
印际 x Yinclass | 软装大师课

YinClass 印际


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自2020年的第一期「世界设计大师课」伊始,历经10期,印际共邀请了39位具有国际影响力的讲师,分享了他们的故事、思考与设计实践,受益匪浅。如今,我们将以“空间之间”为主题,联合Lotta Agaton Interiors、Olivier Dwek、Workshop APD、Greg Natale四家知名事务所开启全新的软装大师课,让我们一起重获新知。

Lotta Agaton Interiors是北欧领先的室内设计工作室之一,由Lotta Agaton创立于2004年,并与多学科团队Lotta Agaton Interiors进行合作,涉及概念设计、房地产开发、私人住宅以及商业空间的室内设计。为满足不同客户的需求,每一个项目都是独一无二的。

Lotta Agaton Interiors is one of the leading interior design studios in Scandinavia, working with a wide range of both commercial and private clients. The studio was founded in 2004 by Lotta Agaton, and together with a multi-disciplinary team Lotta Agaton Interiors take on commercial styling projects, develop interior concepts for property developments and do interiors for both private residences and commercial spaces. Every project is tailor made to suit the needs of the client.      

LA Gallery,Photo©Erik Lefvander

Lotta Agaton拥有超过20年的室内设计经验,包括造型、创意指导和许多国际品牌的咨询服务。作为Residence杂志的共同创始人,Agaton积累了丰富的编辑知识和良好的视觉审美能力。无论在家中、商业空间还是图像上,他们希望精心设计的空间能为人们带来积极的影响,这是Lotta Agaton工作室坚持不懈的信念。

The studio has more than 20 years of experience working with interiors, including styling, creative direction and consulting for many international brands. With a background as the co-founder of Residence magazine, Agaton also has a deep knowledge of editorial collaborations and the impact of good visual communication.  At the heart of the studio lays a firm belief in long lasting quality – be it in a home, a commercial space or an image – and on the positive side effects a well curated space has on us.

Apartment Lotta Agatons,Photo©Per Jansson

自2001年成立以来,Greg Natale持续地凭借其在建筑和室内设计方面的专业性创造了令人惊叹的、复杂的和令人难忘的空间。Greg Natale设计的内在DNA不仅是分层的图案和色彩的标志,而是以现代主义理念为基础,使其有更多的机会去探索后现代主义、意大利理性主义、野蛮主义、中世纪现代主义和米兰极致主义等形式的研究。

Since its launch in 2001, Greg Natale has brought its expertise in architecture and interior design to the creation of stunning, sophisticated, and unforgettable spaces. The underling DNA at Greg Natale is not only its signature of layering pattern and colour, but a strong modernist foundation which has lent itself to a multitude of opportunities to explore influences such as post-modernism, Italian rationalism, brutalism, mid-century modern and Milanese maximalism.

Walsh Bay 顶层公寓,Photo©Anson Smart

无论从纽约、俄克拉何马州到伦敦,再到澳大利亚各地,还是从经典公寓、沿海住宅到当代住宅和庞大的乡村庄园,位于悉尼的Greg Natale设计工作室成为了定制设计的总部,同时也展示了他们独到的设计构思和极具创意的风格特征。

With projects spanning classic apartments and coastal residences to contemporary houses and sprawling rural estates, in locations from New York and Oklahoma to London to all around Australia, Greg Natale Design operates from its Sydney studio, a custom-designed headquarters that showcases the practice’s refined design approach and inimitable style.

Mosman 住宅,Photo©Anson Smart

East Brisbane 住宅,Photo©Anson Smart

Workshop APD,美国知名的室内设计工作室,由设计师Andrew Kotche和Matt Berman联合成立于1999年,主要从事豪华宅邸和高端商业项目的设计与研发。他们从不受限于项目类型或单一的审美取向,提供具有原创性、创新方式和智能优化的解决方案,并将可持续性的理念融入其符合业主期望、诗意营造和久经岁月而历久弥新的标志性设计符号之中。

Workshop APD was founded in 1999 by Matt Berman and Andrew Kotchen to design and develop luxury residential and high-end commercial projects. Never limited by project type or single aesthetic orientation, they provide original, innovative and intelligent solutions that integrate the concept of sustainability into their iconic design symbols that are consistent with the expectations of the owners, poetic and timeless.

Upper West Side Triplex,Photo©Workshop APD

The Courtyard House,Photo©Workshop APD

在Andrew Kotchen看来,“空间”并非单一的具指词汇,而是泛指“内外之间的空间、材料之间的空间、元素之间的空间”。

n Andrew Kotchen's opinion, "space" is not a single reference, but generally refers to "the space between inside and outside, the space between materials, the space between elements". 

Pebble Beach Compound,Photo©Workshop APD

Olivier Dwek,堪称欧洲最具创造力的建筑师之一,1970年出生于比利时的布鲁塞尔。由于年轻时对视觉艺术的热爱,之后他考入了美术学院学习,并于1990年开始在布鲁塞尔大学建筑系任教。1997年,29岁的他在伦敦市中心创办了自己的建筑工作室。

Olivier Dwek was born in 1970 in Brussels, the capital of Belgium,Known as one of the most creative European architects.Because of his youthful enthusiasm for visual art, he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts and began teaching in the Department of Architecture at the University of Brussels in 1990. He founded his own architectural studio in central London, at the age of 29, in 1997.

House G,Photo©Serge Anton

Olivier Dwek的设计魅力在于诠释了过去和当下共性的建筑语言,把现代的极简主义发挥到极致,表达了他对细节的关注,内敛的克制以及对建筑存在的深深敬意。对Olivier Dwek来说,每个项目都能创造出意想不到的惊喜,并为它赋予独特的生命力和非凡的意义。

Olivier Dwek's design charm lies in telling the common architectural language of the past and the present, bringing modern minimalism to the extreme, expressing his attention to details, restrained decorative restraint and deep respect for architectural presence. For Olivier Dwek, each project can create unexpected surprises and give it a unique vitality and extraordinary meaning, rather than just falling on the cold minimalist concept.

New Hope Gallery,Photo©Serge Anton

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