
节日特刊 | BAM 的万圣节

BAM BAM百安木 2022-01-13

▲  80 年代的 Jake,曾在某个万圣节装扮成一只可怕的鲨鱼。

Jake as a terrifying shark sometime in the 80’s.

对 BAM 来说,万圣节一直是一个非常特别的节日。 它不仅仅是一个充满魔力和魔法的夜晚,还是一个向全世界展示创意的夜晚!今晚,你可以装扮得多奇怪、多诡异呢?

让我们坐上 BPM 这台神奇的时光机,一起来看一下 BAM 过去的万圣节派对和他们的奇装异服吧!

Halloween has always been a very special holiday for BAM. It‘s not just a night a mayhem and magic, its a night for the creatives of the world!!! How weird and freaky can you be?

Lets take a ride thought a magical time machine of BPM News and do a little reporting on BAM’s costumes and Halloween parties of BAM’s past!!!

▲  一个霓虹靶子与破碎的南瓜多相配。

A neon target perfect for smashing pumpkins on.

▲  学生们都在等待爆裂的南瓜。

Students wait in anticipation of the exploding pumpkins.

▲  建筑系学生在图书馆中等待投掷。

Architecture students in the library at the ready.

万圣节深深地根植在 BAM 的文化当中。当 Dan、 Allison 和 Jake 同在学校的时候, 他们曾举办过超有趣的以“破碎”为主题的万圣节聚会,后来被称为“南瓜日”。在“南瓜日”活动期间,学生们会把“不给糖就捣蛋”的南瓜从图书馆顶层投掷到下面带有尖刺的霓虹灯靶子上。

Halloween is deeply ingrained into BAM’s culture. When Dan, Allison, and Jake were in school together they would host incredible foundation crumbling Halloween Parties, which came to be known as “Pumkin Day.” During the Pumkin Day events, students would throw Pumpkins filled with tricks and treats from the top story of the library to a spikey neon target below.

▲  一个伤残的南瓜视角。

A pumpkins eye view of the mayhem.

▲  南瓜从康奈尔大学的 Sibley 大厅东侧飞下。

Pumpkins fly from the east wing of Cornell’s Sibley Hall.

▲  万圣节可能会很危险!

Halloween can be a dangerous affair!!

▲  流浪汉们在屋顶上狂欢。

Hobos and bums party from the rafters.

▲  玛莎·斯图尔特(在监狱里)走上楼梯进门来。

Martha Stewart (in Jail) ascends the stair case upon entry.

在刚毕业的那些年,BAM 早期的许多装置其实是为万圣节所做的!BAM 的第一个真正的室内装置就是为一个燃爆派对之夜而定制的!

再加点让人毛骨悚然的料吧 —— 这个装置及派对就在一个墓地的旁边!

After graduation, many of BAM’s early installation projects were in fact for Halloween!!! BAM’s first true interior was just for a one night bang out party!

And just to add a little creepiness, both the installation and party were next to a graveyard!!!

▲  一个用圣诞节装饰改造的非常具有 BAM 风格的装置。

A very BAM installation mostly made from Christmas decorations.

▲  巨大的吊灯充满了房间的中心。

A giant chandler fills the center of the room.

▲  你看到约翰的鬼魂了吗?

Have you seen the ghost of John?

这就是著名的 BAM 手势真正的来源......在只存在于一个特别夜晚的装置里......万圣节!

This is where the famous BAM pose was in fact invented... in this installation which existed only for one very special night... Halloween!

▲  BAM 的著名手势创造于这个时刻。

BAM’s famous BAM pose was created in this moment.


What good is a Halloween installation with out an epic Halloween Party? Beware of the LAND SHARK!!!

▲  派对的海报为 BAM 这场盛宴吸引了大量的参与者。

Party flyers entice visitors to BAM’s blowout.

▲  嘿,“陆地鲨鱼”!

Land shark ahoy!

▲  令人毛骨悚然的真实“地毯侠”。

The bone chilling realness of carpet-man.

▲  鲨鱼和大鹅。

Sharks and Ghools.

▲  年轻的猫王。

An aging Elvis at his youngest.

▲  万圣节让人忍不住翩翩起舞!

Halloween makes you DANCE!!!!


What matters most about a Halloween costume is not how good you look or how sexy your are. The key to a good Halloween costume is authenticity in creation. Halloween is just as much about the making of the costume as it is about the wearing of the costume. Good costumes can often take a year of dedicated thought and even then can escape your mind just when you need it most. Costume themes can take years to get over or even live down. Halloween isn’t just about this one extra scary night... it’s a lifestyle.  Not only is it a lifestyle. It is a life pursuit. 


There is something special about walking down the streets of the Chinese mega city dressed to the nines in your creepiest getup. Everyone wonder what the hell has gotten into the foreigners this night... its a special feeling that anyone can have. Just take some foam or cardboard, strap it to you forehead, and call yourself a tooth. Watch and see what happens!

▲  一对超级英雄在鼓楼聚会。

Just a pair of superheros hanging out in Gulou.

▲  北京派对上那个熟悉的唐某……

When Beijing parties had that familiar tang...

▲  我要飞得更高!

Up Up and Away!

▲  公鸡侠和公鸡眼……

Chicken man, Chicken Eyes...

▲  这个家伙该吃药了……

Get this guy an advil...

▲  摄取足量的维他命 F。

Getting a good dose of Vitamin F.

▲  啤酒之王。

The King of Beers.

▲  “交出你的所有东西。”

“Leave Everything to me”.

▲  小子,把钱交出来!我可是牙仙!

Gimme your money punk!... I’m the tooth fairy!


BAM 案例 | 未来之城——安徽省来安县

BAM讲座 | BAM于UCCA举办“游乐场热潮”讲座

BAM 课堂 | 1900 年至今未建成的那些先锋游乐场

