专访Camille M. Ng —— 从顶尖美所到国际仲裁机构
本期采访人为Camille M. Ng。在她十年的法律生涯中,她先后在顶尖美所芝加哥办公室、顶尖新加坡律所、海牙常设仲裁法院及国际商会国际仲裁院工作。她每一段职业经历,都是无数法律学子所向往的。我们有幸能够采访到她,聆听她对于法律职业发展的建议。
Please introduce your background.
I am a Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines. Over there, a law degree is an advanced degree just like in the US, so you need a bachelor degree. I have one in management. During my undergrad, I joined the debating team of our school, and I also like writing. That’s what made me think about working in the legal industry.
After undergrad, I joined one of the best advertising firms in the Philippines, and my clients included many prestigious international companies. In that field, I got the chance to present our ads before the advertising board because we needed to make sure that the content we put in the advertisements meets the board’s standards. The desire to study law became stronger as I did this type of work.
Therefore, I decided to apply to law school. I got admitted to law schools in the Philippines, but ultimately decided to study at the University of Notre Dame because of their international law program and their scholarship offer.
During my JD, I was lucky to work as a summer associate in Kirkland & Ellis’ Chicago office. I joined them as a litigation associate after graduation. I worked as a litigation attorney, and dealt with mostly US domestic matters. There were not many international lawyers in the office. I worked there for close to two years and I liked the job. The colleagues were friendly and supportive, and the atmosphere was nice. But I also felt that I would prefer to be in a more international field.
在JD期间,我有幸在 Kirkland& Ellis(“Kirkland”)的芝加哥办公室做Summer Associate。而毕业后,我以诉讼律师的身份加入Kirkland。作为诉讼律师,我主要执业于美国国内的法律事务。办公室里的国际律师不多。我在那里工作了将近两年,而且我也喜欢这份工作。同事们都很友好和并且相互帮助,办公室氛围也很好。但我觉得,我更想进入一个更国际化的领域工作。
So then I applied for the joint LLM program of NYU and NUS, which focuses on international law. I took my courses in Singapore, with faculty from both schools. During the latter part of the program, an attorney working at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (“PCA”) gave a presentation about the newly launched PCA-NUS fellowship program, which would allow the successful candidate to work in the PCA in The Hague for one year. I applied for and was selected for the fellowship. In the meantime, Mr Michael Hwang (a prestigious Singaporean arbitrator) invited me to join his chambers for half a year. The schedule worked out perfectly – I was able to work for Mr. Hwang and then the PCA. I gratefully accepted these two offers.
于是我申请了纽约大学和新加坡国立大学的联合LLM项目,该项目着重于国际法的学习。我在新加坡上课,但两所学校都会派老师来进行教学。在项目的后半部分,在海牙常设仲裁法院(“PCA”)工作的一名律师给我们介绍了新启动的PCA-NUS奖学金项目,该方案可以让奖学金获得者在PCA工作一年。我申请了项目并幸运地被选上。与此同时,Michael Hwang先生(著名新加坡仲裁员)邀请我加入他的律所,在他那里工作半年。于是,我幸运地有了两个毕业去向——我可以先为Michael Hwang先生工作,然后再去 PCA。我感激地接受了这两个offer。
After my one-year fellowship in the PCA concluded, I ended up staying in the PCA for a year and a half more. And then, I joined the ICC Court of Arbitration (“ICC”) and now work as deputy counsel in ICC’s New York office.
当我在PCA一年的奖学金项目结束后,我被 PCA聘用为正式员工,又在PCA工作了一年半多一点。然后,我加入了国际商会国际仲裁院(“ICC”),现在 ICC纽约办公室担任副顾问。
You have worked in different legal markets – Chicago, Singapore, The Hague, and NewYork City. What do you think is the difference between these markets?
It depends on the field. In Chicago, the environment at least in the litigation department was very “domestic” as in US-related. Things are very different in international arbitration. My colleagues are attorneys from different jurisdictions and my caseload comes from all over the world. Because I was working in international arbitration in Singapore, The Hague, and still now in New York City, I can say that the environment seems familiar wherever in the world you go.
Do you have any advice you want to share with candidates who are looking for jobs?
I will just speak very generally, as more detailed advice is readily accessible otherwise. As a law student, I think studying hard should be a priority. When you approach employers, you should have something to sell, and how you are in law school is a huge plus. I know that the job market is becoming more competitive, and students are racing to secure jobs. But networking at the expense of doing your work as a student is really not a good idea. And besides, studying is a pleasure often taken for granted.
As people network, I think they should ask themselves, “would I feel comfortable if someone talks with me in an aggressive way?”, or “will I give opportunities to someone just because I met them once or twice?”. I guess most people will answer no, without more.
当大家在社交的时候,我认为大家应该先问问自己,“如果有人以一种非常aggressive的方式和我说话,我会感到舒服吗?” 或者 “我会仅仅因为见过他们一两次就给他们机会吗?” 我想大多数人会回答不,并且就此打住。
So going off of that, I think that quality in networking is better than quantity. Rather than run around the room just to get the business cards of 10 different people, why not just have a genuine conversation with half that, and then may be spend some time and effort to develop the relationship? This means also thinking about what you can do for them. For example, when I came across some informative articles or news releases, I may send them to people I know who would be interested in such information.
And the last thing is to be considerate. The people you are networking with may also want to network with others, so do not be offended if they cut the conversation off after a while and also try not to occupy too much of their time.
Very useful suggestions for networking. What other suggestions you may have for maintaining relationships?
Be honest to people who give you opportunities. When you get a very good job offer but it later turns out that you are unable to accept that offer, be honest about why. The world is very small. Never burn your bridges.
Do you have any other suggestions for career developments?你对职业发展还有什么建议吗?
Very generally again, be open to what life reveals to you. It’s good to have a plan, but it’s also good to be flexible in case your plans don’t pan out and life doesn’t give you exactly what you want. Whenever that happens to me, I always think of it as me being led to something that will be better for me. Also, know that it’s okay to make a change and to switch gears. Having a career in a specific field does not have to be a life-long commitment. So, in short, work hard and keep the faith. You’ll be okay.