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重磅置顶:成人口服和儿童雾化羟氯喹 预防新冠病毒的方法







    简述:2021年3月13日                       说关于病毒和                     的两个《白皮书》有重大意义。这两个白皮书的发表等同于全世界向                  宣战。来自于学术界各领域的                       参与了这个病毒报告的撰写。                       内部有良知的官员和                                              报告撰写过程中提供了关键的信息和帮助。当然,这些人中许多是                                                    。无论天气如何变换,太阳总会升起。

两个白皮书的公布将等同于全世界向           宣战

The Two White Paper Reports Are Equivalent to the Declaration of A War Against the              


    Dear fellow                       , today is March 13th! Time flies! I almost mistakenly took today as March 12th. It’s March 13th already. After I posted the Getter yesterday, it seems that many big events are happening in the world. Many people have realized how important the two “white paper” reports are, but others still do not understand their importance. 

        告诉大家一个简单的例子,特别像法国,法国这种非常硌涩的这种国家,那种成天装硬骨头、装个性的这种国家,实际上一打就跪下的这种国家,然后平常还有很多发明的这些国家,经济体系在那摆着那。听说他们这些人以后啊,咋说那?别说漏了。听说他们参与到这个写白皮书的人当中,两三波都退掉了,都不敢参与了。为啥呀?想想,这个白皮书出来,就等同于全人类向                       宣战。那法国的政要们,所谓现在还买疫苗呐,还搞疫苗经济,疫苗安全卡,疫苗健康卡,这不是一场生物大战嘛,那你不是在帮助别人战你自己的国民吗?所以说很多人写着写着就不敢写了,还有人就越想越害怕,就回家抱孩子去了。

    Let me give you a simple example. France – a bizarre country like France – always pretends to be tough, unconquerable, and full of personality. Yet in fact, it is easy to be knocked down. There are also countries known for their great inventions and also the limitations in their particular economic structures. I heard some people in these countries – I should be more cautious and do not disclose any secrets – I heard that two or three waves of them who initially participated in the writing of the “white paper” have withdrawn. They dare not participate anymore. Why, fellow fighters? Think about it. The publication of this white paper is equivalent to the declaration of a war by all mankind against the                       . French politicians are still buying the                       ’s fake vaccines, and promoting the fraudulent vaccine economy – vaccine safety cards and health cards – aiming at controlling people, even after the virus has been confirmed as a biological warfare. Then are you helping the enemy attack your own people? Many participants did not dare to continue after participating for a certain period. Some became more and more afraid that they simply quit the job and went to live ordinary people’s lives. 


    I have also heard that many U.S. organizations are looking forward to the official release of this white paper. Everyone should know that this was not started by the new administration of President Biden. The development of this paper has been continued from the last year of President Trump’s term to the present time, which shows the greatness of the U.S. as a country. Even though the country has become so chaotic, a major initiative like this was never stopped. Evidence continues to be collected.

    难能可贵的事情,我们                       有重要的科学界、知识界、生物界、医药界,有人参与,这给                       在未来,在世界上的形象,挣来了不可估量的巨大的正面的影响力,是用钱不能估量的。我相信这个报告出来时候,上面会写上:该报告得到来自于                            ,知识界、医学界、科学界,等等等等,善良有良知的                       的支持、帮助和提供信息。记住我今天说的话。

    Ah, a rare and commendable thing: among the participants that wrote this “white paper”, there are important                       compatriots from the fields of science, academia, and biology, and the pharmaceutical industry. Consequently,                        people’s positive image has been greatly improved, the influence of which cannot be measured by anything including money. I believe the following will be acknowledged in the report when it is released: Conscientious                       people from academia, medical field, scientific community, and other fields inside                       have supported, helped, and provided information for this report. Please remember what I said today.

    另外一个                       报告,                       人权,我们要感谢                       有良知的                       。这个报告现在听说:这个最关键的就是得到了                                              提供的信息。当然有                       ,是吧?提供的信息,提供的巨大的帮助,未来也会写上:要感谢来自于                       的,有良知的                                              ,以及冒着生命危险的,有良知的人士提供的信息。这都得有。所以说,对这个世界永远要充满着信心,不管是打雷、下雨、阴天,你要想到:这些都是雨过天晴,太阳还会从东边升起来。这是目前                 ,对                       最大的伤害的是这么一个国际上的公约和国际上的法律。

    Regarding the                       report – the                       human rights white paper report, we would like to thank the                       who have a conscience. As the report is being compiled, we have been told that the critical elements are supported by the information provided by                       and                       . Of course, there are contributions made by our fellow fighters of the Whistleblower Movement, right? The information they provided and the tremendous help they offered, will also be acknowledged in the future: Thanks to the                        and                       officials from                       and the conscientious people who risked their lives for the information. It has to be included. So, fellow fighters, we must always be full of confidence in this world. Whether facing thunder, rain, or cloud, you should have confidence that all these will pass. The sun still rises from the east. According to international conventions and international laws, this will cause the greatest harm to the                       since the beginning of our Whistleblower Movement.





重磅:美国正在准备两本白皮书 会要暗势力的半条命



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