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克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑-- “67P/楚留莫夫-格拉希门克”彗星 [67] 在太 CHAPTER X. TOBACCO OFFERINGS. 1808. It was a beautiful moonlight evening in August. A shadowy haze lingered over the river, which glistened and sparkled in the moonlight. The Chief and several members of his family were seated on the beach in front of the Wigwam listening to the Honorable Joseph Papineau, who, with his son, Louis Joseph, had come up in a canoe to see the falls. The former had recently purchased from Bishop Laval the unsettled seigniory of Petit Nation, and had erected an unpretentious cottage, which he occupied during the summer months. HON. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. From Morgan s "Types of Canadian Women" (copyright, 1903), by permission. HON. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. From Morgan s "Types of Canadian Women" (copyright, 1903), by permission. "It was a lovely vision," said Mr. Papineau, who had just performed the feat of canoeing to the foot of the Chaudiere Falls for the first time. "On our return we climbed the rugged cliff on the south side, and never shall I forget the panorama that spread out before us. The sun, sinking slowly behind the Laurentian hills, had clothed himself with a robe of splendor. The long reflections lay soft on the waters of the river below. The clouds of ascending mist from the Chaudiere took a thousand shades of color as the western sky faded slowly from crimson into gold and from gold to green and gray, and finally displayed dark shapes, out of which imagination might well have formed a thousand monsters.* * Louis Joseph, afterwards known as the Demosthenes of Canada, and who almost succeeded in making Canada a Republic, with himself as President, was evidently much impressed with the scene, which he described as follows: "Le soleil etait pret decendre sous l horison, la mureille tout limpide etait d une transparence vivre, tout penetree de lumiere vaguement prismatiseé." "As we watched the gathering shadows my thoughts went back two hundred years, to the time when Champlain went on his first trip up the  Riviere des Algoumequins,  as he called it. About two years before he took the trip he sent Nicholas de Vignan, a young Frenchman, up the river with some friendly Indians, and Nicholas had returned with the marvellous story that he had reached the North Sea. He said that the journey could be made in a few days. He also gave an account of having seen the wreck of an English ship. "Champlain was completely taken in, and lost no time in starting off to verify the discovery for which the world had been looking for some time. His fleet consisted of two canoes with two Indians and three Frenchmen, one of whom was Dg employment to over one hundred men. Fortunately for the pioneers of the Ottawa, they were not dependent upon the small revenue derived from the cultivation of the land, but had other resources which afforded them much greater remuneration. The British Navy, which hitherto had been dependent upon Russia for its cordage and lumber, had to look elsewhere for its supply of hemp and timber, owing to the ports of the Baltic having been closed to British ships. The price of hemp having risen from £25 to £118 per ton, they undertook the cultivation of it, and raised over three-fourths of the amount raised in Lower Canada at that time. The exportation of lumber and vegetable alkali, or potash, were also great sources of revenue. In the new clearances were tons of wood ashes from which the lye was extracted and boiled till it looked like molten iron, a barrel of which sold at that time for thirty dollars. Prosperity and success crowned every commercial enterprise upon which they ventured until fire swept every mill, factory and dwelling in the thriving little village out of existence, including thousands of dollars in cash in a small safe in the office, quantities of wheat, hemp, sawn lumber, laths and general merchandise. As there was no compensation in the way of insurance, the loss was much felt. Philemon Wright was not the man to be deterred from climbing the ladder of success, even though he had to mount it by the rungs of adverse circumstances. Though the loss sustained was great, almost overwhelming, he rose above it with a courage which yielded not to disappointment or failure. The cause of the fire long remained a mystery. That it was the work of an incendiary was beyond question. Various theories were advocated by the settlers, but suspicion rested upon Machecawa, who, it was alleged, had been seen by the bookkeeper at a late hour lingering about the mills, a suspicion which gained no credence with the Chief and his family.阳系的周围还包裹着一个庞大的“奥尔特云”。星云内分布着不计其数的冰块、雪团和碎石。其中的某些会受太阳引力影响飞入内太阳系,这就是彗 [76]  在超新星爆发的过程中所释放的能量,需要我们的太阳燃烧900亿年才能与之相当。[77]  超新星研究有着关乎人类自身命运的深层意义。如果一颗超新星爆发的位置非常接近地球,目前国际天文学界普遍认为此距离在100光年以内,它就能够对地球的生物圈产生明显的影响,这样的超新星被称为近地超新星。有研究认为,在地球历史上的奥陶纪大灭绝,就是一颗近地超新星引起的,这次灭绝导致当时地球近60%的海洋生物消失。[78]

