Latest! These Markets Are Open
Since the COVID-19 is slowly under control, most of the markets in Guangzhou is opening up in this week.
New Asia opened on 9th March officially,during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 9:30-18:00.
Nanfang Dasha opened on 9th March officially
City International Digital Market opened at 10:00 am on 9th March officially
during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 10:00-19:00.
Zhongbai Dexing Electronic City opened at 09:30 am on 9 th March officially
during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 09:30-18:00.
Yutian Plaza and Jinhe Int'l Electronic & Digital Plaza opened on 9 th March officially.
during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 10:00-18:30.
Kunpeng Digital Market is opened.
Nanjiang Digital Market is opened.
Here is the guide how to apply for the QR Code:
Open the mini app using the following QR Code.
Choose your languages at the front page, then choose My Sui Kang.
Report Health Information.
Got your own Suikang Code.
Source: 广州电子配件批发市场商圈