关于 Sencity 公司 Sencity Corp.(简称 Sencity)的跨界团队一直在探索人与世界的关系,2017年成立至今已经在20多个国家进行过成功的科技与创意产品、项目实施和落地,拥有在30多个国家过百项知识产权,在美国、澳大利亚有多项在AI感知交互、计算机视觉和传感技术应用的发明专利。 Sencity 包揽了全球众多经过严格peer-reviewed(行业鉴定的)奖项,发表了多篇顶级期刊学术论文,Sencity的创意团队来自五个不同的国家,五所世界排名前五十的名校,机缘巧合的在纽约相遇凝聚以体验驱动的信仰一起去设计明天的世界。Sencity的创意团队包揽了城市学者与建筑师 (Urban researchers and architects)、创意工程师 (Creative technologists) 、跨领域设计师 (Multi-disciplinery designers)和衍生性数据科学家(Generative data scientists) 的体验驱动团队,已经在很多城市创造了光影传奇,马不停蹄的致力于打造可以改善每人每日日常生活的体验和交互科技平台。 在科技大环境不断进步和“新基建”的迅速发展,Sencity的创意内容与技术平台将继续通过好的设计,为人们的生活添加更多乐趣和幸福感。Sencity 期待与大家共同见证未来。 Sencity部分团队成员 Among the nomination entries comprising the best products, services, and businesses in innovation for the year 2020, SencityOS Smart Engagement Platform was chosen as a winner by a panel of over 3,000 leading business executives from around the world. “After a thorough review, the Edison Awards Judges recognize SencityOS Smart Engagement Platform as a game-changing innovation standing out among the best new products and services launched in their category,” said Frank Bonafilia, Executive Director of the Edison Awards. About the Edison Awards: The Edison Awards is the world's most revered Innovation Award dedicated to recognizing and honoring the best in innovation and innovators since 1987.