TEDxXJTLU Conference 2019|完整演讲人名单新鲜出炉
@Rebekah:“我觉得重塑的前提是打破自我 获得新生”
@Susie:“ 「重塑」并不代表以前不够好, 只是经历了一些人生变故或者苦难 看清了一些人一些事之后 更加明确自己的方向或者调整自己的方向 使自己的内心更强大 行动更有力 以前的挫折就像是过眼云烟 可以把这个过程比作成毛毛虫结茧 重塑自身后 忘掉破茧的痛苦 最后蜕变成美丽的蝴蝶。”
首期TEDxXJTLU 聚焦主题「重塑」
Professor Qiuling Chao is a Ph.D in Developmental and Educational Psychology; Professor and Ph.D adviser of School of Public Policy and Administration at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU); Secretary of the Party Committee, and vice president for student affairs and information at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). Professor Chao has a professional background in English, pedagogy, and psychology, and has many years of experience engaging in higher education research, which supports her in-depth knowledge of higher education. Professor Chao used to work as deputy director of Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges at XJTU, and dean of the Liverpool Confucius Institute at the University of Liverpool.
剑桥大学理论物理学博士,现任西交利物浦大学数学系讲师, 研究兴趣包括广义相对论及其替代理论,暗能量,以及数值相对论,获国家自然科学基金的理论物理专款项目。其从台湾最好的高中到台湾最优大学,从校长奖学金获得者到成为全球顶尖学府的物理学博士,拥有大众眼中“别人家孩子”的完美人生,在西交利物浦大学被学生称为“西浦江直树”。
Mr. Tairun Chen is a Ph.D in Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. He is currently Lecturer with Department of Mathematics, XJTLU. His research areas cover general relativity and its alternative theories, dark energy, and numerical relativity, and his projects on theoretical physics have received special funding by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. From the best high school to the best university in Taiwan, and from the winner of the President's scholarship to a Ph.D in Theoretical Physics in the world's top university, he has a perfect academic resume, and is called "Naoki Irie in XJTLU" by the students.
「慢书房的 “慢师傅”」
Mr. Tao Xu is the founder of “Slowly Time”, an independent bookstore in Suzhou, and General Manager of Cedong Culture Communication Co., LtD. In 2012, he became one of the founders of ‘Slowly Time’ and has since operated the bookstore with the “book oriented” belief. In his opinion, the bookstore is the space, regardless of the size, for thoughts, and for dedicated, deep and “stubborn” believes. It is with such faith that “Slowly Time” is now a well-known bookshop with distinctive characters. What’s more, for the culture and advertising business, Mr. Xu has been integrating culture, space, cultural products and advertising, and exploring new integration forms of the two industries, which has resulted in a unique way of expression and a distinctive label for cultural branding.
Mr. Yanghuan Bao is a Master of Genetics of Oregon State University, and an MBA of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Currently, he is investment partner of multiple funds and incubators such as BOHE Angel Fund, as well as Blue Rainbow Incubator and Miracle Light Fund under BGI, and participates in the operation of BGI Life and Health Entrepreneurship Acceleration Camp. He worked for four years as a researcher and laboratory director at The Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, a world’s centre for life sciences. After returning to China, he has been engaged in bio-medical entrepreneurship and investment, and has invested, managed, established and guided over 20 bio-pharmaceutical companies. He was selected as an Active Investor in China by CY Zone, and has been the judge of state-level biomedical entrepreneurship competitions for several times, such as the Grand Finales of China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in biomedical industry in 2016-2018.
