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Alternative Sinofuturisms 异 • 中华未来主义

706青年空间 706青年空间 2019-12-31


To conclude the WuDaoKou Futurism Workshop , this open lecture will invite a panel of four speakers to talk about their conceptions of sinofuturism from a variety of perspectives - urbanism, electronic music, sci-fi, memes, and xenopoetics; and argue over whether sinofuturism is the apotheosis of accelerationism.
作为五道口未来主义工作坊的最终章,这次的公开讲座将邀请4位讲者从 都市主义、电子音乐、科幻、网络文化、异诗学   等不同的角度谈论他们对中华未来主义的见解,同时讨论中华未来主义是否为加速主义的典范。

Language: English

Guest Biographies

Amy Ireland
Amy Ireland is an Australian writer and theorist. Amy's research focuses on questions of agency and technology in modernity, and she is a member of the technomaterialist transfeminist collective, Laboria Cuboniks, whose Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation has been translated into fourteen languages, including a forthcoming Chinese translation. Selected recent work includes ‘Beside a Cold Statue’ for Florian Hecker’s Inspection II (Urbanomic and Editions Mego, 2019); ‘Module 3’, a 3D printed poetry work commissioned for the Barbican’s AI: More Than Human exhibition catalogue (2019); and texts in Audint—Unsound:Undead, Steve Goodman, Toby Heys & Eleni Ikoniadou, eds. (Falmouth: Urbanomic, 2019).

 Amy Ireland是一位澳大利亚写作者及理论家。Amy的研究主要聚焦于现代性中的主体性和科技问题,她是科技物质主义者跨女性主义者共同体 Laboria Cuboniks的成员,其著作《异女性主义:为了异化的政治》已被翻译为14种语言,包括即将出版的中文版。部分最近著作有:《在冰冷的雕像旁》(Urbanomic and Editions Mego出版, 2019);《Module 3》, 为Barbican的“人工智能:不止人类”展览图册委任创作的3D打印诗歌作品;以及收录于Audint的出版物《非声:不死》的文章,由Steve Goodman, Toby Heys & Eleni Ikoniadou编辑 (Falmouth: Urbanomic出版, 2019)

Gabriele de Seta
Gabriele de Seta is a media anthropologist. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and has completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. His research work, grounded on ethnographic engagement across multiple sites, focuses on digital media practices and vernacular creativity in the Chinese-speaking world. He is also interested in experimental music scenes, Internet art, digital data curation, and collaborative intersections between anthropology and art practice.
 Gabriele de Seta是一位媒介人类学家。他是香港理工大学社会学博士,并已完成台北中央研究院民族学研究所博士后。他的研究工作建立在跨不同地点的民族志参与基础上,集中于数字媒介事件和华语世界的方言创造力。他还对实验音乐领域、互联网艺术、数字数据策划和人类学与艺术实践的交叉协作等感兴趣。

Virginia L. Conn
Virginia L. Conn is a comparative literature PhD candidate at Rutgers University whose work occurs at the intersection of comparative languages and literatures (Sinophone, Anglophone, Francophone, Germanophone, and Russophone literatures) and science and technology studies, particularly those aspects of STS that investigate circulations of knowledge and biopolitics. Her dissertation analyzes the depictions of “ideal citizens” developed in Sino-Soviet socialist science fiction as actionable blueprints for new national models of personhood.
Virginia L. Conn是罗格斯大学比较文学博士候选人,她的研究在于比较语言和比较文学的交叠处(华语语系、英语语系、法语语系、德语语系和俄语语系文学)以及科学技术研究,尤其是研究知识传播与生命政治的STS(科学、技术、社会)。她的博士论文分析中苏社会主义科幻中描绘的“理想公民”作为为人格(personhood)新国家模型的可执行蓝图。

Vincent Garton
Vincent Garton is a political consultant, formerly a PhD student at Cambridge University researching the concept of catastrophe in 20th century Europe and East Asia. His main interests lie in the future of politics and its intersections with economics, theology, aesthetics, and technology.
Vincent Garton是一位政治顾问,之前为剑桥大学博士,研究二十世纪欧洲和东亚的困境。他的主要兴趣在未来政治及其与经济、理论、美学和科技的交叉。



张颠孬,媒介人类学者与非虚构文本写作者。博士毕业于RMIT大学数码民族志研究中心(Digital Ethnography Research Centre)。














Cyberpunk Action-Research Cooperation Network(CARCN),是一个关注激进技术与社会议题的实践(daoluan)-研究(huche)网络。CARCN由社会议题工作者、批判理论研究者、科技行业从业者组成,包含各种社会闲散青年,互联网社畜、码农、NGO苦力、秃头社科学者、媒体狗、躺尸专业户、艺术行业民工、不自由撰稿人、地下摇滚乐手、无业小说家......我们介入并考察媒介技术史与政治经济结构的脉络,通过参与式创作(胡搞瞎玩)过程中的协作、团结与共情,形成跨学科、跨行业、跨领域的社会联结,探索技术应用民主化与公共化的可能性。此组织深入斡旋于诸种技术、媒介、符码之间,其介入之全面,远非符码本身所能及也。

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