
每周快讯| The Week Ahead

杭州惠立学校 杭州惠立学校 2022-07-15

Paul Rogers 罗杰珀












在学校领导层的提升方面,我们想在此正式欢迎Laura Perry女士出任杭州惠立学校新任初中部校长,接替她担任初中部副校长的人选信息后续会很快公布。

同样,我们也欢迎Philip Stainton先生正式成为杭州惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校中学部副校长














Paul Rogers

Executive Master

Wellington College Hangzhou

Next week we begin our third academic year for all three schools within Wellington College Hangzhou (WCCH). 

From Monday 24th August, all Nursery pupils will be entering Huili Nursery Hangzhou. And from Wednesday 26th August all our remaining pupils from within Huili School Hangzhou and Wellington College International will be on campus for the start of what proves to be a very important and exciting new academic year, with well over 1,350 eager and excited students keen to  be back to normality after the upheavals of the past months. Needless to say that this is the same for school staff as well. 

We all look forward to working with our students from next week and ensuring that they can make the maximum progress possible, be taught in the 'best' possible way and that as the COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease more and more, we have an opportunity to have greater face to face interaction with parents. Whether this be via Parent Information Sessions, Parent Coffee Mornings, Open Days, meetings with Parent Representatives or just simply meeting individual parents within the school setting.

What will our pupils see as they re-enter or indeed join school life here at WCCH? The first thing might be the improvements and ongoing developments to the physical campus and the continuation of projects that were already underway before and then during the long break. Our new Wellington International College Hangzhou (WCIH) school building continues to impressively take shape and is well on schedule for opening next academic year. As enrolment within WCIH continues to rise, this will naturally be a welcome and much needed addition to WCCH in general. 

Our pupils may also notice as they walk towards the sports field the four huge floodlights rising imperiously at each corner of the pitch. It is quite a source of pride that we are the only campus within the Wellington College China group at this time to have such impressive equipment - which will enable us to take part in more evening activities for our own pupils as well as those joining Wellington Academy from this point onwards. 

They may also see the new (and much needed)  shading that is in the process of being erected along our main boulevard - and on top of that, no doubt 101 other improvements (from repainting of various parts of the interior of the school to the opening of new science labs, classrooms and offices) which the school staff have been working on tirelessly over the summer. 

What else will they notice? Perhaps most importantly, new staff. Whilst only a relatively few teachers moved on to other schools, new experiences, or back to their home towns and countries at the end of last term; with increased enrolment and a move towards more specialised teaching as the pupils get older, as well as a clear focus to keep improving the teacher/staff ratios as we mature as a school, we have been delighted to hire a range of additional, experienced, skilled and highly motivated new academic (and non-academic) staff to the school teams. (In our meetings with parents during this past week, some will have been introduced - with parents having the chance to meet them during this time.)

Whilst there are some new staff who are still going through the process of getting into Hangzhou, many have already arrived and it will be a delight to see the influence of  those staff over the rest of this year; such as our Director of Performing Arts, our Head of Dance/Drama, our University Guidance Officer and so many more, including the extra support we have hired for pastoral provision across the school which of course includes English and Chinese Support, Special Educational Needs and more besides.

This coming academic year, for the first time we also have Grade/Year leaders in each area of the school who will be able to impact and communicate with parents on a more regular basis as well as held drive improvements across each grade within the school. In terms of the increased leadership within the schools, we also officially welcome Ms. Laura Perry as the new Head of JH in Huili School Hangzhou and news on her replacement as Deputy Head will be shared very soon. 

And we also welcome Mr. Philip Stainton officially as the Deputy Head Senior in Wellington College International Hangzhou. 

As we approach the start of our new term and new academic year, I am extremely optimistic and full of excitement at the journey we have ahead of us and the prospect of continued improvements in all areas of the school. After all, as I have always said, no school is perfect. We therefore endeavour to recognise the areas in which we can progress and put in the required steps to ensure that the right progress can happen at the right time.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Helena Xin


Huili School Hangzhou

Huili School Hangzhou is stepping into its third academic year. All the staff have been back to the school in advance to prepare for the opening of the school.

To do a good job, one must first sharpen ones tools. During the summer, our non-academic team worked on the disinfection and maintenance of the whole building. A mini library was set up in the Primary building specially for the Primary pupils. A new floor was opened up in the Junior High building for the upper graders. New carpets, cleaner walls, everything in the school is being prepared for the new academic year with a brand new look.  

During these past two weeks, our academic team organised group discussions and group planning on a grade and subject basis. Besides, a series of training regarding such things as safeguarding and first aid were conducted. 

School Activities and Wellington Academy will begin once more in the new academic year. The test of the epidemic made us aware how valuable a normal routine is. In the new academic year, with the courage we gained together through this challenge, I believe the Huili community will have a very successful year.  






杭州惠立学校为2-18岁的学生提供世界一流品质的双语教育。其中,杭州惠立幼儿园引入英国早期基础教育体系、并结合中国教育部《幼儿园教育指导纲要》为2-5岁儿童提供教育服务。小学和初中阶段遵循国家课程标准及浙江省课程要求开展教学,进入高中后将采用IGCSE和A Level课程体系。每一个学段的课程都会为学生提供广泛的国际教育资源。



