
China’s Zero Tolerance for COVID-19 Cases Unfair for Some But...

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2021-11-06

China has developed a standard raft of measures to curb local coronavirus outbreaks. Along with mass testing, community lockdowns and strict contract tracing, holding local officials accountable for new infections has become routine.

But for local Chinese officials to receive verbal warnings, demotions or other disciplinary measures for failing to ensure zero infections under their watch is harsh and even a bit unfair, since the spread of Covid-19 is sometimes beyond their control. If the same standards were applied in other countries such as India or the United States, there would be few government officials left.

In China’s political context, however, punishing local officials is seen as not only justified, but necessary. It is part of a top-down system that forces local officials to be extremely vigilant about the coronavirus in line with the state goal of ensuring zero infections.

For the Chinese leadership and the general public, achieving zero local infections is desirable and doable. After the painful lockdown of Wuhan in early 2020, there is now a shared perception in China that the only acceptable number of infections is zero. Any local infection is seen as a mini-disaster that must be avoided at any cost.

For practical reasons, China’s normal economic and social activities can be maintained only when there is no community spread of the coronavirus. Both public health and economic growth are at stake.

China’s zero tolerance for infections comes as its central leadership wants to show its people, and the world, that the Chinese way of containing the coronavirus is the most effective, and that this type of control is possible only through China’s unique governance system.

For people who had been expecting China to relax its border controls or quarantine requirements, however, they may likely be disappointed. For now, a zero tolerance for Covid-19 trumps everything else.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.

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Source: https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/

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