
12月晨读-Day 7 “渣男、渣女”用英文可以怎么说?

快乐的月亮邮递员 枫林悦读 2021-02-10


请问这首歌名中的 water under the bridge 是什么意思?


你又能想起哪些和 bridge 有关的用法?

Lesson 15

1··· are to die for  好吃到哭This cake is out of this world 简直就是人间美味,where did you get this?

2 hit the spot 正和我意,正是我需要

I love learning English, so Eric's morning reading lessons really hit the spot. 有时候 hit the spot这个词组也可以用「right up one's alley 正和味口,为某人所喜爱」进行同义替换

复习:之前我们还学过一个用法 just the ticket for 还记得是什么意思吗?

3 sth is not in the cards不太可能发生的事

Success just wasn't in the cards for her=She wasn't meant /supposed to succeed.

put/lay your cards on the table 摊牌,和盘托出I thought it was time I laid my cards on the tables, so I told him that I had no intention of marrying him.我并不打算嫁给他。还记不记得之前还学过另一个词组“坦白”用英文怎么说?come clean.

have a card up your sleeve 杀手锏,留有一招

hold your cards close to your chest 对计划守口如瓶,对打算秘而不宣

trump card 王牌,撒手锏,绝妙高招

4 get our hands on sth获取某些比较难弄到手的事物

I can't put my finger on sth 我真不明白

Things got out of hand.失控

You are in good hands.有我在,放心吧

sb's hands are tied 束手束脚

live (from) hand to mouth 仅够糊口,勉强度日can't make ends meet

hand in glove 密谋勾当
5 strong suit拿手好戏,为某人所长

吃东西是我的专长,但你要让我做东西,这就为难我了I’m sorry, cooking really isn't my strong suit / my thing.

6 cheap shot 揶揄挖苦,尖酸刻薄的话
That was a cheap shot !

7 all ··· aside先不谈···事了,言归正传

比如 all kidding aside 玩笑归玩笑, 此外还可以说 all joke aside/all money aside 等等

8 I smell a rat   sth smells fishy here   what's the catch

rat 在英文中有小人的意思,出卖某人可以用rat on sb/ rat sb out。除此之外,我们学过 dog-tired,pig out, horse around, let the cat out of the bag,英文中有很多和动物有关的短语表达, 平时的学习中可以多加留意。英文中有哪些和「猪」相关的文化梗?

9 I can see the writing on the wall.我有种不祥的预感

writing on the wall 指的是 an omen of bad luck .俗话说"左眼跳财,右眼跳灾",当我们有不好的预感的时候就可以说 I can see the writing on the wall.

Lesson 16
1 tough cookie意志坚定的人

tough cookie 指的是那些 strong-minded,软硬不吃,非常难搞的人,或者不为他人所动感情上不易受到伤害的人。类似的,smart cookie可以指代那些聪明的人。

She really  is a tough cookie 她真是个铁娘子。此外,"女汉子"是不是就可以说成 She is a tough girl/tough cookie.

2 bread and butter 谋生之道,某个人或者公司的主要收入来源; 也有以引申为"最基本、最重要"的意思

如果写作是你当前的谋生之道就可以说 Writing is your bread and butter at this moment.

3 I am watching my waistline要保持身材

正在减肥 I am on a diet,还可以说 I am watching my weight. 

很多女明星为了保持苗条身材,在各种诱人美食面前都不为所动, food is fattening, so they'll just have a bite of each. 要是换做我就不一样了, 唯爱与美食不可辜负也, I’d like to have one of each, 有什么好吃的通通都给我来一份。所以这也是为什么会每逢佳节胖三斤, I've been putting on a few pound over the years.


答案:图一 love handle(s) 腰间赘肉            图二 muffin top  肚腩赘肉

4 not on the dating scene一种不太想谈恋爱的状态

Sam strung Emily along for five years, and he had never meant to get hitched.Emily realized that they would never get married, so she just broke up with him. Now she is not quite on the dating scene.

string sb along 可以用来形容感情里吊着对方, 却并不真心打算结婚,欺骗感情的“渣男”行为。

那么"感情空窗期"又可以怎么说呢?She is between relationships.

“渣男”可以用哪些词表达?本月晨读中我们学过 two-timer, 其实用来形容渣的词有很多, 毕竟要看怎么个渣法。

这些词offensive程度上从轻到重可以这样排序 douchebag(douche)、scumbag(scum)、trash(garbage)、bastard、asshole, 此外风流成性的渣男还可以借鉴 womanizer、player、two-timer 这几个表达。

对应的“渣女”除了上述可以共同形容渣品行的词之外, 另外一个最直白的就是 bitch 了, 此外也可以用 whore、slut 这样更为攻击性的词。但千万注意了, 这些 F-word 慎用,天天挂嘴边容易挨揍。 

除了"渣男、渣女"的英文,大家还知道“佛系青年”怎么说吗?“佛系青年”的英文怎么说?大家有其他好玩的说法也欢迎在后台补充2019年就要过去,年度热词榜也就快要揭晓,让我们来先回顾一下过去一年的热词用英文都怎么说吧 锦鲤、杠精、官宣、巨婴......这些2018年十大流行语如何用英语表达?

5 stuff one's face  with/at sth狂吃到撑为止

形容一种overeat的状态, 把脸埋进食物里去, 是不是很形象,特别是去吃海鲜自助餐的时候 we stuff ed our face  with lobsters.

某日,你和朋友去一家超级好吃的饺子店,结果你觉得这家的炒米饭不错,连一个饺子都没碰, 朋友看不下去了, 明明是带你来吃饺子的 Don't  fill up on rice, save the room for the dumplings 咋净顾着吃米饭呢, 饺子倒是尝一个啊

6 water under the bridge过去就让它过去吧

Adele有一首歌就叫做 Water Under the BridgeDon't worry about it-it's all in the past now.Don't dwell on the past, let bygones be by bygones, you need to move on.就让往事随风去, 人要向前看。

Lesson 17

1 sb dropped off the face of the earth某个人失联了很久

可以用来形容某个失联很久的朋友, 朋友圈里多年没有各种动态, 也从不主动打电话给你, 就像是人间蒸发了一样

2 last-minute business trip 临时出差

当有人大中午12:30突然打电话给你, "Would you like to come over for lunch?", 像这种last-minute invitation 我是拒绝的, 太没有诚心了。之前我们还学过一个意思相近的词组, 大家记不记得 at the eleventh hour?

3 on the spur of the moment 一时冲动,心血来潮

去年的这个时候在朋友圈看到了2019年的现象级英语会员招募, 而11月又刚剁手,处于couldn't even make ends meet,但还是signed up for the Phenomenon English on the spur of the moment, 结果......当然是超值啦!今年还有一趟末班车, 想加入我们的话就快戳链接吧 2020年现象级英语社群会员招募

4 get one's wires crossed 有误会

They gotten their wires crossed and split up last year. 这两人因为一场误会分道扬镳

Bonus Time

再给大家分享一个关于“吃瓜”的表达, pass the popcorn, spill the tea 或者 sipping the tea 都可以表示搬好小板凳围观“吃瓜”的意思。

