
PRC Civil Code: Chapter 20-Technology Contracts (P2)

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Section 3 Technology Assignment Contracts and Technology License Contracts第三节 技术转让合同和技术许可合同
Article 862    A technology assignment contract is a contract whereby a right holder lawfully owning a technology assign to others the relevant rights and interests in respect of a specific patent, patent application or technical secret.A technology license contract is a contract whereby the lawful owner of the technology authorizes others to exploit and use the particular patent and technical secret.The agreements on provision of special equipment and raw materials for implementation of technology or provision of relevant technical consultation and service in technology assignment contract and technology license contract are integral parts of the contract.第八百六十二条   技术转让合同是合法拥有技术的权利人,将现有特定的专利、专利申请、技术秘密的相关权利让与他人所订立的合同。技术许可合同是合法拥有技术的权利人,将现有特定的专利、技术秘密的相关权利许可他人实施、使用所订立的合同。技术转让合同和技术许可合同中关于提供实施技术的专用设备、原材料或者提供有关的技术咨询、技术服务的约定,属于合同的组成部分。Article 863    Technology assignment contracts include contracts for the assignment of patent, assignment of patent application right, assignment of technical secrets, etc.Technology license contracts include contracts for patent exploitation license, contracts for license of use of technical secrets, etc.Technology assignment contracts and technology license contracts shall be in written form.第八百六十三条   技术转让合同包括专利权转让、专利申请权转让、技术秘密转让等合同。技术许可合同包括专利实施许可、技术秘密使用许可等合同。技术转让合同和技术许可合同应当采用书面形式。
Article 864    Technology assignment contracts and technology license contracts may stipulate the scope of exploitation of patents or use of technical secrets, provided that they do not restrict technological competition and technological development.第八百六十四条   技术转让合同和技术许可合同可以约定实施专利或者使用技术秘密的范围,但是不得限制技术竞争和技术发展。Article 865    The contract for patent exploitation license is only valid for the term of the patent. Where the term of the patent expires or the patent is declared invalid, the patentee may not conclude a contract for patent exploitation license with another person.第八百六十五条   专利实施许可合同仅在该专利权的存续期限内有效。专利权有效期限届满或者专利权被宣告无效的,专利权人不得就该专利与他人订立专利实施许可合同。
Article 866    The licensor under a contract for patent exploitation license shall, as agreed in the contract, license the patent to the licensee, deliver the technical materials related to the exploitation of the patent, and provide the necessary technical guidance.第八百六十六条   专利实施许可合同的许可人应当按照约定许可被许可人实施专利,交付实施专利有关的技术资料,提供必要的技术指导。Article 867    The licensee under a contract for patent exploitation license shall exploit the patent as agreed in the contract and may not license the patent to any third party except as agreed in the contract, and shall pay the royalties in accordance with the contract.第八百六十七条   专利实施许可合同的被许可人应当按照约定实施专利,不得许可约定以外的第三人实施该专利,并按照约定支付使用费。Article 868    The assignor under a contract for assignment of technical secret and the licensor under a contract for license of use of technical secret shall, in accordance with the contract, supply the technical materials, provide technical guidance, guarantee the practical applicability and reliability of the technology, and undertake the obligation of confidentiality.The obligation of confidentiality stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall not restrict patent application by the licensor, unless otherwise agreed between the parties.第八百六十八条   技术秘密转让合同的让与人和技术秘密使用许可合同的许可人应当按照约定提供技术资料,进行技术指导,保证技术的实用性、可靠性,承担保密义务。前款规定的保密义务,不限制许可人申请专利,但是当事人另有约定的除外。Article 869    The assignee under a contract for assignment of technical secret and the licensee under a contract for license of use of technical secret shall, in accordance with the contract, use the technology, pay the assignment fee and royalties and undertake the obligation of confidentiality.第八百六十九条   技术秘密转让合同的受让人和技术秘密使用许可合同的被许可人应当按照约定使用技术,支付转让费、使用费,承担保密义务。Article 870    The assignor under a technology assignment contract or the licensor under a technology license contract shall guarantee that it is the lawful owner of the technology provided, and shall guarantee that the technology provided is complete, free from error, effective, and capable of achieving the prescribed goals.第八百七十条   技术转让合同的让与人和技术许可合同的许可人应当保证自己是所提供的技术的合法拥有者,并保证所提供的技术完整、无误、有效,能够达到约定的目标。Article 871    The assignee under a technology assignment contract and the licensee under a technology license contract shall, in conformity with the scope and the time period as agreed upon in the contract, undertake the obligation of confidentiality in respect of the secret portion of the technology that is not made public provided by the assignor or the licensor.