关于土耳其“和平之泉”军事行动的5个问题 / Turkey's Syria Operation in 5 Questions
1. 什么是“和平之泉”军事行动?/ What is Operation Peace Spring ?
Operation Peace Spring is the third of a series of cross-border Turkish military operations in northern Syria.
2. “和平之泉”军事行动的目的是什么?/ What does it aim?
Eliminate terrorist groups in the region, secure Turkey’s borders, ensure the safe return of Syrian refugees and Syria’s territorial integrity.
3. 哪些恐怖组织在该地区活跃?/ Which terrorist groups are active in the region?
恐怖组织PKK及下属军事组织YPG / PYD。
The terrorist group PKK and its extension YPG/PYD.
Turkey has a 911 km border with Syria.PKK listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S is responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people in Turkey, including women, children and infants.
4. 该行动的依据是什么?/ What does it depend on ?
Right of self-defence, UN Security Council resolutions, Article 51 of the UN Charter.
5. 前情 / Antecedents
Operation Euprates Shield and Olive Branch which since 2016 has rid an area of 4000 km² in Syria of terrorist groups.
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