
重磅!诺贝尔化学奖得主Jean-Marie Lehn将到访华商!



诺贝尔化学奖得主Jean-Marie Lehn教授





Jean-Marie Lehn(让·马里·莱恩)


  The professor of the University of Louis-Pasteur, Fellow of the French Academy of Sciences and European Studies, Foreign Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary Director of the Lehn Functional Materials Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, and Academician of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences.


  Jean-Marie Lehn教授分别于1960年和1963年获斯特拉斯堡法学理学学士学位及化学博士学位,并开始物理有机化学领域的研究工作。1970年初被提升为路易斯-巴斯德大学副教授,同年10月又成为正教授。于1980年接管了法兰西大学的化学实验室。

 Professor Jean-Marie Lehn was granted the Bachelor of Science and the doctorate in Chemistry from the University of Strasbourg in 1960 and 1963 respectively. And then he began his research in the field of physical organic chemistry. In the early 1970s, he was promoted to associate professor at the University of Louis-Pasteur. In October of the same year, he was also known as the professor. In 1980, he took over the chemical laboratory of the Université de France.

  Jean-Marie Lehn教授是最早从事超分子领域化学研究的化学家之一,第一个提出了“超分子化学”概念,被誉为“超分子化学”之父。1987年,年仅48岁的Lehn教授凭借在此领域的研究工作与D. J. Cram和C. J. Pedersen一起,因“发展了具有高度选择性的结构特异性相互作用的分子”分享了诺贝尔化学奖。随后的20多年里,Lehn教授在全世界倡导“超分子化学”,使超分子化学形成了自己的概念和体系,成为化学的一个重要分支。

  Professor Jean-Marie Lehn was one of the first chemists who worked on the chemical research in the field of supramoleculars. He first proposed the concept of "supramolecular chemistry" and was known as the father of "supramolecular chemistry". In 1987, when he was 48 years old, Professor Lehn won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry because of his work --- "developing molecules with highly selective structure-specific interactions." in this field with D. J. Cram and C. J. Pedersen. Over the next 20 years, Professor Lehn has advocated “supramolecular chemistry” throughout the world, making supramolecular chemistry a concept and system that became an important branch of chemistry. Therefore, Professor Lehn has received many honours, including academicians of the French Academy of Sciences, foreign academicians of the National Academy of Sciences, foreign honorary members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  作为超分子化学的奠基人,Jean-Marie Lehn教授在各类国际权威期刊杂志发表著作790余篇,在超分子化学(穴醚合成)、生物医学、新材料研发等领域有着极深的造诣。Jean-Marie Lehn教授不仅是伟大的科学家,同时也是卓越的教育家。Jean-Marie Lehn教授为中国科学人才的培养和学术交流做出了重大的贡献,于2015年获中国政府“友谊奖”。

 As the founder of supramolecular chemistry, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn has published more than 790 works and articles in various international authoritative academic journals. He has deep knowledge in the fields of supramolecular chemistry (especially the synthesis of cryptand), biomedicine, and new materials research and development.Professor Jean-Marie Lehn is not only a great scientist but also an excellent educator. He has made significant contributions to the talent cultivation and academic communication in the field of Chinese science. In 2015, he won the "Friendship Award" from the Chinese government.


1.Adaptation to Shape Switching by Component Selection in a Constitutional Dynamic System. Se´bastien Ulrich and Jean-Marie Lehn*. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 5546–5559

2.Structural and Functional Evolution of a Library of Constitutional Dynamic Polymers Driven by Alkali Metal Ion Recognition. Shunsuke Fujii and Jean-Marie Lehn*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7635 –7638

3.Supramolecular Polymers with Controlled Geometries at the Liquid–Solid Interface. Artur Ciesielski, Ga_l Schaeffer, Anne Petitjean, Jean-Marie Lehn,* and Paolo Samor. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2039 –2043

4.Constitutional Adaptation of Dynamic Polymers: Hydrophobically Driven Sequence Selection in Dynamic Covalent Polyacylhydrazones. J. Frantz Folmer-Andersen andJean-Marie Lehn*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7664 –7667

5.From supramolecular chemistry towards constitutional dynamic chemistry and adaptive chemistry. Jean-Marie Lehn*. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2007, 36, 151–160

6.Addressing metal centres in supramolecular assemblies Mario Ruben, Jean-Marie Lehn* and Paul Muller. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2006, 35, 1056–1067

7.Toward Self-Organization and Complex Matter. Jean-Marie Lehn*. Science 2002, 295, 2400

8.Toward complex matter: Supramolecular chemistry and self-organization. Jean-Marie Lehn*. PNAS 2002, 4763–4768

9.Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry.Jean-Marie Lehn * and Alexey V. Eliseev. Science 2001, 2331-2332

Jean-Marie Lehn教授本次的讲座








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