
夺人眼球的滨海美学 | TAMARAMA海滩的CORNER HOUSE【设计画报147期】





由于悉尼闻名遐迩的水景特色,无论是当地居民还是来悉尼旅游的游客都会前往沿海地区一探究竟。Corner House位于Tamarama海滩的海岸线上,由澳大利亚工作室Decus Interiors设计。它是一座充满曲线装饰,让人一眼就能感受到热情活力的住宅,同时它还拥有着令人惊叹的全景沿海视野。

Whether a Sydney resident or just visiting, many often seek to find a place by coastal surrounds because of its legendary openness and aquatic hues. For a renowned chef with a published cookbook and her significant other, this is an everyday reality – one that is sculpted into the shorelines of Tamarama Beach. Sydney-based Decus Interiors maintains and emphasises the striking panoramic coastal views in Corner House, a social and vibrant home filled with curves and circular motifs.

Decus Interiors为之前的业主设计了这座Corner House,为了与以往的设计风格区分,团队这次选择用一种新的住宅设计语言重塑Corner House,让它能够体现新业主的个性和生活方式。屋内充足的空间可以容纳多位朋友和家人的到访。

Although Decus Interiors designed the Corner House for its previous owner, the team chose to evolve the home’s signature design language fit for the new clients by creating a playful narrative that responds to their personalities and lifestyles. The enriched and enlivened space is designed to cater for entertaining multiple friends and family members. Expanding and contracting in response to the number of occupants, informal and formal entertainment areas provide spaces to retreat and come together – like the adaptable sitting space.


为了呼应当地的语言文化,并更换给前业主设计的整体风格,Decus Interiors定制了几件家具,包括矮脚凳,茶几。以及一个经过雕刻装饰的休息室。在Corner House中,不同区域的光线亮暗之间的对比是很明显的。

As an avid and professional cook, the expansive kitchen extends to the dining and living spaces, which have deliberately been designed to be inviting and flexible. The floor-to-ceiling glazing connects these areas to the balcony while inviting shimmering light and refreshing breeze in.

Responding to the language of the location and the previous design, Decus Interiors commissioned several furniture pieces, including a pebble-shaped ottoman and coffee table as well as a sculpted lounge. In Corner House, contrasts are apparent – between dark and light, hard and soft, robust and highly detailed.

室内照明光线充足,聚光灯下的艺术品格外引人注目。例如餐厅之中IIdiko Kovacs的作品和卧室内的Tim Storrier,这启发了Decus采用了独特的方式设计家居与饰面。与典型的海滨设计,沿海美学(白色,蓝色与米色搭配)截然不同。Decus Interiors选择了更加精致多彩的颜色,色彩的绚丽与背景恰到好处的融合。在陈列着像素艺术品与定制地毯的休息室中,这些活泼跳跃的颜色更是夺人眼目。

The fully illuminated interiors spotlight beguiling artworks inside, including an Ildiko Kovacs work in the dining room and Tim Storrier in the main living space. This paved the way for Decus to approach furniture, finishes and décor in an inspiring and unique way. Starkly differing from the typical beachside and coastal aesthetic (of whites and blues and beige…) and opting for a more eclectic and refined palette, the splendid use of colour subtly juxtaposes with the setting. These playful hues are even more apparent in the family lounge, where a bespoke rug accompanies a pixelated artwork by Matthew Johnson.

将悉尼滨海郊区的住宅项目成功改造,并在其中完美的融入了滨海元素,这是Decus Interiors名声大噪的原因。Corner House的设计进一步的展现了Decus Interiors所擅长的——滨海住宅设计,这个项目在材料的设计和分层上堪称典范,它提升了整个房屋的居住体验,让大家感受到在水边生活的吸引力。

Decus Interiors is renowned for its ability to transform residential projects in Sydney’s waterfront suburbs into exhilarating interiors that lift cues from the coastal surrounds. Corner Houses’ warmth and alluring nature further supports this idea, elevating the overall experience of the home. This project is exemplary in design and layering of materiality, suggesting the exciting appeal of living by the water.


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