征文|JCDL 2019(Champaign-Urbana, 6.2-6.6)
JCDL(Joint Conference on Digital Library,国际数字图书馆联合会)由美国计算机协会(ACM)和电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)联合举办,与欧洲数字图书馆会议(ECDL)和亚洲数字图书馆国际会议(ICADL)并称为全球数字图书馆研究领域的三大国际学术会议。是一个关注数字图书馆及其相关技术、实践和社会问题的主要国际论坛。
The ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. Participation is sought from all parts of the world and from the full range of disciplines and professions involved in digital library research and practice, including computer science, information science, librarianship, archival science and practice, museum studies and practice, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities. Besides the main conference, JCDL 2019 will host specialized workshops, tutorials, panels, and a doctoral consortium. All domains–academics, government, industry, and others–are encouraged to participate as presenters or attendees.
Call for Participation
JCDL welcomes interesting submissions ranging across theories, systems, services, and applications. We invite those managing, operating, developing, curating, evaluating, or utilizing digital libraries broadly defined, covering academic or public institutions, including archives, museums, and social networks.
In addition to the topics indicated above, the following are some of the many topics that will be considered relevant, as long as connections are made to digital libraries:
Collaborative and participatory information environments
Crowdsourcing and human computation
Cyberinfrastructure architectures, applications, and deployments
Distributed information systems
Document genres
Extracting semantics, entities, and patterns from large collections
Information and knowledge systems
Information visualization
Infrastructure and service design
Knowledge discovery
Linked data and its applications
Performance evaluation
Personal digital information management
Scientific data management
Social media, architecture, and applications
Social networks, virtual organizations and networked information
User behavior and modeling
User communities and user research
Important Dates and Deadline
Submission Deadlines
Jan. 25, 2019 – Tutorial and workshop proposal submissions
Jan. 25, 2019 – Full paper and short paper submissions
Jan. 29, 2019 – Panel, poster and demonstration submissions
Notification Dates
Mar. 1, 2019 – Notification of acceptance for tutorials and workshops
Mar. 8, 2019 – Notification of acceptance for full papers, short papers, panels, posters, and demonstrations
Doctoral Consortium Deadlines
Mar. 25, 2019 – Doctoral Consortium abstract submissions
Apr. 5, 2019 – Notification of acceptance for Doctoral Consortium
Material Submission Deadline
Apr. 15, 2019 – Final camera-ready deadline for full papers, short papers, panels, posters, and demonstrations
Conference Dates
June 2, 2019 – Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium
June 3-5, 2019 – Main Conference
June 5-6, 2019 – Workshops
the I-Hotel and Conference Center on the campus of the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, a micro-urban community in the heart of the American prairie