Grade 1 at Huili: A Pivotal Year for Growth
As our youngest pupils in Huili Nursery Hangzhou make that important transition through to primary school, they are faced with a new set of structures, routines and learning expectations. However, they are also supported by the same educational vision, the same Huili values and a dedication to ensuring that their transition is seamless.
Below, Ms. Villegas, an English teacher in Grade 1, outlines what life for a new Grade 1 pupil looks like and how the team ensure their continued social and emotional wellbeing whilst helping them make tangible progress in English language learning.
Angy Villegas
English Teacher
Learning a new language is difficult at any age. It is a task that continuously tests your perseverance, resilience, courage, and patience. As Grade 1 teachers in Huili School Hangzhou, we have the precarious task of carefully finding a balance between obtaining tangible results, while most importantly starting the children off in a productive and enjoyable journey of language learning.
This is where, as teachers, we know the journey of language learning is in full throttle mode. Their curiosity and enthusiasm have been sparked. When we enter the classroom there is now an air of excitement and we can fully implement our mission to keep their motivation levels high and provide differentiated challenges that help cement their knowledge as well as stretch their learning as far as they are capable. This continued progress, challenge and stretching is essential for building their knowledge while maintaining their confidence.
Pupils at Huili School Hangzhou are assessed in all areas of English learning - speaking, listening, writing, reading - over the course of their first 2 weeks in school. This assessment process continues throughout the year in form of explicit and implicit assessments, in which we take into consideration the individual starting points of each child. As teachers with a deep level of knowledge on each individual child, we can clearly identify where they have made progress. This is one of the most rewarding parts of our job; to see them consistently reach new milestones throughout the year.
Before the end of the academic year all Grade 1 parents should have received a photograph of their child’s first piece of independent writing and the last one.
Pupil A's first and last English article
Pupil B's first and last English article
Slide to view pupil C's first and last piece
Slide to view pupil D's first and last piece
They show us a genuine starting and ending point for the year, and show exactly what your child can do with the knowledge they have acquired over the year. We have discussed this with the children. They have had a look at their own before and after work and feel immensely proud of their achievements. It goes without saying that all Grade 1 students have made outstanding progress over the year and we are very proud of them for the courage, resilience and integrity they have shown.It has been a tough year in so many different ways. The children were away from school for three long months and what could have been a waste of large parts of an academic year for the children has become a fantastic story of success. Thank you, parents, for your full support during the eLearning process and beyond. It allows us to do what we know and enjoy best; teaching your children so they can release their full potential. The love and dedication you have for your children is truly inspirational. If this is what can be achieved over a year that threw so many uncertainties our way, I can only imagine the bright future that awaits our primary school children at Huili School Hangzhou.
Click the pictures to read more
All You Need to Know about Grade 1 Enrolment
杭州惠立学校为2-18岁的学生提供世界一流品质的双语教育。其中,杭州惠立幼儿园引入英国早期基础教育体系、并结合中国教育部《幼儿园教育指导纲要》为2-5岁儿童提供教育服务。小学和初中阶段遵循国家课程标准及浙江省课程要求开展教学,进入高中后将采用IGCSE和A Level/IB课程体系。每一个学段的课程都会为学生提供广泛的国际教育资源。