"I was deeply saddened to learn of the death ofSingapore’s Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew. On behalf of the American people,Michelle and I offer our deepest condolences to the Lee family and join thepeople of Singapore in mourning the loss of this remarkable man.
"A visionary who led his country from Singapore’sindependence in 1965 to build one of the most prosperous countries in the worldtoday, he was a devoted public servant and a remarkable leader.
"Minister Mentor Lee’s views and insights on Asiandynamics and economic management were respected by many around the world, andno small number of this and past generations of world leaders have sought hisadvice on governance and development. I personally appreciated his wisdom,including our discussions during my trip to Singapore in 2009, which werehugely important in helping me formulate our policy of rebalancing to the AsiaPacific.
"He was a true giant of history who will beremembered for generations to come as the father of modern Singapore and as onethe great strategists of Asian affairs.
“I am sad to hear of the death of Singapore’s first PrimeMinister, Lee Kuan Yew.
“Lee Kuan Yew personally shaped Singapore in a way thatfew people have any nation. He made his country into one of the great successstories of our modern world. That Singapore is today a prosperous, secure andsuccessful country is a monument to his decades of remarkable public service.He was always a friend to Britain, if sometimes a critical one, and manyBritish Prime Ministers benefited from his wise advice, including me.
“Lady Thatcher once said that there was no Prime Ministershe admired more than Mr Lee for ‘the strength of his convictions, the clarityof his views, the directness of his speech and his vision of the way ahead’.His place in history is assured, as a leader and as one of the modern world'sforemost statesmen.”
"Today we mourn the passing of a giant in ourregion.
"Fifty years ago, Lee Kuan Yew led a vulnerable fledglingnation to independence.
"Today, thanks to his vision and determination,Singapore is one of the world's most successful countries.
"In Lee Kuan Yew's own words, Singapore's remarkablejourney has been from 'third world to first'.
"Thanks to his leadership, Singapore is now one ofthe world's most prosperous nations, a financial powerhouse, and one of theworld's easiest places to do business.
"Our region owes much to Lee Kuan Yew.
"Here in Australia and beyond, leaders sought andlearned from his wise counsel.
"As Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew enjoyed closerelationships with successive Australian Prime Minister and worked with them toestablish the strong partnership that Singapore and Australia have today.
"At every stage, Australia and Singapore have stoodshoulder to shoulder. We continue to do so today, as we salute one of thesignificant leaders of our time.
"On behalf of the Australian government and people,I extend my condolences to Mr Lee's family and to the people ofSingapore."
"Lee Kuan Yew was a legendary figure in Asia, widelyrespected for his strong leadership and statesmanship. During his three decadesin office, he helped Singapore to transition from a developing country to oneof the most developed in the world, transforming it into a thrivinginternational business hub.
"As Singapore marks its 50th anniversary ofindependence this year, its founding father will be remembered as one of themost inspiring Asian leaders.
"The Secretary-General is grateful for the strongcooperation between the Government of Singapore and the United Nations, andlooks forward to deepening this partnership."
Indonesia's Foreign Ministry on Monday (Mar 23) conveyedthe government and people's "deepest condolences" on the passing ofSingapore's first Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
The statement, in full, is as follows:
"The government and the people of Indonesia conveytheir deepest condolences on the passing away of the former Prime Minister ofSingapore, His Excellency Lee Kuan Yew, on Monday, 3.18am.founding father ofmodern Singapore. As a great leader and a statesman who truly loved his people,he was also known as an influential political figure in Asia.
"Under his leadership, Singapore has succeeded intransforming itself into a major economic hub for the Asian region and standsin equal footing to other developed nations of the world.
"The government and the people of Indonesia praysthat the bereaved family, nation, Government, and all the people of Singaporeis granted strength and fortitude in this sad and difficult time.
"The government and the people of Indonesia believesthat Singapore will be able to go through this difficult times and continue togrow in line with the national aspirations of its people."
菲律宾总统Benigno Aquino对李光耀的逝世表示哀悼
As the Singaporean people mourn the passing of Lee KuanYew, the Filipino people join them in honouring a statesman who can justifiablybe called the Founding Father of the Republic of Singapore.
Throughout his long life, as prime minister and seniorminister, Lee demonstrated an unswerving devotion to his country, turning itinto a state that would be an exemplar of efficient, modern, and honestgovernance. The development of Singapore has earned it the respect of nationsand peoples, including the tens of thousands of Filipinos who work there andvisit the country.
The President, in joining the Filipino people inexpressing the solidarity of the Philippines with Singapore at this time ofmourning, extends his personal condolences to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.Prime Minister Lee has always extended every official and personal courtesy tothe President in his visits to Singapore and their official interactions in theASEAN community.
An era has passed, one upon which Singaporeans can lookback on with deep pride and a sense of accomplishment.
印度总理Narendra Modi对李光耀的逝世表示哀悼
"A far-sighted statesman and a lion among leaders,Mr Lee Kuan Yew's life teaches valuable lessons to everyone. News of his demiseis saddening.
"In this hour of bereavement, our prayers are withMr Lee Kuan Yew's family and the people of Singapore. May his soul rest inpeace."
"I am very sorry to hear about the loss of yourfather," wrote Mr Najib on Facebook. "My thoughts and prayers arewith you and your family."
"On behalf of all Malaysians, my deepest condolencesto the people of Singapore," he added. "Founding Prime Minister MrLee Kuan Yew's achievements were great, and his legacy is assured."
新西兰 PM JOHN KEY对李光耀的逝世表示哀悼
"Lee Kuan Yew’s courage, determination, commitment,character and ability made him a formidable leader who held the respect ofSingaporeans and the international community alike. His loss will be deeplyfelt by his family and the people of Singapore.
"I had the honour of meeting Mr Lee in 2007 duringhis last official visit to New Zealand. He was well known for his insights andforesight but what struck me most was his unwavering determination to seeSingapore succeed."