
印际 x McLaren Excell新作 | 治愈之旅

Yinji 印际

McLaren Excell创立于2010年,是一家位于英国伦敦的建筑设计事务所,项目主要涉及私人住宅和商业空间等。他们为创造一种具有现代性的独特审美和引以为傲的工艺或建造方法而不断实践,并使理性的思考和清晰的概念体现于建筑形体及其内部之中。

McLaren Excell, founded in 2010, is a London based architecture practice that works on private residential and commercial Spaces. They practice to create a unique aesthetic of modernity and a process or method of construction in which they are proud, and in which rational thinking and clear concepts are embodied in the architectural form and its interior.

Henley House


McLaren Excell对这栋优雅的维多利亚式别墅进行了全面翻新,为了完整地恢复建筑本身的特性,从丹麦采购而来的砖块被用于扩建部分的立面建造。同时工作室还保留了整个建筑的原始结构,以确保这座家庭住宅未来的可持续性发展,并表示对遗产和环境的尊重。
The elegant Victorian villa was completely renovated by McLaren Excell, with bricks sourced from Denmark being used to build the facade of the extension in order to fully restore the character of the building itself. The studio also retained the original structure of the entire building to ensure the future sustainability of the family home and to show respect for heritage and the environment.

Camden Workshop


这座位于伦敦北部的住宅,由雕塑艺术家的家和原先的工作室改造而来。受到手工艺的启发,McLaren Excell将住宅的一楼改造成家庭活动室,满足日常的木工、编织、摄影等一系列活动需要;上层则是家庭生活空间,其中包括了一个宽敞的厨房与餐厅、独立的休息室以及四间双人卧室。
This house in north London has been converted from a sculpture artist's home and former studio. Inspired by craftsmanship, McLaren Excell converted the first floor of the house into a family room for a range of daily activities such as woodworking, knitting and photography. On the upper level is the family living space, which includes a spacious kitchen and dining room, separate lounge and four double bedrooms.

Hunts Green Barn


这座16世纪被列为二级保护建筑的谷仓在20世纪被分隔成了若干个单独房间,破坏了原始空间的布局与规模。McLaren Excell在场地后方构建了一处新的空间,以容纳更多的房间,增加谷仓群之间的流动性。于工作室而言,谷仓的美学呈现必须有效地利用其场地特性,反映建筑的工业遗产同时,体现环保意识和减少过度的人为干预。
The Grade II-listed 16th century barn was divided into separate rooms in the 20th century, destroying the layout and scale of the original space. McLaren Excell has created a new space at the rear of the site to accommodate more rooms and increase mobility between the barns. For the studio, the aesthetic presentation of the barn had to make effective use of its site character, reflecting the building's industrial heritage while being environmentally conscious and reducing excessive human intervention.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :McLaren Excell