资深建筑设计师,日本京都大学建筑设计专业硕士,师从世界著名建筑师高松申(Shin Takamatsu)。现就职于贝思勤创意设计公司(BES),担任执行经理兼创意总监,是苏州丝绸博物馆“四方的雨”艺术装置、苏州西部生态城规划、大丰荷兰花海规划的总设计师,其对日本东京六本木Hotel S 酒店的设计改造荣获2014年 日本good design大奖。此外,他还是VJ(Visual Jockey影像骑师)、作家、杂志编辑以及NPO(旨在推广“能”传统表演艺术)联合创始人。其社会项目“IGO AMIGO”于2007年获得“记者俱乐部奖”,该奖项每年颁发给日本最具影响力的社会活动,旨在向年轻人普及IGO。
Mr. Doppo Matsubara is a senior architect and a Master of Architecture, Kyoto university, Japan. He studied under Shin Takamatsu, a world famous architect. Now he works for BES Creative Design Company as Executive Manager and Creative Director. He is Chief Designer of the art installation in front of Suzhou Silk Museum, Suzhou Western Eco-city and Dafeng Eco Village. His renovation of the Hotel S Hotel in Roppongi, Tokyo won Good Design Award in 2014. He is also a VJ (Visual Jockey), writer, magazine editor, and co-founder of an NPO which promotes the traditional performing arts of "power". Its social project, IGO AMIGO, won the Press Club Award in 2007 which is given annually to Japan's the most influential social activities to educate young people about IGO.
Mr. Zhihe Zhao is a senior student majoring in Computer Science and Technology at XJTLU, and has been admitted as a Ph.D candidate by Duke University in Electronics and Computer Science, with an emphasis on AIoT (Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things). In his sophomore year, he suspended his study for a year to establish a smart home appliances company in partnership with a XJTLU alumni and attracted investment of millions of yuan. After that, he returned to XJTLU for further study with a new understanding of the smart industry. During his college years, he has published one SCI paper and two papers for top academic conferences. In April 2018, he presented his research results at the IEEE World Internet of Things Convention in Orlando, USA, and won the research opportunity provided by the top professors in IoT of the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the summer vacation. He has won many awards from state-level competitions on smart cars, makers, and hackathons, and has participated in Nepal volunteer teaching in his spare time. In the application season of 2019, he received the full-scholarship doctoral offers from Duke University, Stony Brook University of New York, the University of Texas at Dallas and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Martijn ten Bhömer
埃因霍温理工大学工业设计系博士,致力于研究智能纺织品和服务的设计与制造具体技术方法。现任西交利物浦大学工业设计系讲师,工业设计硕士项目主任,工业设计数字制造实验室主任。曾在英国微软研究院、德国电信、加拿大OMsignal、荷兰Bambi Medical等跨国公司从事研究工作,具有丰富的行业工作经验。其工业设计作品多次在国内外的博物馆、专业展览和学术会议展出。
Mr. Martijn ten Bhömer is a Ph.D in Industrial Design from Eindhoven University of Technology, and is dedicated to studying design and manufacturing techniques smart textile products and services. Dr. Martijn is currently a lecturer in the Department of Industrial Design, XJTLU, Director of the Master’s program of Industrial Design, and Director of the Digital Manufacturing Laboratory of Industrial Design. He was engaged in research work in multinational companies such as Microsoft Research UK, Deutsche Telekom, OMsignal in Canada and Bambi Medical in the Netherlands, and has rich experience in the industry. His works have been exhibited in museums, exhibitions and academic conferences in many countries.
Yichi Liu , 14 years old, is an eighth-grade student at Hangzhou Yungu School. She began to learn vocal music, dance and Yue opera (a local opera in Zhe Jiang) at the age of four. Her Yue opera teacher is Yu Huizhen, a national first-class Yue opera actress. Her performance of a classic Yue opera excerpt, "Both are My Children", was highly acclaimed by Dong Qing and Ma Yue, judges of the show. In 2011, she became the youngest "Cultural volunteer of Zhejiang", and has hosted and participated in over 60 cultural volunteer activities at all levels. She has also been guest performer of provincial activities, and has won awards in English recitation and speech contests at all levels. Yue opera does not only mean enjoyment and happiness to her, but also inheritance and promotion of traditional culture. She hopes more children can love and enjoy Yue opera and pass on traditional culture.
西交利物浦大学北校区中心楼 G23w
编辑: Anastasia & Sophia
校对:TEDxXJTLU Production Team
审核:Xin Xu & Tingting Zhao