1st Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2020) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2020 (JCDL2020), Xi'an, China
In the era of big data, massive amounts of information and data have dramatically changed human civilization. The broad availability of information provides more opportunities for people, but there has appeared a new challenge: how can we obtain useful knowledge from numerous information sources. A knowledge entity is a relatively independent and integral knowledge module in a special discipline or a research domain [1]. As a crucial medium for knowledge transmission, scientific documents that contain a large number of knowledge entities attract the attention of scholars [2]. In scientific documents, knowledge entities refer to the knowledge mentioned or cited by authors, such as algorithms, models, theories, datasets and software, which reflect the various resources used by the authors in solving problems. Extracting knowledge entities from scientific documents in an accurate and comprehensive way becomes a significant topic. We may recommend documents related to a given knowledge entity (e.g. LSTM model) for scholars, especially for beginners in a research field. DARPA has recently launched the ASKE (Automating Scientific Knowledge Extraction) project [3], which aims to develop next-generation applications of artificial intelligence.
Therefore, the goal of this workshop is to engage the related communities in open problems in the extraction and evaluation of knowledge entities from scientific documents. At present, scholars have used knowledge entities to construct general knowledge-graphs [4] and domain knowledge-graphs [5]. Data sources for these studies include text (news, policy files, email, etc.) and multimedia (video, image, etc.) data. Compared to existing research and workshops like Joint workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL) [6] or Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) [7], this workshop aims to extract knowledge entities from scientific documents, and explore the feature of entities to conduct practical applications. The results of this workshop are expected to provide scholars, especially early career researchers, with knowledge recommendations and other knowledge entity-based services.
因此,本次研讨会的目标是让相关团体参与到从科学文献中提取和评估知识实体的公开问题中来。目前,学者们已经使用知识实体来构建一般知识图谱[4]和领域知识图谱[5]。这些研究的数据来源包括文本(新闻、政策文件、电子邮件等)和多媒体(视频、图像等)数据。与现有的研究与研讨会相比,比如 Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval 和Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL) [6] 以及 Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) [7],这个研讨会旨在从科学文档中提取知识实体,实体的特点,探索实际应用。本次研讨会的成果将为学者,特别是早期职业研究者提供知识推荐和其他基于知识实体的服务。
This workshop will be relevant to scholars in computer and information science, specialized in Information Extraction, Text Mining, NLP, IR and Digital Libraries. It will also be of importance for all stakeholders in the publication pipeline: implementers, publishers and policymakers. This workshop entitles this cutting-edge and cross-disciplinary direction Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entity, highlighting the development of intelligent methods for identifying knowledge claims in scientific documents, and promoting the application of knowledge entities. We invite stimulating research on topics including, but not limited to, methods of knowledge entity extraction and applications of knowledge entity. Specific examples of fields of interest include:
Model and algorithmize entity extraction from scientific documents
Dataset and metrics mention extraction from scientific documents
Software and tool extraction from scientific documents [8]
Construction of a knowledge entity graph and roadmap [9]
Knowledge entity summarization
Relation extraction of knowledge entity
Construction of a knowledge base of knowledge entities
Bibliometrics of knowledge entity
Application of knowledge entity extraction
(The workshop will last two half-days and specific activities include keynotes, paper presentations and a poster & demonstration session.)
Regular papers:
All submissions must be written in English, following the ACM Proceedings template (10 pages for full papersand 4 pages for short papers exclusive of unlimited pages for references) and should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair.
Poster & demonstration:
We welcome submissions detailing original, early findings, works in progress and industrial applications of knowledge entities extraction ande evaluation for a special poster session, possibly with a 2-minute presentation in the main session. Some research track papers will also be invited to the poster track instead, although there will be no difference in the final proceedings between poster and research track submissions. These papers should follow the same format as the research track papers but can be shorter (2 pages for poster and demo papers).
Submit a paper
All submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Please be aware of the fact that at least one author per paper needs to register for the workshop and attend the workshop to present the work. In light of the recent events regarding the Coronavirus, the workshop follows attendance policy of JCDL2020, namley: 1) allowing virutal attendance / presentation of papers, and 2) not enforcing the "no show" policy.
Workshop proceedings will be deposited online in the CEUR workshop proceedings publication service. This way the proceedings will be permanently available and citable (digital persistent identifiers and long term preservation).
All dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE).
Deadline for submission: May 31, 2020
Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2020
Camera ready: July, 22, 2020
Workshop: August 4-5, 2020
Chengzhi Zhang (zhangcz@just.edu.cn) is a professor of Department of Information Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China. He received his PhD degree of Information Science from Nanjing University, China. He has published more than 100 publications, including JASIT, Aslib Journal of Information Management, ACL, NAACL, etc. His current research interests include scientific text mining, knowledge entity extraction and evaluation, review mining. He serves as Editorial Board Member and Managing Guest Editor for 5 international journals and PC members of several international conferences in fields of natural language process and scientometrics.
Philipp Mayr (philipp.mayr@gesis.org) is a team leader at the GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (WTS). He received his PhD in applied informetrics and information retrieval from the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt University Berlin. He has published in top conferences and prestigious journals in the areas informetrics, information retrieval and digital libraries. His research group focuses on methods and techniques for interactive information retrieval and data set search. He was the main organizer of the BIR workshops at ECIR 2014-2020 and the BIRNDL workshops at JCDL 2016 and SIGIR 2017-2019.
Wei Lu (weilu@whu.edu.cn) is a professor of School of Information Management and director of Information Retrieval and Knowledge Mining Center. He received his PhD degree of Information Science from Wuhan University, China. His current research interests include information retrieval, text mining, QA etc. He has papers published on SIGIR, Information Sciences, JASIT, Journal of Information Science etc. He serves as diverse roles (e.g., Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, and Managing Guest Editor) for several journals.
Yi Zhang (Yi.Zhang@uts.edu.au) is a Lecturer at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He received dual PhD degrees, one from Beijing Institute of Technology, China and the other from UTS. He has authored more than 50 publications. His current research interests align with bibliometrics, text analytics, and information systems. He serves as diverse roles (e.g., Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, and Managing Guest Editor) for one IEEE Trans and four other international journals. He is also a PC Member of several international conferences.
Alireza Abbasi, University of New South Wales (Canberra)
Katarina Boland,GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Gaohui Cao, Central China Normal University
Gong Cheng, Nanjing University
Ed Fox,Virginia Tech
Saeed-Ul Hassan, Information Technology University, Pakistan
Zhigang Hu, Dalian University of Technology
Chenliang Li, Wuhan Univerisity
Jing Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Munan Li, South China University of Technology
Hongfei Lin, Dalian University of Technology
Wolfgang Otto, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Dwaipayan Roy, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Mayank Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Arho Suominen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Suppawong Tuarob, Mahidol University,Thailand
Xuefeng Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Yuzhuo Wang, Nanjing Univeristy of Science and Technology
Yanghua Xiao, Fudan University
Shuo Xu,Beijing University of Technology
Erjia Yan, Drexel University
Xiaojuan Zhang, Southwest University
Yingyi Zhang, Nanjing Univeristy of Science and Technology
Zhixiong Zhang, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1.Chang, X., & Zheng, Q. (2007). Knowledge element extraction for knowledge-based learning resources organization. In International Conference on Web-Based Learning (pp. 102-113). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
2.Ying, D., Min, S., Jia, H., Qi, Y., Erjia, Y., Lili, L., Tamy, C. Entitymetrics: Measuring the Impact of Entities. Plos One, 2013, 8(8), e71416.
4.Auer, S., Bizer, C., Kobilarov, G., Lehmann, J., Cyganiak, R., & Ives, Z. (2007). Dbpedia: A nucleus for a web of open data. In The semantic web (pp. 722-735). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
6.Cabanac, G., Chandrasekaran, M. K., Frommholz, I., Jaidka, K., Kan, M. Y., Mayr, P., & Wolfram, D. (2017). Report on the Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2016). In ACM SIGIR Forum (Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 36-43). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
8.Boland, K., & Krüger, F. (2019). Distant supervision for silver label generation of software mentions in social scientific publications. In Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (pp. 15-27).
9.Zha, H., Chen, W., Li, K., & Yan, X. (2019). Mining Algorithm Roadmap in Scientific Publications. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (pp. 1083-1092).
Related Workshops:
BIRNDL 2019:The 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries
Venue: SIGIR 2019 in Paris, France
Organizing Committee: Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran, Philipp Mayr, Dayne Freitag, Min-Yen Kan.
Proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/
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