克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑--克莱因瓶的瓶颈和瓶身是相交的,换句话近代科学兴起的先驱者、是捍卫科学真理并为此献身的殉道士。有另一种说法认为,近代以来关于罗马梵蒂冈的地心说和哥白尼的日心说的斗争是被严重夸大的。布鲁诺1600年遭受火刑的原因,并非因知行星围绕太阳作圆周运动。然而,人们是否能接受哥白尼提出的新的宇宙模式呢?全世界的人——尤其是权力极大的天主教会是否相信太阳是宇宙中心这一说法呢?由于害怕教会的惩罚,哥白尼在世时不敢公开他的发现。1543年,这一发现才公诸天下。即使在那个时候,哥白尼的发现还不断受到教会高无上的真理,凡是违背圣经的学说,Eighteen months passed. The Chief was in Quebec with Hannah and Abbie awaiting the arrival of Rug, who had been sent by his father to the Mother Land to dispose of two cargoes of timber. It was an unusually cold evening in June. Snow had been falling all day. The neighboring hills were covered with large feathery crystals, which, however, soon melted as the sun appeared for a moment before sinking behind the gray walls of the Castle St. Louis. Just as the evening gun was fired, news had reached the union Hotel that a vessel had been sighted near the Island of Orleans. It was ascertained that it w against a sea voyage from the time they left Liverpool. "Nor is this all," he said; "I have something better still on board for the new settlement, namely, twenty-five English families, who are going to take up land in the township and pay for it in work." "And who nearly turned mutineers," added the captain, slapping him on the shoulder, "did they not, Wright?" "How was that?" asked the Chief. "When we boarded the vessel at Liverpool," replied Rug, "some were bright and cheerful, but most of them were in tears, which showed that they did not leave the Old Land without a struggle. We soon weighed anchor and were under sail with a fair wind, but it came round to the east and blew fresher, so that we were forced to come to anchor not far from the place we left. The ship, as you may see, was fitted up for the timber trade, and has only a small cabin or quarter-deck. On each side are ranged two tiers of berths for passengers providing their own bedding. Along the open space in the middle we placed two rows of large chests which were used sometimes as tables, sometimes as seats—all of which I shall show you presently. There was much noise and confusion before all found berths; crying children, swearing sailors, scolding women, who had not been able to secure the beds they wanted, produced a chorus of a very melancholy nature. The disagreeableness of it was heightened by the darkness of the night and the rolling and a new and better country. "As we neared the banks of Newfoundland a most extraordinary phenomenon was produced by the dashing of the salt water against the bow of the ship in the evening. The water seemed on fire and produced a very fine effect. The next day a mass of ice appeared about two hundred yards distant. It was almost half a mile in length, and was moving south-east. Soon after we found the channel between Cape Breton and Cape Ray, and got into the ice. The captain sent eight men to the bow with fenders. One piece knocked splinters off the bow and threw us all down. About five days later we reached the Island of Anticosti, but I was too ill to see it. We saw porpoises in shoals plunging about the ship, while the sailors tried to harpoon them beneath the bow. About two hundred and eighty miles below Quebec the pilot came on board. His number was painted in large characters on his sail as well as on his boat. He had a cask of fresh water and some maple sugar, which he sold at an extortionate price to the passengers. "Near Bic Island we saw whales spouting water at a great height, and a habitant came out in a boat with a large basket of eggs, which he disposed of at a shilling per dozen, and so we continued on until the domes and towers of Quebec came in sight and I began to realize the inexpressible joy of being at home once more."* * Diary of Rev. Robert Bell and letters of R. Wright. Rug was a young man of great executive ability, a young man whose word could be relied upon with absolute certainty, a young man who proved himself the very soul of honor in all his business transactions.都被斥为“异端邪说”,凡是反对神权统治的人,都被处以火刑。新兴的资产阶级为自己的生存和发展,掀起了一场反对封建制度和教会迷信思想的斗争,出现了人文主义的思潮。他们使用的战斗武器,就是未被神学染污的古希腊的哲学、科学和文艺。这就是震撼欧洲的文艺复兴运动。文艺复兴首先发生于意大利,很快就扩大到波兰及欧洲其他国家。与此同时,商业的活跃也促进了对外贸易的发展。在“黄金”这个符咒的驱使下,许多欧洲冒险者远航非洲、印度及整个远东地区。远洋航行需要丰富的天文和地理知识,从实际中积累起来的观测资料,使人们感到当时流行的“地静天动”的宇宙 CHAPTER IV. AN INDIAN SUITOR. 1803. Machecawa and his friend O Jawescawa became frequent visitors at the Wigwam. They would come in the morning, uninvited, and sit silently all day long before the open fire and observe all that was going on. The spinning-wheel and hand-loom were objects of unceasing interest to them, and though it proved a great distraction to the children in their studies, and to the girls in the performance of their domestic duties, to have them there, they were always treated not only with respect but with consideration and kindness. One morning Machecawa stood gazing intently into the fire. His face wore an expression of perplexity. At length he turned to the White Chief, who was explaining a mathematical problem to one of his boys, and said: "Big Injun, he want to speak his thoughts from books. He want to know white man s Manitou." "May I teach him, father? Just for an hour every day?" said Chrissy, a tall, fair, thoughtful girl of seventyour neck, Machecawa?" said Bearie, the second son, a short, well knit, sturdy-looking youth of eighteen, whose every expression reflected a bright, happy, generous disposition. "She am my Manitou," replied the Indian. &q39;you no eat no teeng seex days.  By em by I am dream some teeng, me, dat some teeng she am my manitou. She help me kill beeg bear; she mak dem Iroquois dogs run like one wild moose. My fadder she am pleese; she make my manitou on my arm—see!" he said, rolling up his sleeve. On his shoulder was the rude outline of a fish, which had been tatooed with sharp bones and with the juice of berries rubbed in. "But what is in the little bag?" asked Bearie. "Will you let me see it?" After a good deal of reluctance he gave in at last, and two curious boys untied the precious parcel, while the others, equally curious, looked over his shoulders at a few old broken fish bones which were all the little bag contained. "Well, old man," said Bearie, slowly replacing the sacred relics, "we put our faith in something better than that. The white man trusts the Great Spirit in heaven to care for him and to take him to heaven when he dies." "Any bear in hebben?" asked the Indian. "No," said Bearie, "only good people." "Dat hebben she am no good for big Injun," said Machecawa, sadly. "De happy hunting ground she am full of moose, buffalo, bear, beaver. She am far, far away at de end of land, where de sun she sleep—two, tree moons away. One beeg dog she am cross, an  she bark at dead Injun, but he go on, an  on, an  on, an  den he am glad." It began to dawn upon the vigilant mother at length that it was not so much the wonders of civilization nor the desire to "speak his thoughts from books" that led Machecawa day after day to the Wigwam, as an ever-increasing interest in her fun-loving daughter, Abbie, who was a year younger than Chrissy, and who seemed unconscious of the fact that the eyes of the red chief were ever upon her.学说值得怀疑,这就要求人们进一步去探索宇宙的秘密,从而推进了天文学和地理学的发展。1492年,意大利著名的航海家哥伦布发现新大陆,麦哲伦和他的同伴绕地球一周,证明地球是圆形的,使人们开始真正认识地球。[4] 对他国的影响 在教会严密控制下的中世纪,也发生过轰轰烈烈的宗教革命。因为天主教的很多教义不符合圣经的教诲,而加入了太多教皇的个人意志以及各类神学家的自身成果,所以很多信徒开始质疑天主教的教义和组织,发起回归圣经的行动来。捷克的爱国主义者、布拉格大学校长扬·胡斯(1369~1415年)在君士坦丁堡的宗教会议上公开谴责德意志封建主与天主教会对捷克的压迫和剥削。他虽然被反动教会处以火刑,但他的革命活动在社会上引起了强烈的反应。捷克农民在胡斯党人的旗帜下举行起义,这次运动也波及波兰。1517年,在德国,马丁·路德(1483~1546年)反对教会贩卖赎罪符,与罗马教皇公开决裂。1521年,路德又在沃尔姆国会上揭露罗马教廷的罪恶,并提出建立基督教新教的主张。新教的教义得到许多国家的支持,波兰也深受影响。



上午, 据环球时报报道,韩国首都首尔飞往中国山东青岛的航班价格暴涨,从平时500人民币左右升到了3500到4000元一张,而且还一票难求。在其中一家卖票平台,2月25日从首尔仁川机场前往青岛流亭机场的机票仅剩一张,高达3552元,2月26日、27日该航班机票也十分紧张。

语宇宙是如何形成的?   1.科学家认为它起源为137亿年前之间的一次难以置信的大爆炸。这是一次不可想像的能量大爆炸,宇宙边缘的光到达地球要花120亿年到150亿年的时间。大爆炸散发的物质在太空中漂游,由许多恒星组成的巨大的星系就是由这些物质构成的,我们的太阳就是这无数恒星中的一颗。原本人们想象宇宙会因引力而不在膨胀,但是,科学家已发现宇宙中有一种 “暗能量”会产生一种斥力而加速宇宙的膨胀。  2.宇宙学说认为,我们所观察到的宇宙,在其孕育的初期,集中于一个体积极小、温度极高、密度极大的奇点。在141亿年前左右,奇点产生后发生大爆炸,从此开始了我们所在的宇宙的诞生史。  3.宇宙大爆炸后0.01秒,宇宙的温度大约为1000亿度。物质存在的主要形式是电子、光子、中微子。以后,物质迅速扩散,温度迅速降低。大爆炸后1秒钟,下降到100亿度。大爆炸后14秒,温度约30亿度。35秒后,为3亿度,化学元素开始形成。温度不断下降,原子不断形成。宇宙间弥漫着气体云。他们在引力的作用下,形成恒星系统,恒星系统又经过漫长的演化,成为今天的宇宙。  宇宙是什么?宇宙有多大?宇宙年龄是多少?   宇宙是万物的总称,是时间和空间的统一。从最新的观测资料看,人们已观测到的离我们最远的星系是130亿光年。也就是说,如果有一束光以每秒30万千米的速度从该星系发出,那么要经过130亿年才能到达地球。根据大爆炸宇宙模型推算,宇宙年龄大约200亿年。宇宙有多少个星系?每个星系有多少颗恒星?  、反质子是带电的,不能是暗物质粒子,光子和引力子的静止质量是零,也不能是暗物质粒子。因此,在标准模型给出的62种粒子中,有可能是暗物质粒子的只有3种中微子和3种反中微子。    20世纪80年代初期,美国天文学家艾伦森发现,距我们30万光年的天龙座矮星系中,许多碳星(巨大的红星)周围存在着稳定的暗物质,即这些暗物质受到严格的束缚。高能热粒子和能量适中的暖粒子是难以束缚住的,它们会到处乱窜,只有运行很慢的“冷粒子”才能束缚住。物理学家认为那是“轴子”,它是一种非常稳定的冷“微子,质量只有电子质量的数百万分之一。这就是暗物质的轴子模型。    轴子模型是否成立,最终得由实验裁决。最近,还有人提出,暗物质可能是一种称做“宇宙弦”的弦状物质,它产生于大爆炸后的一秒期间内,直径为1万亿亿亿分之一厘米,质量密度大得惊人,每寸长约1亿亿吨。这种理论是否成立,同样有待科学家进一步研究。    为探索暗物质的秘密,世界各国的粒子物理学家正在这个领域努力工作,相信揭开暗物质神秘面纱的那一天不会太遥远了。    在引入宇宙暴涨理论之后,许多宇宙学家相信我们的宇宙是平直的,而且宇宙总能量密度必定是等于临界值的(这一临界值用于区分宇宙是封闭的还是开放的)。与此同时,宇宙学家们也倾向于一个简单的宇宙,其中能量密度都以物质的形式出现,包括4%的普通物质和96%的暗物质。但事实上,观测从来就没有与此相符合过。虽然在总物质密度的估计上存在着比较大的误差,但是这一误差还没有大到使物质的总量达到临界值,而且这一观测和理论模型之间的不一致也随着时间变得越来越尖锐。    当意识到没有足够的物质能来解释宇宙的结构及其特性时,暗能量出现了。暗能量和暗物质的唯一共同点是它们既不发光也不吸收光。从微观上讲,它们的组成是完全不同的。更重要的是,像普通的物质一样,暗物质是引力自吸引的,而且与普通物质成团并形成星系。而暗能量是引力自相斥的,并且在宇宙中几乎均匀的分布。所以,在统计星系的能量时会遗漏暗能量。因此,暗能量可以解释观测到的物质密度和由暴涨理论预言的临界密度之间70-80%的差异。之后,两个独立的天文学家小组通过对超新星的观测发现,宇宙正在加速膨胀。由此,暗能量占主导的宇宙模型成为了一个和谐的宇宙模型。最近威尔金森宇宙微波背景辐射各向异性探测器(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrope Probe,WMAP)的观测也独立的证实了暗能量的存在,并且使它成为了标准模型的一部分。    暗能量同时也改变了我们对暗物质在宇宙中所起作用的认识。按照爱因斯坦的广义相对论,在一个仅含有物质的宇宙中,物质密度决定了宇宙的几何,以及宇宙的过去和未来。加上暗能量的话,情况就完全不同了。首先,总能量密度(物质能量密度与暗能量密度之和)决定着宇宙的几何特性。其次,宇宙已经从物质占主导的时期过渡到了暗能量占主导的时期。大约在“大爆炸”之后的几十亿年中暗物质占了总能量密度的主导地位,但是这已成为了过去。现在我们宇宙的未来将由暗能量的特性所决定,它目前正时宇宙加速膨胀,而且除非暗能量会随时间衰减或者改变状态,否则这种加速膨胀态势将持续下去。    暗物质的踪迹     暗物质是相对可见物质来说的。所谓可见物质,除发射可见光的物质外,还包括辐射红外线等其他电磁波的物质。虽然宇宙中的可见物质大部分不能用肉眼直接看到,但探测它们发出的各种电磁波就可以知道它们的存在。暗物质不辐射电磁波,但有质量。    科学家为什么会提出“暗物质”这个概念?宇宙中有没有暗物质?      在物理学中,把状态变化的“转折点”成为“临界点”,比如水变成冰,温度临界值(或者说“临界点”)为0℃。宇宙学的研究认为,宇宙中物质的平均密度,与决定宇宙是膨胀还是收缩的临界值,相差不会超过百万分之一。可是,宇宙中发可见光的恒星和星系的物质总量不到临界值的1%,加上辐射其他电磁波的天体,如行星、白矮星和黑洞等,最多也只有临界值的10%。    现已知道,宇宙的大结构呈泡沫状,星系聚集成“星系长城”,即泡沫的连接纤维,而纤维之间是巨大的“宇宙空洞”,即大泡泡,直径达1~3亿光年。如果没有一种看不见的暗物质的附加引力“帮忙”,这么大的空洞是不能维持的,就像屋顶和桥梁的跨度过大不能支持一样。    我们的宇宙尽管在膨胀,但高速运动中的个星系并不散开,如果仅有可见物质,它们的引力是不足以把各星系维持在一起的。    我们知道,太阳系的质量,99.86%集中在太阳系的中心即太阳上,因此,离太阳近的行星受到太阳的引力,比离太阳远的行星大,因此,离太阳近的行星绕太阳运行的速度,比离太阳远的行星快,以便产生更大的离心加速度(离心力)来平衡较大的太阳引力。但在星系中心,虽然也集中了更多的恒星,还有质量巨大的黑洞,可是,离星系中心近的恒星的运动速度,并不比离得远的恒星的运动速度快。这说明星系的质量并不集中在星系中心,在星系的外围区域一定有大量暗物质存在。    天体的亮度反应天体的质量。所以天文学家常常用星系的亮度来推算星系的质量,也可通过引力来推算星系的质量。可是,从引力推算出的银河系的质量,是从亮度推算的银河系质量的十倍以上,在外围区域甚至达五千倍。因而,在那里必然有大量暗物质存在。    那么,暗物质是些什么物质呢?    宇宙学研究发现,在宇宙大爆炸初期产生的各种基本粒子中,有一种叫做中微子的粒子不参与形成物质的核反应,也不与任何物质作用,它们一直散布在太空中,是暗物质的主要“嫌疑人”。    但中微子在1931年被提出来以后,一直被认为质量为零。这样,即使太空是中微子的海洋,也不会形成质量和引力。曾有人设想存在一种“类中微子”,它的性质与中微子类似,但有质量。可是一直没有发现“类中微子”的存在。    极小的中微子运动速度极高,可自由穿透任何物质,甚至整个地球,很难被捕找到。但中微子与物质原子和亚原子粒子碰撞时,会使他们撕裂而发出闪光。探测到这种效应就是探到了中微子。但为了避免地面上的各种因素的干扰,必须把探测装置(如带测量仪器并装有数千吨水的水箱)放在很深(如1000米)的地下。    1981年,一名苏联科学家在试验中发现中微子可能有质量。近几年,日、美科学家进一步证实中微子有质量。如果这个结论能得到最后确认,则中微子就是人们寻找的暗物质。    寻找暗物质有着重大的科学意义。如中微子确有质量,则宇宙中的物质密度将超过临界值,宇宙将终有一天转而收缩。关于宇宙是继续膨胀还是转而收缩的长久争论将尘埃落定。。










语宇宙是如何形成的?   1.科学家认为它起源为137亿年前之间的一次难以置信的大爆炸。这是一次不可想像的能量大爆炸,宇宙边缘的光到达地球要花120亿年到150亿年的时间。大爆炸散发的物质在太空中漂游,由许多恒星组成的巨大的星系就是由这些物质构成的,我们的太阳就是这无数恒星中的一颗。原本人们想象宇宙会因引力而不在膨胀,但是,科学家已发现宇宙中有一种 “暗能量”会产生一种斥力而加速宇宙的膨胀。  2.宇宙学说认为,我们所观察到的宇宙,在其孕育的初期,集中于一个体积极小、温度极高、密度极大的奇点。在141亿年前左右,奇点产生后发生大爆炸,从此开始了我们所在的宇宙的诞生史。  3.宇宙大爆炸后0.01秒,宇宙的温度大约为1000亿度。物质存在的主要形式是电子、光子、中微子。以后,物质迅速扩散,温度迅速降低。大爆炸后1秒钟,下降到100亿度。大爆炸后14秒,温度约30亿度。35秒后,为3亿度,化学元素开始形成。温度不断下降,原子不断形成。宇宙间弥漫着气体云。他们在引力的作用下,形成恒星系统,恒星系统又经过漫长的演化,成为今天的宇宙。  宇宙是什么?宇宙有多大?宇宙年龄是多少?   宇宙是万物的总称,是时间和空间的统一。从最新的观测资料看,人们已观测到的离我们最远的星系是130亿光年。也就是说,如果有一束光以每秒30万千米的速度从该星系发出,那么要经过130亿年才能到达地球。根据大爆炸宇宙模型推算,宇宙年龄大约200亿年。宇宙有多少个星系?每个星系有多少颗恒星?  、反质子是带电的,不能是暗物质粒子,光子和引力子的静止质量是零,也不能是暗物质粒子。因此,在标准模型给出的62种粒子中,有可能是暗物质粒子的只有3种中微子和3种反中微子。    20世纪80年代初期,美国天文学家艾伦森发现,距我们30万光年的天龙座矮星系中,许多碳星(巨大的红星)周围存在着稳定的暗物质,即这些暗物质受到严格的束缚。高能热粒子和能量适中的暖粒子是难以束缚住的,它们会到处乱窜,只有运行很慢的“冷粒子”才能束缚住。物理学家认为那是“轴子”,它是一种非常稳定的冷“微子,质量只有电子质量的数百万分之一。这就是暗物质的轴子模型。    轴子模型是否成立,最终得由实验裁决。最近,还有人提出,暗物质可能是一种称做“宇宙弦”的弦状物质,它产生于大爆炸后的一秒期间内,直径为1万亿亿亿分之一厘米,质量密度大得惊人,每寸长约1亿亿吨。这种理论是否成立,同样有待科学家进一步研究。    为探索暗物质的秘密,世界各国的粒子物理学家正在这个领域努力工作,相信揭开暗物质神秘面纱的那一天不会太遥远了。    在引入宇宙暴涨理论之后,许多宇宙学家相信我们的宇宙是平直的,而且宇宙总能量密度必定是等于临界值的(这一临界值用于区分宇宙是封闭的还是开放的)。与此同时,宇宙学家们也倾向于一个简单的宇宙,其中能量密度都以物质的形式出现,包括4%的普通物质和96%的暗物质。但事实上,观测从来就没有与此相符合过。虽然在总物质密度的估计上存在着比较大的误差,但是这一误差还没有大到使物质的总量达到临界值,而且这一观测和理论模型之间的不一致也随着时间变得越来越尖锐。    当意识到没有足够的物质能来解释宇宙的结构及其特性时,暗能量出现了。暗能量和暗物质的唯一共同点是它们既不发光也不吸收光。从微观上讲,它们的组成是完全不同的。更重要的是,像普通的物质一样,暗物质是引力自吸引的,而且与普通物质成团并形成星系。而暗能量是引力自相斥的,并且在宇宙中几乎均匀的分布。所以,在统计星系的能量时会遗漏暗能量。因此,暗能量可以解释观测到的物质密度和由暴涨理论预言的临界密度之间70-80%的差异。之后,两个独立的天文学家小组通过对超新星的观测发现,宇宙正在加速膨胀。由此,暗能量占主导的宇宙模型成为了一个和谐的宇宙模型。最近威尔金森宇宙微波背景辐射各向异性探测器(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrope Probe,WMAP)的观测也独立的证实了暗能量的存在,并且使它成为了标准模型的一部分。    暗能量同时也改变了我们对暗物质在宇宙中所起作用的认识。按照爱因斯坦的广义相对论,在一个仅含有物质的宇宙中,物质密度决定了宇宙的几何,以及宇宙的过去和未来。加上暗能量的话,情况就完全不同了。首先,总能量密度(物质能量密度与暗能量密度之和)决定着宇宙的几何特性。其次,宇宙已经从物质占主导的时期过渡到了暗能量占主导的时期。大约在“大爆炸”之后的几十亿年中暗物质占了总能量密度的主导地位,但是这已成为了过去。现在我们宇宙的未来将由暗能量的特性所决定,它目前正时宇宙加速膨胀,而且除非暗能量会随时间衰减或者改变状态,否则这种加速膨胀态势将持续下去。    暗物质的踪迹     暗物质是相对可见物质来说的。所谓可见物质,除发射可见光的物质外,还包括辐射红外线等其他电磁波的物质。虽然宇宙中的可见物质大部分不能用肉眼直接看到,但探测它们发出的各种电磁波就可以知道它们的存在。暗物质不辐射电磁波,但有质量。    科学家为什么会提出“暗物质”这个概念?宇宙中有没有暗物质?      在物理学中,把状态变化的“转折点”成为“临界点”,比如水变成冰,温度临界值(或者说“临界点”)为0℃。宇宙学的研究认为,宇宙中物质的平均密度,与决定宇宙是膨胀还是收缩的临界值,相差不会超过百万分之一。可是,宇宙中发可见光的恒星和星系的物质总量不到临界值的1%,加上辐射其他电磁波的天体,如行星、白矮星和黑洞等,最多也只有临界值的10%。    现已知道,宇宙的大结构呈泡沫状,星系聚集成“星系长城”,即泡沫的连接纤维,而纤维之间是巨大的“宇宙空洞”,即大泡泡,直径达1~3亿光年。如果没有一种看不见的暗物质的附加引力“帮忙”,这么大的空洞是不能维持的,就像屋顶和桥梁的跨度过大不能支持一样。    我们的宇宙尽管在膨胀,但高速运动中的个星系并不散开,如果仅有可见物质,它们的引力是不足以把各星系维持在一起的。    我们知道,太阳系的质量,99.86%集中在太阳系的中心即太阳上,因此,离太阳近的行星受到太阳的引力,比离太阳远的行星大,因此,离太阳近的行星绕太阳运行的速度,比离太阳远的行星快,以便产生更大的离心加速度(离心力)来平衡较大的太阳引力。但在星系中心,虽然也集中了更多的恒星,还有质量巨大的黑洞,可是,离星系中心近的恒星的运动速度,并不比离得远的恒星的运动速度快。这说明星系的质量并不集中在星系中心,在星系的外围区域一定有大量暗物质存在。    天体的亮度反应天体的质量。所以天文学家常常用星系的亮度来推算星系的质量,也可通过引力来推算星系的质量。可是,从引力推算出的银河系的质量,是从亮度推算的银河系质量的十倍以上,在外围区域甚至达五千倍。因而,在那里必然有大量暗物质存在。    那么,暗物质是些什么物质呢?    宇宙学研究发现,在宇宙大爆炸初期产生的各种基本粒子中,有一种叫做中微子的粒子不参与形成物质的核反应,也不与任何物质作用,它们一直散布在太空中,是暗物质的主要“嫌疑人”。    但中微子在1931年被提出来以后,一直被认为质量为零。这样,即使太空是中微子的海洋,也不会形成质量和引力。曾有人设想存在一种“类中微子”,它的性质与中微子类似,但有质量。可是一直没有发现“类中微子”的存在。    极小的中微子运动速度极高,可自由穿透任何物质,甚至整个地球,很难被捕找到。但中微子与物质原子和亚原子粒子碰撞时,会使他们撕裂而发出闪光。探测到这种效应就是探到了中微子。但为了避免地面上的各种因素的干扰,必须把探测装置(如带测量仪器并装有数千吨水的水箱)放在很深(如1000米)的地下。    1981年,一名苏联科学家在试验中发现中微子可能有质量。近几年,日、美科学家进一步证实中微子有质量。如果这个结论能得到最后确认,则中微子就是人们寻找的暗物质。    寻找暗物质有着重大的科学意义。如中微子确有质量,则宇宙中的物质密度将超过临界值,宇宙将终有一天转而收缩。关于宇宙是继续膨胀还是转而收缩的长久争论将尘埃落定。。




语宇宙是如何形成的?   1.科学家认为它起源为137亿年前之间的一次难以置信的大爆炸。这是一次不可想像的能量大爆炸,宇宙边缘的光到达地球要花120亿年到150亿年的时间。大爆炸散发的物质在太空中漂游,由许多恒星组成的巨大的星系就是由这些物质构成的,我们的太阳就是这无数恒星中的一颗。原本人们想象宇宙会因引力而不在膨胀,但是,科学家已发现宇宙中有一种 “暗能量”会产生一种斥力而加速宇宙的膨胀。  2.宇宙学说认为,我们所观察到的宇宙,在其孕育的初期,集中于一个体积极小、温度极高、密度极大的奇点。在141亿年前左右,奇点产生后发生大爆炸,从此开始了我们所在的宇宙的诞生史。  3.宇宙大爆炸后0.01秒,宇宙的温度大约为1000亿度。物质存在的主要形式是电子、光子、中微子。以后,物质迅速扩散,温度迅速降低。大爆炸后1秒钟,下降到100亿度。大爆炸后14秒,温度约30亿度。35秒后,为3亿度,化学元素开始形成。温度不断下降,原子不断形成。宇宙间弥漫着气体云。他们在引力的作用下,形成恒星系统,恒星系统又经过漫长的演化,成为今天的宇宙。  宇宙是什么?宇宙有多大?宇宙年龄是多少?   宇宙是万物的总称,是时间和空间的统一。从最新的观测资料看,人们已观测到的离我们最远的星系是130亿光年。也就是说,如果有一束光以每秒30万千米的速度从该星系发出,那么要经过130亿年才能到达地球。根据大爆炸宇宙模型推算,宇宙年龄大约200亿年。宇宙有多少个星系?每个星系有多少颗恒星?  、反质子是带电的,不能是暗物质粒子,光子和引力子的静止质量是零,也不能是暗物质粒子。因此,在标准模型给出的62种粒子中,有可能是暗物质粒子的只有3种中微子和3种反中微子。    20世纪80年代初期,美国天文学家艾伦森发现,距我们30万光年的天龙座矮星系中,许多碳星(巨大的红星)周围存在着稳定的暗物质,即这些暗物质受到严格的束缚。高能热粒子和能量适中的暖粒子是难以束缚住的,它们会到处乱窜,只有运行很慢的“冷粒子”才能束缚住。物理学家认为那是“轴子”,它是一种非常稳定的冷“微子,质量只有电子质量的数百万分之一。这就是暗物质的轴子模型。    轴子模型是否成立,最终得由实验裁决。最近,还有人提出,暗物质可能是一种称做“宇宙弦”的弦状物质,它产生于大爆炸后的一秒期间内,直径为1万亿亿亿分之一厘米,质量密度大得惊人,每寸长约1亿亿吨。这种理论是否成立,同样有待科学家进一步研究。    为探索暗物质的秘密,世界各国的粒子物理学家正在这个领域努力工作,相信揭开暗物质神秘面纱的那一天不会太遥远了。    在引入宇宙暴涨理论之后,许多宇宙学家相信我们的宇宙是平直的,而且宇宙总能量密度必定是等于临界值的(这一临界值用于区分宇宙是封闭的还是开放的)。与此同时,宇宙学家们也倾向于一个简单的宇宙,其中能量密度都以物质的形式出现,包括4%的普通物质和96%的暗物质。但事实上,观测从来就没有与此相符合过。虽然在总物质密度的估计上存在着比较大的误差,但是这一误差还没有大到使物质的总量达到临界值,而且这一观测和理论模型之间的不一致也随着时间变得越来越尖锐。    当意识到没有足够的物质能来解释宇宙的结构及其特性时,暗能量出现了。暗能量和暗物质的唯一共同点是它们既不发光也不吸收光。从微观上讲,它们的组成是完全不同的。更重要的是,像普通的物质一样,暗物质是引力自吸引的,而且与普通物质成团并形成星系。而暗能量是引力自相斥的,并且在宇宙中几乎均匀的分布。所以,在统计星系的能量时会遗漏暗能量。因此,暗能量可以解释观测到的物质密度和由暴涨理论预言的临界密度之间70-80%的差异。之后,两个独立的天文学家小组通过对超新星的观测发现,宇宙正在加速膨胀。由此,暗能量占主导的宇宙模型成为了一个和谐的宇宙模型。最近威尔金森宇宙微波背景辐射各向异性探测器(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrope Probe,WMAP)的观测也独立的证实了暗能量的存在,并且使它成为了标准模型的一部分。    暗能量同时也改变了我们对暗物质在宇宙中所起作用的认识。按照爱因斯坦的广义相对论,在一个仅含有物质的宇宙中,物质密度决定了宇宙的几何,以及宇宙的过去和未来。加上暗能量的话,情况就完全不同了。首先,总能量密度(物质能量密度与暗能量密度之和)决定着宇宙的几何特性。其次,宇宙已经从物质占主导的时期过渡到了暗能量占主导的时期。大约在“大爆炸”之后的几十亿年中暗物质占了总能量密度的主导地位,但是这已成为了过去。现在我们宇宙的未来将由暗能量的特性所决定,它目前正时宇宙加速膨胀,而且除非暗能量会随时间衰减或者改变状态,否则这种加速膨胀态势将持续下去。    暗物质的踪迹     暗物质是相对可见物质来说的。所谓可见物质,除发射可见光的物质外,还包括辐射红外线等其他电磁波的物质。虽然宇宙中的可见物质大部分不能用肉眼直接看到,但探测它们发出的各种电磁波就可以知道它们的存在。暗物质不辐射电磁波,但有质量。    科学家为什么会提出“暗物质”这个概念?宇宙中有没有暗物质?      在物理学中,把状态变化的“转折点”成为“临界点”,比如水变成冰,温度临界值(或者说“临界点”)为0℃。宇宙学的研究认为,宇宙中物质的平均密度,与决定宇宙是膨胀还是收缩的临界值,相差不会超过百万分之一。可是,宇宙中发可见光的恒星和星系的物质总量不到临界值的1%,加上辐射其他电磁波的天体,如行星、白矮星和黑洞等,最多也只有临界值的10%。    现已知道,宇宙的大结构呈泡沫状,星系聚集成“星系长城”,即泡沫的连接纤维,而纤维之间是巨大的“宇宙空洞”,即大泡泡,直径达1~3亿光年。如果没有一种看不见的暗物质的附加引力“帮忙”,这么大的空洞是不能维持的,就像屋顶和桥梁的跨度过大不能支持一样。    我们的宇宙尽管在膨胀,但高速运动中的个星系并不散开,如果仅有可见物质,它们的引力是不足以把各星系维持在一起的。    我们知道,太阳系的质量,99.86%集中在太阳系的中心即太阳上,因此,离太阳近的行星受到太阳的引力,比离太阳远的行星大,因此,离太阳近的行星绕太阳运行的速度,比离太阳远的行星快,以便产生更大的离心加速度(离心力)来平衡较大的太阳引力。但在星系中心,虽然也集中了更多的恒星,还有质量巨大的黑洞,可是,离星系中心近的恒星的运动速度,并不比离得远的恒星的运动速度快。这说明星系的质量并不集中在星系中心,在星系的外围区域一定有大量暗物质存在。    天体的亮度反应天体的质量。所以天文学家常常用星系的亮度来推算星系的质量,也可通过引力来推算星系的质量。可是,从引力推算出的银河系的质量,是从亮度推算的银河系质量的十倍以上,在外围区域甚至达五千倍。因而,在那里必然有大量暗物质存在。    那么,暗物质是些什么物质呢?    宇宙学研究发现,在宇宙大爆炸初期产生的各种基本粒子中,有一种叫做中微子的粒子不参与形成物质的核反应,也不与任何物质作用,它们一直散布在太空中,是暗物质的主要“嫌疑人”。    但中微子在1931年被提出来以后,一直被认为质量为零。这样,即使太空是中微子的海洋,也不会形成质量和引力。曾有人设想存在一种“类中微子”,它的性质与中微子类似,但有质量。可是一直没有发现“类中微子”的存在。    极小的中微子运动速度极高,可自由穿透任何物质,甚至整个地球,很难被捕找到。但中微子与物质原子和亚原子粒子碰撞时,会使他们撕裂而发出闪光。探测到这种效应就是探到了中微子。但为了避免地面上的各种因素的干扰,必须把探测装置(如带测量仪器并装有数千吨水的水箱)放在很深(如1000米)的地下。    1981年,一名苏联科学家在试验中发现中微子可能有质量。近几年,日、美科学家进一步证实中微子有质量。如果这个结论能得到最后确认,则中微子就是人们寻找的暗物质。    寻找暗物质有着重大的科学意义。如中微子确有质量,则宇宙中的物质密度将超过临界值,宇宙将终有一天转而收缩。关于宇宙是继续膨胀还是转而收缩的长久争论将尘埃落定。。



克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑-- “67P/楚留莫夫-格拉希门克”彗星 [67] 在太 CHAPTER X. TOBACCO OFFERINGS. 1808. It was a beautiful moonlight evening in August. A shadowy haze lingered over the river, which glistened and sparkled in the moonlight. The Chief and several members of his family were seated on the beach in front of the Wigwam listening to the Honorable Joseph Papineau, who, with his son, Louis Joseph, had come up in a canoe to see the falls. The former had recently purchased from Bishop Laval the unsettled seigniory of Petit Nation, and had erected an unpretentious cottage, which he occupied during the summer months. HON. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. From Morgan s "Types of Canadian Women" (copyright, 1903), by permission. HON. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. From Morgan s "Types of Canadian Women" (copyright, 1903), by permission. "It was a lovely vision," said Mr. Papineau, who had just performed the feat of canoeing to the foot of the Chaudiere Falls for the first time. "On our return we climbed the rugged cliff on the south side, and never shall I forget the panorama that spread out before us. The sun, sinking slowly behind the Laurentian hills, had clothed himself with a robe of splendor. The long reflections lay soft on the waters of the river below. The clouds of ascending mist from the Chaudiere took a thousand shades of color as the western sky faded slowly from crimson into gold and from gold to green and gray, and finally displayed dark shapes, out of which imagination might well have formed a thousand monsters.* * Louis Joseph, afterwards known as the Demosthenes of Canada, and who almost succeeded in making Canada a Republic, with himself as President, was evidently much impressed with the scene, which he described as follows: "Le soleil etait pret decendre sous l horison, la mureille tout limpide etait d une transparence vivre, tout penetree de lumiere vaguement prismatiseé." "As we watched the gathering shadows my thoughts went back two hundred years, to the time when Champlain went on his first trip up the  Riviere des Algoumequins,  as he called it. About two years before he took the trip he sent Nicholas de Vignan, a young Frenchman, up the river with some friendly Indians, and Nicholas had returned with the marvellous story that he had reached the North Sea. He said that the journey could be made in a few days. He also gave an account of having seen the wreck of an English ship. "Champlain was completely taken in, and lost no time in starting off to verify the discovery for which the world had been looking for some time. His fleet consisted of two canoes with two Indians and three Frenchmen, one of whom was Dg employment to over one hundred men. Fortunately for the pioneers of the Ottawa, they were not dependent upon the small revenue derived from the cultivation of the land, but had other resources which afforded them much greater remuneration. The British Navy, which hitherto had been dependent upon Russia for its cordage and lumber, had to look elsewhere for its supply of hemp and timber, owing to the ports of the Baltic having been closed to British ships. The price of hemp having risen from £25 to £118 per ton, they undertook the cultivation of it, and raised over three-fourths of the amount raised in Lower Canada at that time. The exportation of lumber and vegetable alkali, or potash, were also great sources of revenue. In the new clearances were tons of wood ashes from which the lye was extracted and boiled till it looked like molten iron, a barrel of which sold at that time for thirty dollars. Prosperity and success crowned every commercial enterprise upon which they ventured until fire