
Latest! These Markets Are Open

Since the COVID-19 is slowly under control, most of the markets in Guangzhou is opening up in this week.

Solutions will keep you update with the latest business news in China

New Asia opened on 9th March officially,during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 9:30-18:00.

Nanfang Dasha opened on 9th March officially

City International Digital Market opened at 10:00 am on 9th March officially

during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 10:00-19:00.

Zhongbai Dexing Electronic City opened at 09:30 am on 9 th March officially

during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 09:30-18:00.

Yutian Plaza and Jinhe Int'l Electronic & Digital Plaza opened on 9 th March officially.

during the COVID-19 out break, the opening will be adjusted from 10:00-18:30.

Kunpeng Digital Market is opened.

Nanjiang Digital Market is opened.

Most markets required buyers and suppliers who come in to show a personal health QR Code.

Here is the guide how to apply for the QR Code:

Step 1:

Open the mini app using the following QR Code.

Step 2:
Choose your languages at the front page, then choose My Sui Kang.

Step 3:

Report Health Information.

Step 4:

Got your own Suikang Code.

Solutions will keep you update with the latest business news in China. Scan the QR code below and follow our Wechat account.

Source:  广州电子配件批发市场商圈