第八百七十一条   技术转让合同的受让人和技术许可合同的被许可人应当按照约定的范围和期限,对让与人、许可人提供的技术中尚未公开的秘密部分,承担保密义务。Article 872    Where the licensor fails to license technology in accordance with the contract, it shall refund the royalties in part or in whole, and shall be liable for the breach of contract; where the licensor exploits the patent or uses the technical secret beyond the agreed scope, or, without authorization, licenses a third party to exploit the patent or use the technical secret in violation of the contract, it shall cease the breach and be liable for the breach of contract; where the licensor breaches any agreed obligation of confidentiality, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the assignor's liability for the breach of contract.第八百七十二条   许可人未按照约定许可技术的,应当返还部分或者全部使用费,并应当承担违约责任;实施专利或者使用技术秘密超越约定的范围的,违反约定擅自许可第三人实施该项专利或者使用该项技术秘密的,应当停止违约行为,承担违约责任;违反约定的保密义务的,应当承担违约责任。让与人承担违约责任,参照适用前款规定。
Article 873    Where the licensee fails to pay the agreed royalties, it shall pay the overdue royalties and pay liquidated damages in accordance with the contract; where it fails to pay the overdue royalties and liquidated damages, it shall cease exploitation of the patent or use of the technical secret, return the technical materials, and be liable for the breach of contract; where the licensee exploits the patent or uses the technical secret beyond the agreed scope, or unilaterally allows the patent to be exploited or the technical secret to be used by a third party without consent of the licensor, it shall cease the breach and be liable for the breach of contract; where the licensee breaches any agreed confidentiality obligation, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the liability for breach of contract borne by the assignee.第八百七十三条   被许可人未按照约定支付使用费的,应当补交使用费并按照约定支付违约金;不补交使用费或者支付违约金的,应当停止实施专利或者使用技术秘密,交还技术资料,承担违约责任;实施专利或者使用技术秘密超越约定的范围的,未经许可人同意擅自许可第三人实施该专利或者使用该技术秘密的,应当停止违约行为,承担违约责任;违反约定的保密义务的,应当承担违约责任。受让人承担违约责任,参照适用前款规定。Article 874    Where the exploitation of a patent or the use of a technical secret by the assignee or licensee in accordance with the contract infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of another person, the assignor or the licensor shall bear the liability, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.第八百七十四条   受让人或者被许可人按照约定实施专利、使用技术秘密侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人或者许可人承担责任,但是当事人另有约定的除外。Article 875    The parties may, on the basis of mutual benefit, provide in the contract for the method of sharing any subsequent improvement made in the exploitation of the patent or the use of the technical secret. Where there is no such agreement or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, the other parties shall have no right to share any subsequent improvement made by one party.
第八百七十五条   当事人可以按照互利的原则,在合同中约定实施专利、使用技术秘密后续改进的技术成果的分享办法;没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,一方后续改进的技术成果,其他各方无权分享。Article 876    The relevant provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to the assignment and license of exclusive rights to integrated circuit layout designs, rights to new plant varieties, computer software copyrights and other intellectual property rights.第八百七十六条   集成电路布图设计专有权、植物新品种权、计算机软件著作权等其他知识产权的转让和许可,参照适用本节的有关规定。Article 877    Where the relevant laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise in respect of technology import or export contracts or in respect of patent contracts or contracts for patent application, such provisions shall prevail.第八百七十七条   法律、行政法规对技术进出口合同或者专利、专利申请合同另有规定的,依照其规定。
Section 4 Technical Consulting Contracts and Technical Service Contracts第四节 技术咨询合同和技术服务合同
Article 878    A technical consulting contract refers to a contract whereby one party provides for the other party feasibility studies, technical forecasts, specialized technical investigations and analysis and evaluation reports, etc. in respect of a specific technical project by utilizing its technical knowledge.A technical service contract is a contract whereby one party solves a particular technical problem for the other party by utilizing its technical knowledge, excluding a contract of lease expensed work or a contract for construction project.第八百七十八条   技术咨询合同是当事人一方以技术知识为对方就特定技术项目提供可行性论证、技术预测、专题技术调查、分析评价报告等所订立的合同。技术服务合同是当事人一方以技术知识为对方解决特定技术问题所订立的合同,不包括承揽合同和建设工程合同。Article 879    The principal under a technical consulting contract shall, as agreed in the contract, describe the problem on which consultancy is sought, provide the technical background information and the relevant technical materials, accept from the consulting service provider its work result and pay the remuneration.第八百七十九条   技术咨询合同的委托人应当按照约定阐明咨询的问题,提供技术背景材料及有关技术资料,接受受托人的工作成果,支付报酬。Article 880    The consulting service provider under a technical consulting contract shall complete the consultancy report or answer the questions raised by the principal within the agreed period of time, and the consultancy report thus submitted shall meet the requirements set forth in the contract.第八百八十条   技术咨询合同的受托人应当按照约定的期限完成咨询报告或者解答问题,提出的咨询报告应当达到约定的要求。
