ASIS&T 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting
Part I: Thursday, October 22, 2020, 8:00am –12:00pmEDTPart II: Friday, October 23, 2020, 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT
The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Metrics (SIG/MET) invites contributions to the METRICS 2020 workshop, which will be held prior to the 83rd ASIS&T Annual Meeting.
The workshop continues the successful SIG/MET workshop series held annually since 2011 by providing an opportunity to present and discuss research in the fields of informetrics, scientometrics, bibliometrics, altmetrics, quantitative science studies, and information retrieval among experienced researchers, young academics, and practitioners. We invite abstracts describing empirical or theoretical work related, but not limited to:研讨会自2011年以来每年举行,在信息计量学,科学计量学,文献计量学,定量科学研究等方面与有经验的研究者、年轻的学者以及从业者进行讨论研究。我们欢迎实证或理论方面摘要,包括但不限于:
New indicators and methods and tools新的指标、方法和工具
Scholarly communication学术交流
Social media metrics (altmetrics)社交媒体指标(替代计量学)
Bibliometric-enhanced information retrieval文献计量改进信息检索
Open access, open science开放获取,开放科学
Patent analysis专利分析
Research evaluation研究评价
The following four types of submission are accepted:本次研讨会接受下列四类申请:Research presentations, for completed or in-progress research.
Posters for work in early stages or best presented visually.
Tutorials for practical information on a tool or method.
Panels for discussions on a specific topic.
Please indicate the type of submission by naming the file in the following format: Metrics20_FirstAuthorLastName_SubmissionType (Presentation, Poster, Tutorial, Panel). All submissions should be in the form of a two-page extended abstract using APA style. Where appropriate, up to three figures/tables can be provided. Do not include any author names on the file you upload.请以以下格式命名文件,以表示提交的类型:Metrics20_FirstAuthorLastName_SubmissionType (Presentation, Poster, Tutorial, Panel)。所有的提交都应该采用APA风格的两页扩展摘要的形式。在适当情况下,最多可提供三幅图/表。不要在你上传的文件中包含任何作者的名字。
The abstracts of accepted papers and posters, as well as the presentation slides, will be published on figshare (http://figshare.com). Figshare allocates DOIs to uploaded content and each publication will be linked from the SIG/MET website to enhance visibility and retrievability of presented research.被录用的论文和海报的摘要,以及演示幻灯片,将在figshare (http://figshare.com)上发表。Figshare将DOIs分配给上传的内容,每个出版物将从团体/MET网站链接,以提高所呈现的研究的可见性和可检索性。
Please submit your abstract as a PDF to the SIG-MET track through the ConfTool system.请将您的摘要以PDF格式通过ConfTool系统提交到si - met轨道。
Submissions will be evaluated based on their relevance to the workshop and their methodological soundness (where applicable), and brief feedback will be given in narrative format.将根据所提交的材料与讲习班的相关性及其方法是否健全(如适用)进行评价,并将以叙述形式提供简要反馈。
The best paper will be selected by a committee from all accepted (first author as a non-student) workshop papers regardless of their topic.最好的论文将由委员会从所有被录用的论文(第一作者为非学生)中选出,无论主题是什么。
For the best student paper, the first author of the paper entered into this contest must be a full-time student at the time of submission, irrespective of ASIS&T or SIG/MET membership.为了获得最好的学生论文,论文的第一作者必须是一个全职学生提交,无论是否是ASIS&T或SIG/MET会员。
NOTE: If you are eligible and would like to be considered for the student paper award, please tick the box in the Student Contribution section certifying that “[t]his contribution was solely written by students and/or doctoral candidates” on the submission page, even if the co-authors are non-student.注:如果您符合资格并希望获得学生论文奖,请在提交页面的学生论文部分勾选“他的论文仅由学生和/或博士生撰写”,即使合著者不是学生。
The winners of both awards will be decided by a double-blind peer review process from the accepted submissions. The awards will be decided before presentations take place, but the authors must present at the workshop to qualify.这两个奖项的获奖者将通过双盲的同行评审过程从接受的作品中选出。奖项将在演讲开始前决定,但作者必须出席研讨会以获得资格。
Submissions due: August 9, 2020Notifications: September 12, 2020Workshop: October 22–23, 2020, 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT
Shenmeng Xu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USAFei Shu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China; Université de Montréal, Montréal, CanadaPhilippe Mongeon, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
征文|亚太数字图书馆国际会议(ICADL2020)(7.1截止) 征文|第三届江苏省“超星杯”图书馆创新服务(7.10截止) 征文|Journal of Database Management (JDM,SCI) 专刊征文(7.15截止) 征文|《档案学通讯》“新《档案法》研讨会”征稿启事(7.15截止) 征文|川、吉、苏、冀、桂五省(区)图书馆学会第十七届学术研讨会征文(7.18截止) 征文|第十六次全国民族地区图书馆学术研讨会(7.31截止) 征文|虚拟会议!2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference(7.31征文截止) 参会|2020知识管理与知识服务在线学术研讨会(新增专家简介和报告题目)(7.16,线上会议)(7.10缴费截止) 征文|“第二十届全国科技评价学术研讨会”征文通知 (第一轮)(内蒙古,7.18-19召开)
征文|第二十六届中国竞争情报年会(8.15截止)(时间地点未定) 征集|2020年馆员书评征集活动(第八季)(8.31截止) 报道|JCDL2020发布重大更新!(武汉,8.1-8.5召开) 征文|IFLA WLIC 2020征文(都柏林,8.15-21召开) 征文|第十二届智能人机系统与控制论国际会议(IHMSC 2020)(杭州,8.22-23召开)
征文|2020年中国索引学会年会暨学术研讨会(北京,9.1全文截止) 征文|2020江西图书馆年会(9.11截止) 征文|《中国索引》集刊第九辑征稿启事(9.15截止) 参会|第十五届全国技术预见学术研讨会第一轮会议通知(甘肃,9.10-11) 征文|IPRES2020数字资源长期保存国际会议(北京,9.21-24)