
移山|BAM moves mountain

BAM百安木 BAM百安木 2022-12-08

今年 BAM 参加了日本大町市艺术三年展。自2017年首次举办以来,日本阿尔卑斯艺术节每3年在大町市举办一次。由北川富朗(著名的大地艺术祭三年展创作者)主创的大町市艺术节吸引了世界级的艺术家,利用大町风景如画的山景,他们制作了一些绝对令人惊叹的艺术装置。

This year BAM took part in Alp Triennale in Omachi City, Japan. Following its inaugural running in 2017, the Japan Alps Art Festival takes place in Omachi City once every 3 years. Produced by Fram Kitagawa (creator of the famed Echigo-Tsumari Triennale), Omachi’s festival attracts world-class artists for some absolutely stunning art installations taking advantage of Omachi’s picturesque mountain scenery. Omachi City itself is centered on a 700-meter elevation river valley at the base of the 3000-meter tall Northern Japanese Alps.

▲  长野县曾经是日本的“信浓国”。该县是日本为数不多的农业县之一,被称为园艺王国;林业发达,沐增山的森林被誉为日本三大森林之一;拥有富饶的山地湖泊和河流,虹鳟鱼养殖在日本排名第一;旅游资源丰富,它被称为“日本的瑞士”,是日本为数不多的观光县之一。1998年,长野县举办了冬季奥运会和残奥会。

Nagano Prefecture used to be Shinano. One of the few agricultural counties in Japan, known as the horticultural kingdom. The forestry is developed, and the woods of Muzeng Mountain are known as one of the three beautiful forests in Japan. With a rich mountain lake and river, rainbowtrout farming ranks first in Japan. Rich in sightseeing resources, it is called “Switzerland in Japan” and is one of the few sightseeing counties in Japan. In 1998, Nagano Prefecture hosted the Winter Olympic Games and the Paralympics.

▲  立山黑部阿尔卑斯山脉路线。这条路线被称为“日本的屋顶”。该路线穿过日本阿尔卑斯山脉的立山充满活力的景色。在海拔变化2400米的情况下,使用各种车辆从富山县穿越到长野县。
Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route. Route is known as the “Roof of Japan”. The route passes through the dynamic scenery of Mt. Tateyama in the Japan Alps. It is traversed using a variety of vehicles with an elevation change of 2400 meters from Toyama Prefecture to Nagano Prefecture.

▲  将一座山移至混凝土浇筑的城市中。
A piece of mountain is moved into the context of the concrete city.
The idea of the proposal is very simple and addresses the physical form of Japanese urbanization in relationship to geography and nature. Japan is a land of extreme beauty, yet the underlying force of the natural beauty is violent. Nowhere is this sublime violent beauty more apparent than inthe peaks of the rugged chain of mountain known as the Japanese Alps. This proposal serves to illuminate this contrast and bring it forth, not as a problem, nor with a solution, but simply as a focus for consideration and contemplation. Simply put, a piece of a mountain, is intimately documented, and carefully relocated 100% as it was in nature, into the context of the concrete city or town. In its place, the hardened concrete edges created by the egos of man. Nature is both disrupted and revered.

听起来不错啊 BAM,但是你们到底怎么才能把山挪个地方呢?答案很简单:“一块儿一块儿地搬”。我们从一个景点附近一块儿25x25米的方形土地开始。这块土地被平均地分成25个小块儿,每个小块儿都有编号。这个将土地分割成小块的过程要重复三次,直到所有的土地被分割成200×200毫米的单位。通过记录整块土地的每一块石头、松动的树枝和每一簇草的位置,每一个地块都被仔细地分类。

Great idea BAM, but how on Earth are you guys planning to move a mountain from one place to another? The answer is simple: “piece by piece”. We start with a square piece of land measured 25 by 25 meter, located nearby a scenic spot. This piece of land is then divided equally into 25 smaller pieces, that are numbered. This process of dividing land into smaller pieces, is repeated three more times until all land is broken up into units of 200 by 200mm. Every single piece is carefully catalogued, by documenting the location of every stone, loose twig and tuft of grass for the entire site.



-James Fox,日本学家



The story of Japanese urbanization is defined by mountain sand rugged terrain. The majority of Japanese villages, towns and eventually cities exist in the spaces between the highly topographic conditions, in the supple valleys of rice fields fed by fresh mountain streams, making their wayto the ocean. As the Japanese population boomed and the towns turned to large concrete and high-tech cities engineered to resist the uniquely powerful Japanese nature, the low-lying valleys have lost their suppleness and turned into a hardened expanse, which further exacerbates the contrast between the rugged natural condition of mountain forests and the cities developing in the spaces between.

在20世纪,日本社会迅速现代化,城市扩张,大片土地被开发,公路和铁路横贯全国。与此同时,日本不断遭受自然灾害的蹂躏。这让日本人更加坚定了控制环境的决心,他们用混凝土加固了海岸线,并在数千条河流上筑起了堤坝。据说,如今日本只有三条河流没有修建水坝,但即便是这些河流的大部分也用混凝土进行了修整,以追求文明、国际和现代化的面貌。大自然的改造不是日本独有的,这在世界各地都在发生。但是在日本,一切改造都是在有利于工业发展的这一理念迅速而彻底地发生着。BAM 通过将这片森林“固化”,引见了这种历史和文化的张力。



“Today sometimes it almost seems the Japanese aren’t in harmony with nature, they’re at war with it.”


In the 20th century Japanese society rapidly modernized, cities expanded, vast sites of land were developed, and roads and rail linescut across the nation. At the same time, Japan was repeatedly ravaged by natural disasters. These made the Japanese people yet more determined to control their environment, ‘concreting’ their coastlines and ‘damming’ thousands of rivers. It is said that today only 3 rivers in Japan remain free of dams, but even those are for the most parts straightened out with concrete, in aspiration for a civilized, international and modern look. Transformation of nature is not unique to Japan, it happens everywhere. But in Japan it happened with great speed and great thoroughness based on the idea that everything should be made industrially useful. BAM references this history and cultural tension by ‘concreting’ the piece of forest.

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