
WORKSHOP STUDIO|莫斯科公寓:永恒的精神,家的契合艺术【设计画报127期】







年轻建筑师兼室内设计师亚历山大·波塔波娃于2014年创办了Workshop Studio,在曾经游历的城市中寻找灵感,例如她在纽约,发掘到完美照明设备(由Apparatus Studio拍摄),并完成了坐落于莫斯科高档社区Presnya的项目。

Young architect and interior designer Alexandra Potapova – who founded Workshop Studio in 2014 – finds inspiration in the cities she visits, such as New York where she discovered the perfect lighting (by Apparatus Studio) and finishes for this project located in Moscow’s upscale Presnya neighbourhood.



“My key objective in this apartment was to create a timeless spirit, with modern and comfortable spaces that the clients (a couple with two children, one cat, and one dog) could adjust over the course of their lives,” Potapova says. “When I started to work on this project, it was a concrete space so I created all the layouts.”


Nestled in a new building and spread over 170 square meters, the apartment comprises an entrance hall, a guest bedroom with its bathroom, a living room with an open kitchen, a kid’s room with its bathroom, a laundry room and a master suite with two walk-in closets.



The owners asked Potapova to make sure their home would feel cozy, with natural colours and some wood elements throughout. Other than that, the interior designer had a lot of freedom to bring the different areas to life.

“在整个公寓空间中,墙壁和天花板使用相同的颜色,”Potapova说:“门的设计基于我的草图,配以Piet Boon的把手。”在主浴空间,固定装置也由荷兰设计师亲自设计。她不得不承认:“我觉得他的美学阐述与我对完美住宅的愿景接近。”“我喜欢他利用原始饰面的简单材料,我喜欢它的缘由不仅仅在于美丽外观,相比之下我更关注故事本身。”


“In all the apartment, I used the same colour for the walls and the ceilings,” Potapova describes. “The doors are based on my sketches and complemented with handles by Piet Boon.” In the master bathroom, the fixtures are also by the Dutch designer. “I feel his aesthetics is close to my vision of the perfect home,” she confesses. “I like how he uses simple shapes with raw finishes. I love it when it’s not only about beauty but also about the story.”


客厅是整个公寓的中心,每个角落都装饰有古董与艺术品。来自&Tradition的Little Petra休闲椅,Apparatus Studio照明灯具以及平铺的炉灶和圆形茶几(均由Potapova设计)给人温暖的感觉,而Rooms Studio椅子和M. Weiss Studio的绘画则带有黑色的触感。

The living room is the centre of the apartment, which is adorned with vintage pieces and artworks in every nook. The Little Petra lounge chair from &Tradition, the Apparatus Studio lighting fixture as well as the tiled stove and round coffee table – both designed by Potapova – give a feeling of warmth while the Rooms Studio chair and painting by M. Weiss Studio introduce black touches.

Potapova设计了沿着一堵墙延伸然后变成办公室的架子。她说:“这个想法是希望制造一种可以用于不同目的的多功能产品。” 来自荷兰老式长椅旁百特舒适的沙发,上面放着丁穆萨(来自Osnova画廊)的油画Plano Real 3。在房间的另一侧,开放式橡木贴面包裹厨房设有Norr11皮革吧台凳,与水泥地板和木柜的长满苔藓的绿色门相联合。主卧室中以灰色为主,同时也使用了柔和的调色板。


Potapova designed the shelves that run along one of the walls and then transform into a bureau. “The idea was to build a multifunctional item that could be used for different purposes,” she says. A comfortable sofa from Baxter sits next to a vintage bench from the Netherlands with the painting Plano Real 3 by Ding Musa (from Osnova Gallery) above it. On the other side of the room, the open, oak veneer-wrapped kitchen features Norr11 bar stools in leather, which combine with the concrete floor and the mossy green doors of the wood cabinet. The soft colour palette was also used in the master bedroom where grey prevails.

在这套旨在与空间居住的人一起成长的公寓中,Potapova使用纹理和弯曲的形状来创造视觉平衡和和谐。她说:“我想过每一寸天地。” Potapova在做每件事时都非常谨慎认真,在她的场域里已是人生赢家。


In this apartment designed to evolve with the family who lives in, Potapova used textures and curved shapes to create visual balance and harmony. “I thought about every square centimetre,” she says. Careful in everything she does, Potapova is already at the top of her game.




项目地点:MOSCOW 莫斯科

照片提供:Sergey Ananiev.



studio gameiro|里斯本健身房


