positively or negatively. Spoiler: yes, it effectively amounts to printing money, but in a very convoluted way.

  • @Lei

The whiteboard is very convenient to aggregate PDFs, web pages, cards, etc. I regard this module in the picture as a small theme, which will be very convenient to view it later under the VR theme. canvas能够自由添加各种文件

  • @linkDDD

Knowledge City 学到一个新词

  • @MinecraftMike16

Storyboarding becoming easy... I know this isn't the most impressive graph, but this is going to help me keep my novel ideas in order before they multiply out of control

  • @nematoad

Getting started on a canvas about the protein complex family i study 🧬

  • @pewu

Canvas for roadmaps. This is way too amazing. Each card contains a deep dive into each feature.

  • @RyanC

Spent the morning drafting a 1-pager about an important initiative. Canvas has been an absolute delight in helping me do this! From the easy markdown formatting in cards with quotes or todo checkboxes to the references to existing vault content. I didn't expect to value or enjoy this as much as I am!

  • @smoosh

i have mocked up the "lifeboard" concept that i am using in my personal vault, using the role > aspiration > goal > project > task through-line to make sure my projects are aligning with my aspirations

  • @stēla

I just created a canvas that explains the architecture of my obsidian vault

  • @vxxv

First quick mind map with Obsidian Canvas, some much potential here


You can add Database Folder embed as well as Data view queries which than you can link to objects// I've created Tasks

Another Idea of what you can do with Canvas, You can build a fully functional dashboard with links, pages images etc

Dashboard Template with working links to


You can also use Admonition Plugin to embedded in to block, that you have a nice separation between multiple sections or even sections from different notes in one canvas





A better you, A bigger world!

