

NCBDC 数字汽车大赛 2022-04-23










1.竞赛题目 Question


Prediction of electric vehicle driving distance

2.背景介绍 Background


Drivingrange, a key performance parameter of electric vehicles, has raised greatconcern recent years. The actual driving distance in a certain time period of EVsis related to the degradation of power battery, the characteristics of thedriving process and environmental factors. Accurately predicting the drivingdistance of EVs in a specific condition can increase driver’s confidence indriving range, improve energy utilization efficiency, and is of greatsignificance to energy management, travel decision-making and so on.

3.问题描述 Description of the question


Drivingdistance is influenced by many factors, such as battery energy and drivingenergy consumption. Contestants are required to analyze environmental conditions,energy consumption, battery degradation and other factors according to thegiven data, and establish an appropriate data model to predict the drivingdistance of a certain driving segment.

4.数据说明 Data description




Thereal-world driving data of electric vehicles are used in this question, and thetraining data and test data are produced by different vehicles with the samemodel, all the vehicles are operated in Beijing. 

The training data consist ofdata of 5 vehicles (both driving state and charging state are included), andthe data are arranged in time order in rows. The data items are listed in Table1. Abnormal data may exist in the raw data and need to be identified by thecontestants themselves.

Note: Due to the asynchronybetween BMS and motor controller in collecting and transmitting, the data aboutbattery pack and motor could not be completely matched.


Test data consist of 100 driving fragments of 15 vehicles, the vehicles No.0-4 provides 10 driving fragments each, while the vehicles No.5-14 provides 5 driving fragments each. The vehicles No.0-4 in test data are corresponding to the vehicles No.0-4 in the training data, and vehicles No.5-14 have no corresponding training data.The test data are arranged in time order in rows, and the data items are listed in Table 2. Abnormal data may exist in the raw data and need to be identified by the contestants themselves.


The data format and description of the submission are shown in Table 3, and the contestants are required to supplement the driving distance within test fragment with an English comma.

5.评分准则 Scoring criteria


Basedon the test data provided, the error between the prediction result and thereal-world value is calculated as follows:


1.竞赛题目 Question


Predictionof SOC in the driving process of electric vehicles

2.背景介绍 Background


Due tothe limitation of battery technology, electric vehicles have limited endurancemileage, long charging process and difficulty in remaining driving mileage prediction,which have become the main obstacles in the application of EVs. The accurateprediction of electric vehicle energy consumption can not only help optimize theelectric vehicle control strategy to reduce the energy consumption and extenddriving mileage, but also, it can provide support for the accurate predictionof the remaining driving mileage of electric vehicles, and provide drivers withaccurate and practical driving assistance information to help alleviate the mileageanxiety.

3.问题描述 Descriptionof the question



Powerbattery energy consumption is affected by the multiple factors such ascumulative driving mileage, ambient temperature and road conditions. Contestantsare required to design a power battery energy consumption prediction model topredict the energy consumption of the battery during the driving process underreal-world driving condition. In this question, the energy consumption duringdriving process is indicated by the change of SOC, contestants are required touse the initial SOC and related parameters to predict the SOC change.

Note:The SOC is subject to the uploaded data of the vehicle terminal.

4.数据说明 Datadescription



Thereal-world driving data of electric vehicles are used in this question, and thetraining data and test data are produced by different vehicles with the samemodel. 

The training data consist of data of 5 vehicles (both driving state andcharging state are included), and the data are arranged in time order in rows.The data items are listed in Table 1. Abnormal data may exist in the raw dataand need to be identified by the contestants themselves.


Test data consist of 150 driving fragments of 15 vehicles, each vehicle provides 10 driving fragments. The vehicles No.0-4 in test data are corresponding to the vehicles No.0-4 in the training data, and vehicles No.5-14 have no corresponding training data.The test data are arranged in time order in rows, and the data items are listed in Table 2. Abnormal data may exist in the raw data and need to be identified by the contestants themselves.


Note: The starting SOC of test fragment is the first frame of SOC change, for example, (90, 90, 90, 89, 89, 89), the first frame of SOC=89 is selected as the start, and the end SOC is the last frame of SOC change, such as (23,23,23,22,22,22), the last frame of SOC=23 is selected as the ending.


The data format and description of the submission are shown in Table 3, and the contestants are required to supplement the vehicle SOC at the end of the test interval with an English comma.

5.评分准则 Scoringcriteria


Basedon the test data provided, the error between the prediction result and thereal-world value is calculated as follows:






