
布吉项目一期竣工 | BAM's newest playground in Shenzhen ready for action!

BAM百安木 BAM百安木 2022-01-13

▲  欢迎来到布吉的世界。让蜿蜒曲折的“银河之路”带你开启一场多彩多姿的冒险,在“滑梯竞速”挑战自己,体验“马戏团帐篷”并征服“摩天游乐塔”吧!

Welcome to the world of Buji. Let the zigzagging Milky Way take you on a colorful adventure. Try yourself at Slide Racing, experience the Circus and conquer the Playscraper!
这是 BAM 的最新杰作!经过两年半的艰辛工作,BAM 的最新项目——深圳布吉游乐场现已完工,并且做好准备开门迎客。
你可能曾经听说过布吉:这个项目诠释了 BAM 的座右铭——“好创意不问出处”。在这个项目中,客户选择了初级设计师 Denise 的点子而非 BAM 创始人的想法。此后,BAM 便全力以赴地帮助 Denise 将其想法变成了现实。
如今,布吉住宅区已成为 BAM 最优质的项目之一。在这里,有一个色彩缤纷的游乐场,将伴随孩子们的成长过程;四周还环绕着可供人们放松和赏景的花园。
Fresh out of Ballistic Architecture Machine! After two and half years of hard work BAM’s newest project - the Buji playground, is completed and ready for some real action in Shenzhen. 
You may have heard of Buji before: the project that represents best BAM’s maxim “a good idea can come from anywhere”. The project where client chose the idea of back then junior designer Denise over a proposal by one of the founders, and where BAM went all in to turn Denise’s idea into reality.
Today the Buji residential park is one of BAM’s best-built projects. A set of colorful playgrounds where children can keep on playing as they grow up, surrounded by gardens for relaxation and functional streetscape.

▲  布吉住宅的极致改造。从一个有摩天大楼的空画布,发展成一个充满乐趣和冒险的绿洲。

Extreme make-over at Buji Residence. From an empty canvas with skyscrapers to an oasis of fun and adventure.
与此同时,布吉这个名字是了解这个地区丰富历史的关键。“布吉”原是客家话,客家民族过去曾聚居于此。深圳丰富的文化、充满活力的历史和进步的精神,激发了 BAM 赋予这个城市大胆设计的灵感。
Shenzhen is a place of utter newness. The city, by some measures, was born in the 1990’s. It is a place completely oriented to the future, teeming with technology companies and accessing a vast region of manufacturing to support the creation of cutting-edge devices. The people of the city are from all over the country, most of them looking to the future and the part their new city will play in it.

At the same time, the name Buji is the very key to the rich history of the district and the region. Buji, by origin is a Hakka word, and used to be a settlement to this ethnic group in the past. The rich culture, dynamic history and progressive spirit of Shenzhen inspired BAM to gift the city with a BOLD design.

但是,应该如何在一个新城市里为一个大型住宅区设计公园呢?BAM 抓住了一个点子——一个伟大的住宅区应该充满家庭的活力。而学校、安全的户外游乐场以及健康的氛围都是家庭的吸引因素。考虑到城市的热带氛围,BAM 使用了明亮的颜色和高视觉对比度的设计语言。大胆的设计语言与生机勃勃、郁郁葱葱的本土植物并存。
But how does one actually design a park for a large residential zone in a new city? BAM seized the idea that a great residential district should be full of families. Schools, safe places to play outside and a healthy atmosphere all attract families. Given the tropical vibe of the city BAM utilized a design language of bright color and high visual contrast. The bold design language is juxtaposed with the vibrant, lush native foliage.
Defined by angular energy, the lay-out utilizes the existing height differences of the site and uses the EVA (emergency vehicle access) conditions as the base, instead of designing to hide it.

▲  条纹——BAM 设计中反复出现的经典图案之一。创造出流动的图案,吸引游客进入公园,并将各个区域连接在一起。明亮的基本色突出了目的地,透过景观指明了方向。

Stripes - one of the recurring classics in BAM-design create flowing patterns, drawing the visitors into the park and tying together the various zones. Bright basic colors highlight the destinations and help navigate through the landscape.



The Buji Phase I residence landscape is programmatically separated into two levels. The flowing street landscape at ground level for retail and bus terminal, and recreational gardens for residents on the upper level, atop the architectural podium. 
The primary element in the recreational gardens is a zig-zagging path, the Milky Way, leading from the main gate to residential entries. The zig-zagging Milky Way also segregates the two types of gardens in the park. To the north, the play gardens with greater sun exposure. To the south the relaxation gardens, tucked into the spaces between buildings and shrouded with planting, creating a significantly cooler micro-climate. 

The Milky Way brings explorers of all ages from 

SIides Racing, to Circus and other exciting elements towards the unique ‘Playscaper’ an elliptical tower-like climbing structure which children can climb into and slide out.

▲  BAM 全员出动,与特别来宾 Martha Schwarz 一起进行了内部评估,在全体的支持下终于让它成为现实。呼吸着建筑工地空气里的的污染物,在长达数小时的焦虑中为 “摩天游乐塔”设计粉色隧道,并在办公室测试超长的“渔网”——这一切都是值得的!通过与这样超赞的客户合作,布吉景观现在已成为 BAM 最好的建成项目之一。

BAM rallied troops, held a in-house review with special guest Martha Schwarz, got behind the idea and worked to make it real. Choking on air-borne dirt at construction sites, grinding through hours of angst designing the pink tunnels for the Playscraper and testing kilometers of fishing nets in office - it was all worth it! Combined with a magnificent client, the Buji landscape is now one of BAM’s best built projects.

▲  “我真的觉得,孩子们长大后还会记得这个游乐场,”BAM 联合创始人 Allison Dailey 说道。此时,最严苛的“评论家”们正在测试布吉的游乐设施。

“I really feel like children will remember this playground as adults” says BAM’s co-founder Allison Dailey, while toughest critics put Buji through testing.
布吉,这一深圳的传奇仍在继续。BAM 目前正在监督项目的第二阶段的建设,包括一个松树园、运动区域、遛狗公园、环形跑道和公共游泳池。这一阶段的座右铭是:“越绿越精彩!”
关注我们的官方微信公众号,获取最新 BAM 项目工作进展!
Buji, the Legend of Shenzhen is still an ongoing tale. BAM is currently overseeing construction of the second phase of the project which includes a pinetum, sports zones, a dog park, running loops, a public pool. The motto for this chapter is: “The greener, the better!” 

Follow our official WeChat account to get the freshest updates on BAM’s work!

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