

陈沟水 2022-09-14




Chen Xiaowang Taijiquan “Keep in Good Health Series” – Benefit the Lung Exercise (Yifei Gong)


Background and Objective: The new coronavirus 2019-nCoV,is a new type of virous enabling the contagion from human to human. Since 2019 December up to now, this virus has been endangering mankind through droplet and contact infections damaging the respiratory tract. This type of virus has long incubation period with high rate of infection. Infected person will be suffered from viral pneumonia, serious ones will result in mortality.


In order to fight against epidemic situation, to improve the public health and to strengthen the body in particular the immunity of the lung, bettering the pulmonary circulation, boosting cardiopulmonary, Master Chen Xiaowang has formulated the lung benefitting exercise based on the life cultivation theory of Taijiquan. This ‘gong’ method exercise can perform indoor or other suitable places, there is no age restriction and just as appropriate to the group of weak and sickly. Through this simple and easy exercise of Taijiquan designated to lung benefitting, will increase our immunity fighting against the attack of virous. Helping people of China as well as people of the World to overcome the difficulties of this epidemic situation.


Name of Form and explanation:


1st Form: Front open back close, the action is originated from (Pie Shen Quan) “Draping Body Fist” of Chen Style Taijiquan, repeating this Form nine times.


2nd Form: Back close front open:, the action is originated from (Yun Shou) Rolling Hands Through Clouds of Chen Style Taijiquan, repeating this Form nine times.


3rd Form: Left open right close, the action is originated from (Bao Tou Tui Shan) Protecting the Head and Pushing Mountain of Chen Style Taijiquan, repeating this Form nine times.


4th Form: Right open left close, the action is originated from (Bao Tou Tui Shan) Protecting the Head and Pushing Mountain of Chen Style Taijiquan, repeating this Form nine times.


5th Form: Front open back close, the action is the same of the 1st Form, repeating this Form six times.


6th Form: Back close front open, the action is same as the 2nd Form, repeating this form six times.


