
A happy and simple world —— the little world of liz climo

袁月 一起阅读 2021-09-20

这次推荐的是风靡全球的Liz Climo漫画绘本The Little World of Liz Climo(中译名:《你今天真好看》)。书中集结了所有你能想到的各种萌物,恐龙、棕熊、兔子、企鹅,甚至还有伞蜥、獾、土拨鼠、狐獴……在诙谐的对话中,它们展现出一种与生俱来的幽默感和令人艳羡的生活情趣。

你可能是书中任何一个动物,而书 中的动物可能是你身边的任何一个人。谁不曾享受过与父母的温情一刻?谁没有被朋友的玩笑弄得一时语塞?谁不会因自己反应慢半拍而哭笑不得?



The writer of this cute book is Liz Climo,  an online cartoonist from Los Angeles and animator of the Simpsons. She is good at expressing a humorous theme through the expression of animals, some even without words. Liz's cartoon is not only a cartoon, but also a lot of life philosophy.

I think she is a person who has a childlike innocence. It is interesting that the book is called《你今天真好看》(You are very beautiful today) in Chinese. It is like going back to the moment when I was a little kid. The whole book is a picture book, with very little words, and it is perfect for a person like me to read. The writer uses her pen to create lovely animal images and outlines warm and interesting stories, simple but beautiful. It is a clear flow in this complex world, and it doesn't  demand much intellectual and professional power as it just requries rich imagination and true understanding.

I like the story of the little dinosaur in it, and the author has created a picture book for her and her father called I and Dad. Revealing too much about the book isn't a good option. Read it, and I'm sure you'll like it.

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