12月晨读-Day 3 “她已经有男朋友了”
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
喝酒唠嗑之前先把正事给谈了 You know what they say, business before pleasure.这句话可以提炼一个实用句型,「you know what they say, xxx before xxx」.比如你某个哥们总是要陪女朋友, 经常游戏玩到一半挂机坑队友, 这时候你可以调侃他,you know what they say, bros before hoes, 你要是再这样重色轻友,就要失去我们这些兄弟了, 哼。bros before hoes 是个很好玩的表达,详见看最新《瑞克和莫蒂》学地道口语
stuffed-shirt 是指那些刻板保守又自以为是、妄自尊大的装逼艺术爱好者。说到这个词,Eric还拓展了两个很有画面感的搞笑的表达,画面感实在太强,差点把我笑喷。Some peope think their shit don't stink, 有些人还真以为自己的粑粑比别人的香呢;have a stick up one's ass,假端庄。 two-timer 脚踏两只船的渣男 。去掉 r , two-time 可以直接做动词, 表示出轨,不忠。渣男Rob与服务员偷腥,Beth Ann 开始还天真以为自己婚姻美满幸福,这时候应该给她来句灵魂拷问, are you sure he's not two-timing you ?
意中人 Mr. Right / Miss Right 你的理想的型是什么样的,what is a good catch ?上得了厅堂,下得了厨房,开得起好车,买得起新房,守得了寂寞,创得了辉煌?好难....a good catch 可用来指代般配的人,合适的对象,比如你想说这两个人真般配,就可以说 Her boyfriend is much of a catch.
她名花有主了 She's already spoken for. / She's taken.经常听见有人感叹,找对象好难啊,那些中意的女孩子要么早早结婚了,要么已经有男朋友了,they are married or all be spoken for. 欸
这个表达写成 fight like cat and dog 也是对的. if two people fight like cat and dog, they argue a lot because they disagree or dislike each other. 比如你经常在工作中和某个同事意见相左, 两人关系很不好, I didn't get on well with him at work, we fought like cat and dog.