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人教版PEP版三年级下册Unit6 How Many(课文朗读+翻译)

点击蓝字关注👉 梅学堂 2021-05-14



Unit Six How many? 第六单元 有多少?(A)

How many birds do you see? 你看见了多少只鸟?
I see 13! 我看见了十三只!
How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蜡笔?
I have 16. 我有十六支。
How many balloons do you have? 你有多少个气球?
I have 11. 我有十一个。

A Let\'s talk A 我们来说一说
Look at the kites! 看那些风筝!
Wow, so beautiful! 哇,真漂亮啊!
How many kites do you see? 你看见了多少只风筝呀?
1, 2 ... I see 12! 一,二……我看见了十二只!
No! The black one is a bird! Oh! 不!黑色的那个是只鸟!哦!

Let\'s learn 我们来学一学
How many fish do you see? 你看见了多少只鱼?
1, 2 ...14, 15. I see fifteen. 一,二……十四,十五。我看见了十五只。
eleven 十一
twelve 十二
thirteen 十三
fourteen 十四
fifteen 十五

Let\'s chant 我们来说唱
Hello, my friend. Please tell me. 你好,我的朋友。请告诉我。
How many cars do you see? 你看见了几辆车?
One, two, three ...I see eleven. 一,二,三……我看见了十一辆。
One, two, three ...I see eleven. 一,二,三……我看见了十一辆。
Hello, my friend. Please tell me. 你好,我的朋友。请告诉我。
How many balls do you see? 你看见了多少个球?
One, two, three ...I see twelve. 一,二,三……我看见了十二个。
One, two, three ...I see twelve. 一,二,三……我看见了十二个。
Hello, my friend. Please tell me. 你好,我的朋友。请告诉我。
How many caps do you see?  你看见了多少顶帽子?
One, two, three ...I see thirteen. 一,二,三……我看见了十三顶。
One, two, three ...I see thirteen. 一,二,三……我看见了十三顶。
Hello, my friend. Please tell me. 你好,我的朋友。请告诉我。
How many kites do you see? 你看见了多少只风筝?
One, two, three ...I see fourteen. 一,二,三……我看见了十四只。
One, two, three ...I see fourteen. 一,二,三……我看见了十四只。
Hello, my friend. Please tell me. 你好,我的朋友。请告诉我。
How many boats do you see?  你看见了多少只船。
One, two, three ...I see fifteen. 一,二,三……我看见了十五只。
One, two, three ...I see fifteen. 一,二,三……我看见了十五只。
Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。
Let\'s spell 我们来拼写
Chant and write. 说唱并写一写。
a e i o u 
My hands have five little figers, 我的手有十根小手指,
My legs have ten little toes, 我的腿有十根小脚趾,
My dog has one cute little face, 我的小狗有一张可爱的小脸,
But my duck has one big nose. 但是我的鸭子有一个大鼻子。
Listen again!
My hands have five little figers, 我的手有十根小手指,
My legs have ten little toes, 我的腿有十根小脚趾,
My dog has one cute little face, 我的小狗有一张可爱的小脸,
But my duck has one big nose. 但是我的鸭子有一个大鼻子。
Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。

Unit Six How many? 第六单元 有多少?(B)

B Let\'s talk B 我们来说一说
Wu Yifan, what\'s this? 吴一凡,这是什么?
My new crayons. 我的新蜡笔。
Wow! How many crayons do you have? 哇!你有多少支蜡笔?
Open it and see! 打开看看!
1, 2 ...16. 一,二……十六。
You have 16 crayons! 你有十六支蜡笔!

Let\'s learn 我们来学一学
How many cars do you have? 你们有多少辆小汽车?
We have twenty. 我们有二十辆。
sixteen 十六
seventeen 十七
eighteen 十八
nineteen 十九
twenty 二十

Let\'s chant 我们来说唱
How many do you have? How many do you see? 你有多少?你看见了多少?
10 and 8 makes 18. Can you count with me? 十加八等于十八。你能和我一起算吗?
How many do you have? How many do you see? 你有多少?你看见了多少?
4 times 5 makes 20. Can you count with me? 四乘以五等于二十。你能和我一起算吗?
Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。

Start to read 开始读一读
Read and match. 读一读并连线搭配。(听力练习)
I see five flowers. 我看见了五朵花。
I see eleven flowers. 我看见了十一朵花。
I see fifteen flowers. 我看见了十五朵花。
I see twenty flowers now. 我看见了二十朵花。
How many flowers do you have? 你有多少朵花?

Let\'s check 我们来检测一下
Listen and tick (√) or cross (×). 听一听并判断对错。(听力练习)
1. How many apples do you have?  你有多少苹果?
I have thirteen. 我有十三个。
How many apples do you have?  你有多少苹果?
I have thirteen. 我有十三个。
2. How many cars do you see? 你看见了多少辆车?
I see fourteen. 我看见了十四辆。
How many cars do you see? 你看见了多少辆车?
I see fourteen. 我看见了十四辆。
3. How many cats do you see? 你看见了多少只猫?
Eleven. 十一只。
How many cats do you see? 你看见了多少只猫?
Eleven. 十一只。
4. How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蜡笔?
Twelve. 十二支。
How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蜡笔?
Twelve. 十二支。

Listen and number. 听一听并标序号。(听力练习)
1. twenty 二十
2. sixteen 十六
3. eighteen 十八
4. seventeen 十七
5. fiften 十五
6. nineteen 十九

Let\'s sing 我们来唱一唱
One, two, three, four, five 一,二,三,四,五
One, two, three, four, five. 一,二,三,四,五。
Once I caught a fish alive. 曾经我抓了一条活鱼。
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 六,七,八,九,十。
Then I let it go again. 然后我把它放走了。
Why did you let it go?  你为什么把它放了?
Cause it bit my finger so. 因为它咬了我的手指。
Which finger did it bite?  它咬了你哪根手指?
This little finger on the right. 右手的小指。
One, two, three, four, five. 一,二,三,四,五。
Once I caught a fish alive. 曾经我抓了一条活鱼。
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 六,七,八,九,十。
Then I let it go again. 然后我把它放走了
Why did you let it go? 你为什么把它放了?
Cause it bit my finger so. 因为它咬了我的手指。
Which finger did it bite? 它咬了你哪根手指?
This little finger on the right. 右手的小指。

Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。

Unit Six How many? 第六单元 有多少?(C)

C Story time C 故事时间
Wow! So many apples! 哇!好多苹果啊!
Let\'s have a race. 我们来比赛吧。
Good idea! 好主意!
1, 2, 3, 4.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 
17, 18, 19, 20. 
Look, I have 17! 看,我有十七个!
How many apples do you have? 你有多少个苹果?
Oh, no! I have only three! 哦,不!我只有三个!
I won! 我赢了!