swept every mill, factory and dwelling in the thriving little village out of existence, including thousands of dollars in cash in a small safe in the office, quantities of wheat, hemp, sawn lumber, laths and general merchandise. As there was no compensation in the way of insurance, the loss was much felt. Philemon Wright was not the man to be deterred from climbing the ladder of success, even though he had to mount it by the rungs of adverse circumstances. Though the loss sustained was great, almost overwhelming, he rose above it with a courage which yielded not to disappointment or failure. The cause of the fire long remained a mystery. That it was the work of an incendiary was beyond question. Various theories were advocated by the settlers, but suspicion rested upon Machecawa, who, it was alleged, had been seen by the bookkeeper at a late hour lingering about the mills, a suspicion which gained no credence with the Chief and his family.阳系的周围还包裹着一个庞大的“奥尔特云”。星云内分布着不计其数的冰块、雪团和碎石。其中的某些会受太阳引力影响飞入内太阳系,这就是彗 [76]  在超新星爆发的过程中所释放的能量,需要我们的太阳燃烧900亿年才能与之相当。[77]  超新星研究有着关乎人类自身命运的深层意义。如果一颗超新星爆发的位置非常接近地球,目前国际天文学界普遍认为此距离在100光年以内,它就能够对地球的生物圈产生明显的影响,这样的超新星被称为近地超新星。有研究认为,在地球历史上的奥陶纪大灭绝,就是一颗近地超新星引起的,这次灭绝导致当时地球近60%的海洋生物消失。[78]

克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑--克莱因瓶的瓶颈和瓶身是相交的,换句话近代科学兴起的先驱者、是捍卫科学真理并为此献身的殉道士。有另一种说法认为,近代以来关于罗马梵蒂冈的地心说和哥白尼的日心说的斗争是被严重夸大的。布鲁诺1600年遭受火刑的原因,并非因知行星围绕太阳作圆周运动。然而,人们是否能接受哥白尼提出的新的宇宙模式呢?全世界的人——尤其是权力极大的天主教会是否相信太阳是宇宙中心这一说法呢?由于害怕教会的惩罚,哥白尼在世时不敢公开他的发现。1543年,这一发现才公诸天下。即使在那个时候,哥白尼的发现还不断受到教会高无上的真理,凡是违背圣经的学说,Eighteen months passed. The Chief was in Quebec with Hannah and Abbie awaiting the arrival of Rug, who had been sent by his father to the Mother Land to dispose of two cargoes of timber. It was an unusually cold evening in June. Snow had been falling all day. The neighboring hills were covered with large feathery crystals, which, however, soon melted as the sun appeared for a moment before sinking behind the gray walls of the Castle St. Louis. Just as the evening gun was fired, news had reached the union Hotel that a vessel had been sighted near the Island of Orleans. It was ascertained that it w against a sea voyage from the time they left Liverpool. "Nor is this all," he said; "I have something better still on board for the new settlement, namely, twenty-five English families, who are going to take up land in the township and pay for it in work." "And who nearly turned mutineers," added the captain, slapping him on the shoulder, "did they not, Wright?" "How was that?" asked the Chief. "When we boarded the vessel at Liverpool," replied Rug, "some were bright and cheerful, but most of them were in tears, which showed that they did not leave the Old Land without a struggle. We soon weighed anchor and were under sail with a fair wind, but it came round to the east and blew fresher, so that we were forced to come to anchor not far from the place we left. The ship, as you may see, was fitted up for the timber trade, and has only a small cabin or quarter-deck. On each side are ranged two tiers of berths for passengers providing their own bedding. Along the open space in the middle we placed two rows of large chests which were used sometimes as tables, sometimes as seats—all of which I shall show you presently. There was much noise and confusion before all found berths; crying children, swearing sailors, scolding women, who had not been able to secure the beds they wanted, produced a chorus of a very melancholy nature. The disagreeableness of it was heightened by the darkness of the night and the rolling and a new and better country. "As we neared the banks of Newfoundland a most extraordinary phenomenon was produced by the dashing of the salt water against the bow of the ship in the evening. The water seemed on fire and produced a very fine effect. The next day a mass of ice appeared about two hundred yards distant. It was almost half a mile in length, and was moving south-east. Soon after we found the channel between Cape Breton and Cape Ray, and got into the ice. The captain sent eight men to the bow with fenders. One piece knocked splinters off the bow and threw us all down. About five days later we reached the Island of Anticosti, but I was too ill to see it. We saw porpoises in shoals plunging about the ship, while the sailors tried to harpoon them beneath the bow. About two hundred and eighty miles below Quebec the pilot came on board. His number was painted in large characters on his sail as well as on his boat. He had a cask of fresh water and some maple sugar, which he sold at an extortionate price to the passengers. "Near Bic Island we saw whales spouting water at a great height, and a habitant came out in a boat with a large basket of eggs, which he disposed of at a shilling per dozen, and so we continued on until the domes and towers of Quebec came in sight and I began to realize the inexpressible joy of being at home once more."