Article 881    Where the principal under a technical consulting contract fails to provide the necessary materials as agreed in the contract, thereby impairing the progress and quality of the work, or fails to accept or delays in accepting the work result, it may not claim refund of the remuneration paid, and shall pay any unpaid remuneration.If the consulting service provider under a technical consulting contract fails to submit the consultancy report on schedule or the report thus submitted does not meet the requirements as agreed in the contract, the consulting service provider shall bear the liability for breach of contract by way of reduction or waiver of the remuneration thereof.The principal under a technical consulting contract shall bear any loss resulting from any decision made by it based on the consultancy report and opinion provided by the consulting service provider in conformity with the requirements of the contract, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.第八百八十一条   技术咨询合同的委托人未按照约定提供必要的资料,影响工作进度和质量,不接受或者逾期接受工作成果的,支付的报酬不得追回,未支付的报酬应当支付。技术咨询合同的受托人未按期提出咨询报告或者提出的咨询报告不符合约定的,应当承担减收或者免收报酬等违约责任。技术咨询合同的委托人按照受托人符合约定要求的咨询报告和意见作出决策所造成的损失,由委托人承担,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 882    The principal under a technical service contract shall, as agreed in the contract, provide the work facilities, complete its tasks of cooperation, accept the work results and pay the remuneration.第八百八十二条   技术服务合同的委托人应当按照约定提供工作条件,完成配合事项,接受工作成果并支付报酬。Article 883    The consulting service provider under a technical service contract shall, as agreed in the contract, complete the services, solve the technical problem, guarantee the quality of its work, and communicate the knowledge for solving the technical problem.第八百八十三条   技术服务合同的受托人应当按照约定完成服务项目,解决技术问题,保证工作质量,并传授解决技术问题的知识。Article 884    Where the principal under a technical service contract fails to perform its contractual obligations, or the performance of obligation is not in conformity with the contract, thereby impairing the progress and quality of the work, or fails to accept or delays in accepting the work results, it may not claim refund of the remuneration paid, and shall pay any unpaid remuneration.Where the consulting service provider under a technical service contract fails to complete services as agreed in the contract, it shall be liable for the breach of contract by way of waiver of the remuneration, etc.第八百八十四条   技术服务合同的委托人不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,影响工作进度和质量,不接受或者逾期接受工作成果的,支付的报酬不得追回,未支付的报酬应当支付。技术服务合同的受托人未按照约定完成服务工作的,应当承担免收报酬等违约责任。
Article 885    Any new technological achievement accomplished by the consulting service provider in the performance of a technical consulting contract or a technical service contract by using the technological materials and work facilities provided by the principal shall belong to the consulting service provider. Any new technological achievements achieved by the principal through the use of the work results of the consulting service provider shall belong to the principal. Where the parties agree otherwise, their agreement shall prevail.第八百八十五条   技术咨询合同、技术服务合同履行过程中,受托人利用委托人提供的技术资料和工作条件完成的新的技术成果,属于受托人。委托人利用受托人的工作成果完成的新的技术成果,属于委托人。当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。Article 886    Where there is no agreement in the technical consulting contracts or the technical service contracts on bearing the expenses needed for the consulting service provider to carry out the normal work, or such agreement is not clear, the said expenses shall be borne by the consulting service provider.第八百八十六条   技术咨询合同和技术服务合同对受托人正常开展工作所需费用的负担没有约定或者约定不明确的,由受托人负担。Article 887    Where laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise with respect to contracts for technology intermediary contracts and technical training contracts, such provisions shall prevail.第八百八十七条   法律、行政法规对技术中介合同、技术培训合同另有规定的,依照其规定。

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