征文| IEEE BigData Congress 2019(Milan,Italy,7.8-13)
❖ 国际顶尖大数据会议来啦~
IEEE Big Data Congress 2019(2019年国际大数据会议)旨在为学术界和业界的研究人员和从业人员提供一个国际论坛,交流和探讨大数据领域的最新研究成果和实践。大数据通常用四个V来描述:数据规模庞大(Volume)、数据更新频繁(Velocity)、数据类型多样(Variety)和数据结果真实(Veracity)。在该论坛中,鼓励提交涉及这四个领域最新进展的成果。此外,论坛还寻求研究大数据在科学和工业生态系统中交互融合的论文,包括基础设施和框架、高性能计算机、人工智能、融合研究、可重现性和数据论文。会议由IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,电气和电子工程师协会)冠名,至今已成功举办7届,是大数据领域十分重要的国际会议之一。
2019 IEEE International Congress on Big Data aims to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry to present latest research findings and practice on major and emerging topics in Big Data. Big data is frequently described in terms of the four V's: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. In this forum we encourage submissions that cover foundational advances in these four areas. We additionally seek papers that study the interplay of Big Data in the science and industry ecosystem, including infrastructure and frameworks, HPC, AI, convergence research, reproducibility, and data papers. Technical topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Models and Algorithms
Models and algorithms for big data analytics
Models and algorithms for big data driven AI
Data Systems Engineering
From campus to cloud for big data analytics
Cyberinfrastructure for big data
AI and high performance computing for big data
Big Data Management
Data quality and integrity
Provenance and workflows
Security and Privacy
System security and integrity
Privacy-preserving architectures and analytics
Usability / threat tradeoffs
Service Performance
Big data service performance evaluation
Big data application benchmarks
Big data service reliability and availability
Real-time big data services
Optimization and Visualization
Optimization algorithms and systems with big data
Visual analytics with big data
Social media data mining
Case Studies and Experiences
Big data for enterprise, government, and society
Big data for science and engineering research
Architectures and policies for preservation of scientific data
Case studies of value creation with open data
Data papers for data sets
Please download the paper template in WORD or LaTeX.(请点击底部阅读原文至官网下载)
Language: English
Paper size and format: US Letter; Two-column format in the IEEE style
Page limit: Up to eight pages for peer review for regular papers; Up to three pages for a "work in progress" paper
Abstract Length: 1500 characters for a regular paper, and 500 characters for "work in progress" papers
Number of Keywords: between five to eight keywords for each paper
File format: Limit the size of a single PDF file to be 6MB
Note: Authors of the accepted regular papers will have available up to 10 pages for the final version of papers.
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers with confirmed registration and committed presentation will appear in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Each conference/congress will publicly announce the winners of its Best Paper Award, and Best Student Paper Award. The authors of selected papers will be encouraged to submit extended and enhanced versions of their papers to the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) and other suitable journals.
Special note in regard to early submissions:
Authors are invited to consider early submissions and only full/regular papers will be accepted. An early submitted paper which is accepted will be included in the proceedings. An early submitted paper which is rejected can be still revised and submitted to the normal submission deadline (whereas the normal papers cannot be resubmitted). If the authors of an early submitted paper which is rejected decide to resubmit their paper to the normal deadline, they will have to include an appendix (2 pages) describing how they have addressed the comments received by the reviewers on the early submission.
Submitted Regular and Workshop Papers will be limited to 8 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages and REQUIRED to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings template. Submitted Work-In-Progress Papers will be limited to 3 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages. Unformatted papers and papers beyond the page limit may not be reviewed.
Please submit your Big Data Congress paper at EasyChair.org:
Early paper submissions due:
December 1, 2018
Review comments to authors of early submission papers:
January 15, 2019
Normal paper submission due:
February 4, 2019
Final notification to authors:
March 15, 2019
Camera ready manuscripts due:
April 1, 2019
Congress dates:
July 8-13, 2019