* * Diary of Rev. Robert Bell and letters of R. Wright. Rug was a young man of great executive ability, a young man whose word could be relied upon with absolute certainty, a young man who proved himself the very soul of honor in all his business transactions.都被斥为“异端邪说”,凡是反对神权统治的人,都被处以火刑。新兴的资产阶级为自己的生存和发展,掀起了一场反对封建制度和教会迷信思想的斗争,出现了人文主义的思潮。他们使用的战斗武器,就是未被神学染污的古希腊的哲学、科学和文艺。这就是震撼欧洲的文艺复兴运动。文艺复兴首先发生于意大利,很快就扩大到波兰及欧洲其他国家。与此同时,商业的活跃也促进了对外贸易的发展。在“黄金”这个符咒的驱使下,许多欧洲冒险者远航非洲、印度及整个远东地区。远洋航行需要丰富的天文和地理知识,从实际中积累起来的观测资料,使人们感到当时流行的“地静天动”的宇宙 CHAPTER IV. AN INDIAN SUITOR. 1803. Machecawa and his friend O Jawescawa became frequent visitors at the Wigwam. They would come in the morning, uninvited, and sit silently all day long before the open fire and observe all that was going on. The spinning-wheel and hand-loom were objects of unceasing interest to them, and though it proved a great distraction to the children in their studies, and to the girls in the performance of their domestic duties, to have them there, they were always treated not only with respect but with consideration and kindness. One morning Machecawa stood gazing intently into the fire. His face wore an expression of perplexity. At length he turned to the White Chief, who was explaining a mathematical problem to one of his boys, and said: "Big Injun, he want to speak his thoughts from books. He want to know white man s Manitou." "May I teach him, father? Just for an hour every day?" said Chrissy, a tall, fair, thoughtful girl of seventyour neck, Machecawa?" said Bearie, the second son, a short, well knit, sturdy-looking youth of eighteen, whose every expression reflected a bright, happy, generous disposition. "She am my Manitou," replied the Indian. &q39;you no eat no teeng seex days.  By em by I am dream some teeng, me, dat some teeng she am my manitou. She help me kill beeg bear; she mak dem Iroquois dogs run like one wild moose. My fadder she am pleese; she make my manitou on my arm—see!" he said, rolling up his sleeve. On his shoulder was the rude outline of a fish, which had been tatooed with sharp bones and with the juice of berries rubbed in. "But what is in the little bag?" asked Bearie. "Will you let me see it?" After a good deal of reluctance he gave in at last, and two curious boys untied the precious parcel, while the others, equally curious, looked over his shoulders at a few old broken fish bones which were all the little bag contained. "Well, old man," said Bearie, slowly replacing the sacred relics, "we put our faith in something better than that. The white man trusts the Great Spirit in heaven to care for him and to take him to heaven when he dies." "Any bear in hebben?" asked the Indian. "No," said Bearie, "only good people." "Dat hebben she am no good for big Injun," said Machecawa, sadly. "De happy hunting ground she am full of moose, buffalo, bear, beaver. She am far, far away at de end of land, where de sun she sleep—two, tree moons away. One beeg dog she am cross, an  she bark at dead Injun, but he go on, an  on, an  on, an  den he am glad." It began to dawn upon the vigilant mother at length that it was not so much the wonders of civilization nor the desire to "speak his thoughts from books" that led Machecawa day after day to the Wigwam, as an ever-increasing interest in her fun-loving daughter, Abbie, who was a year younger than Chrissy, and who seemed unconscious of the fact that the eyes of the red chief were ever upon her.学说值得怀疑,这就要求人们进一步去探索宇宙的秘密,从而推进了天文学和地理学的发展。1492年,意大利著名的航海家哥伦布发现新大陆,麦哲伦和他的同伴绕地球一周,证明地球是圆形的,使人们开始真正认识地球。[4] 对他国的影响 在教会严密控制下的中世纪,也发生过轰轰烈烈的宗教革命。因为天主教的很多教义不符合圣经的教诲,而加入了太多教皇的个人意志以及各类神学家的自身成果,所以很多信徒开始质疑天主教的教义和组织,发起回归圣经的行动来。捷克的爱国主义者、布拉格大学校长扬·胡斯(1369~1415年)在君士坦丁堡的宗教会议上公开谴责德意志封建主与天主教会对捷克的压迫和剥削。他虽然被反动教会处以火刑,但他的革命活动在社会上引起了强烈的反应。捷克农民在胡斯党人的旗帜下举行起义,这次运动也波及波兰。1517年,在德国,马丁·路德(1483~1546年)反对教会贩卖赎罪符,与罗马教皇公开决裂。1521年,路德又在沃尔姆国会上揭露罗马教廷的罪恶,并提出建立基督教新教的主张。新教的教义得到许多国家的支持,波兰也深受影响。


事实上我们看到, 到中国的韩国人已经被检测出来了。







