
Goodness! I lost my passport in China! What should I do?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

Passport is the only valid document for travelers to prove their nationality and identity abroad, and it is also the most important document for travelers to ensure a safe and smooth journey. Therefore, you should always be careful and take good care of your passport when you travel abroad!

If you accidentally lose it, don't panic. Here's what you should do:

# 01

First of all, you need to call the police (you must bring a copy of your identity/passport, a copy of your visa) to obtain a certificate of loss issued by the local police, report to the police station near the place of loss or the police station of your regular residence, and get a certificate of passport loss.

# 02

Then take the passport loss report certificate issued by the police station to the Exit and Entry Bureau of the municipal Public Security Bureau to report the loss; Apply for a new passport at your embassy or consulate in China with the Passport Loss Report Certificate.

# 03

Upon obtaining the passport loss report certificate, the foreigner shall immediately apply for a new passport from his or her own embassy or consulate in China, and complete the corresponding residence/stay procedures at the exit/entry administration department of the public security organ within 30 days from the date of issuance of the passport loss report certificate.


Report the loss of passport - obtain the certificate of passport loss - apply for a new passport - go to the guest hotel or police station of residence for a new accommodation registration (change to a new passport number) - according to the specific reasons, with reference to the relevant notification sheet to prepare application materials for residence/stay documents

If a foreigner does not report the loss of his or her passport to the Exit and Entry Administration department of the public security organ after the loss or theft of his or her passport, but directly reapplies for his or her passport to the embassy or consulate of the relevant country in China, he or she shall also provide a letter issued by the embassy or consulate of the relevant country in China when reapplying for a visa.

If the passport is missing, be sure to follow the process, do not go into the trap in order to save trouble or fast, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact SOLUTIONS.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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