
GOOD NEWS|Fast customs clearance at ports will be FULLY RESTORED

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-05-26

Today, the National Immigration Administration issued a Notice on Further Adjusting Certain Exit and Entry Administration Policies and Measures.

Since the entrance to a country opens, our country has constant good news! The optimized policies have facilitated the flow of Chinese and outbound travelers and promoted opening-up. The new policy is as follows:

From May 15, 2023  >>>

1. Resuming quick customs clearance at ports

On the basis of the resumption of the travel policy of ports adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao on January 8, the following people will be allowed to pass through the fast channel of border inspection:

Chinese citizens holding ordinary passports of the People's Republic of China, permits for travel to and from Hong Kong and Macao, permits for travel to and from Taiwan, permits for travel to and from the Mainland for residents of Hong Kong and Macao, permits for travel to and from the Mainland for residents of Taiwan (valid for 5 years), and entry and exit permits valid for several times a year

Holders of foreign passports, permanent residence permits for foreigners, foreign e-passports and residence permits for foreigners for more than 6 months

Crew members of Chinese nationality working on scheduled international flights and foreign crew members who are visa-free or have obtained flight attendant, employment visa or residence permit for more than one year (including)

2. Fully resume the implementation of the "National Application" for mainland residents to travel to Hong Kong and Macau for group travel

Mainland residents may submit their application for group tour visa to Hong Kong and Macao at any exit/entry control window of public security organs in China. The application procedures are consistent with the place of residence.

3. Implementation of the "National Application" for mainland residents to apply for permits to visit relatives, work and study in Hong Kong and Macao

Mainland residents who need to travel to Hong Kong and Macao for family visit, work or study, as well as for medical treatment, litigation or property disposal, may submit their applications for family visit, stay and other three types of endorsement corresponding to the subject matter to any exit/entry administration window of the public security organ in the country. The application procedures are consistent with the place of residence.

4. Adjust the validity period of stay Visa for Mainland students studying in Macao

The Exit and Entry Administration of the public security organ shall issue a stay visa to mainland students studying in institutions of higher learning in Macao, whose validity period is consistent with the period of study specified in the Admission Confirmation Certificate issued by the competent department of education of Macao.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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