会议 ID:802 240 481
(NO. 362)
题 目:Mapping U.S. - China Technology Decoupling, Innovation, and Firm Performance
报告人:韩鹏飞 助理教授 北京大学光华管理学院
主持人:叶 兵 副教授 浙江大学民营经济研究中心
时 间:2021年11月19日(星期五)下午1:30 -3:00
摘 要
We develop measures for technology decoupling and dependence between the U.S. and China based on combined patent data. The first two decades of the century witnessed a steady increase in technology integration (or less decoupling), but China’s dependence on the U.S. increased (decreased) during the first (second) decade. Decoupling in a technology field predicts China’s growing dependence on U.S. technology, which, in turn, predicts less decoupling further down the road. Decoupling is associated with more patent outputs in China, but lower firm productivity and valuation. China’s innovation-oriented industrial policies trade off the inherent conflict between indigenous innovation and firm competitiveness.